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Story behind your username?


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While some of us have pretty unimaginative usernames (like Robert, Richard and your's truely!), and others have fairly transparent usernames (like Veganpotter), I'm curious about how some of you chose your names, and what they mean. 9nines. AllIveEverTouched (sorry about errors in punctuation!). Bigbwii. Crash. And all of the 'not-transparent' names.


Tell me your story!

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Mine is a mythical creature. I love the ocean, especially near the shore line and even more so during a storm. I could not imagine life not living by the sea, it brings me peace.


Also known as 'Sea Sirens', the personality and appearance is most commonly known to be that of a seductive temptress. Her beauty has been said to reflect the wondrous treasures and power of the sea itself. Half-woman and half-dolphin or fish depiction's today are more common than the early sixteenth century part woman, dolphin and lion. The fish tail was thought to be shed when needed to make the mermaid more attractive to men. Medieval engravings have shown the mermaid to carry a small hand-mirror, which is the attribute of the prostitute. The sound of the mermaid singing was once thought to be a reason for sailors meeting disaster, as the haunting lilting voice was said to be heard coming from the waves forecasting bad weather. Mixed omens surround the stories of their sudden appearance being feared but also known to have saved the lives of sailors who had fallen overboard. Women saw them as enemies, as they were often thought to seek out men as partners, getting married, turning their partners into 'mermen'. Rejecting the approach of a mermaid was thought to bring severe misfortune to the man, and if she was injured a period of misfortune would meet a crew or coastline. Yet despite all this, the mermaid is currently viewed as a gentle creature kind in nature
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I think everyone know ned flanders. Some years ago my friends started calling me flanders because of my normal lifestyle.

Whereever I register in the www I am neddy or flanders.


Thats wierd. For some reason, everytime I see your username, the song "Everybody Hates Ned Flanders" always seems to pop into my head. Little did I know that there was an actual connection. Here's a copy of the song from YouTube. The images have nothing to do with the song though. I like the part where Ned actually sings along with it.




I chose TofuPUNK as a username because I eat tofu and listen to punk music. Lame, I know but I had to come up with something as VeganPotter was already chosen.

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I like this thread!


Please, everyone share. I'm also very interested in some of the unique names.


There's a long story behind my name. My website guy created the forum and registered me as the first member of the NEW forum. So I got stuck with it!


I only use Keegan, Vegan Bodybuilder, and Bodybuilder on other forums.


Keegan The Vegan was a nickname my good friend Ross Duncan gave me back in 1998 when I was a senior in high school. So I use it and still hang out with Ross, he just got married during Vegan Vacation (that is why I took off for a few hours during the day, to attend his wedding).


Anyway, everyone please respond, I want to learn about your screen name too!

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BIGBWII!!! is Jamiacan slang for bigboy...it stems from me being a skinny Fruitarian waiting for the big "automatic" rebuilding process to begin....alas it never happened so I made a vow to get up off my butt and workout so I could be a BIGBWII again!!!!


And so was born...BIGBWII DA FRUITARIAN ONE!!!!

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BIGBWII!!! is Jamiacan slang for bigboy...it stems from me being a skinny Fruitarian waiting for the big "automatic" rebuilding process to begin....alas it never happened so I made a vow to get up off my butt and workout so I could be a BIGBWII again!!!!


And so was born...BIGBWII DA FRUITARIAN ONE!!!!


I love it! I listen to raggae all day long at work (along with other tropic vacation music) I even have Raggae Christmas! I should have picked up on it early but, now I can "hear" the accent when I read your name.

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Formica Linoleum is a character from the Lunachicks song, "Brickface and Stucco". The first board I ever joined was a Lunachicks fan board, so the user name made some sense and was recognized by the other members. When I started to join other boards I just kept using the same name so that I would never have trouble remembering what my username was on various boards, and it has stuck around since then.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got given the nickname as a kid usually when I did something embarassing, everyone would shout benny boy! (kind of rising in pitch at the end)


...so when I needed a name on the internet it was natural to use that. Strangely although no one ever used to use it in real life much once I left school, a lot of people over the past few years who first "met" me online have started calling me 'benny'.

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I chose TofuPUNK as a username because I eat tofu and listen to punk music. Lame, I know but I had to come up with something as VeganPotter was already chosen.


Might you be a potter tofuPUNK

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Great thread. Nice to know that some of these names have cool meanings behind them.


My given name is Finbarr after St. Finbarr, patron saint of Cork City, Co. Cork, Ireland, where my dad grew up. I think it literally means fair-haired, which is appropriate since I was born a blonde. The "io" at the end was added in college - our soccer coach had a very Italian name (Giovanni Delstritto), so those of us who didn't have Italian names made our given names Italian - and I became Finbarrio Maguirini.

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