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Everything posted by Jessifly

  1. There is a tie: It is between the earliest (July 20th - 26th) and the latest (August 17th - 23rd), however there seems to be more comments in favor of the earlier dates so that is what I am leaning towards announcing as official. Any final votes?
  2. My coworker just brought some fortune cookies to work to share. (They actually were vegan - at least vegan by accident) Anyway, my fortune read "It is easier to fight for your principles than it is to live up to them". While I don't really see that statement as a "fortune" I felt like sharing it here. To go further into this quote I think it is assumed that living up to principles is more effective than fighting for principles. What it comes down to is, similar to what Robert said, the best thing we can do is to live up to our own personal principles and be the best positive role models of those principles we can. Let's spend our precious time focusing on that type of action and not the less effective and more negative and damaging "fighting".
  3. Jessifly


    Hi Christoph! Welcome! You should come up to Portland this summer with Michelle and Odidnetne for Vegan Vacation 08! Glad to have you on the forum!
  4. Jessifly

    Hi !

    Hi luvegan! Welcome!
  5. Jessifly

    Hi :)

    Hi anastasia! Welcome!
  6. Hi Glenn! Welcome and happy holidays to you as well!
  7. I'm just bumping this up to remind everyone wanting to attend VV08 to please vote! (Especially everyone who has already expressed their interest.. we need your input!) this means you: 1. Jessifly 2. veganpotter 3. lotus 4. loveliberate 5. Zack 6. xveganjoshx 7. dreamingana 8. DV 9. xdarthveganx 10. robert 11. davidtarrfoster 12. mishe 13. Daywalker 14. oregonisaac 15. Odidnetne 16. Michelle 17. Rebbecca 18. Tasha 19. Ravi 20. tofutod 21. hsorlando 22. beforewisdom 23. pamela 24. sydneyvegan 25. Harley (I still need to vote as well)
  8. I believe there is a good word already... compassionate. I don't see how that can be an inappropriate word for this purpose... If you are compassionate towards animals you would do your best to not use/consume/participate in any product or action that wold cause harm to animals. If you were compassionate towards the earth you would do your best not to use/consume/participate in any product or action that would cause harm to the earth. Same for humans, same for everything. If you were overall compassionate, you would do your best to adhere to these principles. I italicized "Do your best" because I think that is important if taken seriously as what it literally means. Some would argue you can always do better, but in that case I would say doing your best is realizing that and further striving. Another word for this is Ahimsa. Ahimsa most easily defined means dynamic harmlessness. It has been the main philosophy of mine forever, before I even knew such a word existed.. just some thoughts...
  9. I also use coconut oil for chapped lips... I have found absolutely nothing that works better. I have very tiny little travel container with a tight fitting lid that I keep it in and that works well for me.
  10. I'll go loveliberate! edit: But unfortunately I can't work it around my other commitments this month
  11. Robert is fun to roadtrip with! I am sitting with him and Tasha right now on the forum too
  12. I would LOVE to join along with anyone interested in carpooling!!
  13. DV, I've been looking for a recipe like this, are you able to post this recipe??
  14. In general the dates are open to flexibility. For the purpose of this survey I chose calendar weeks because, at least with my employer and likely most employers, selecting a vacation week runs a calendar week Sunday to Saturday. However, many people will choose to join in on VV before or after the chosen dates as well. After the base week is chosen we can work the itinerary around that. ....perhaps I should have had a previous poll to chose the dates to put in this poll... hehehe
  15. Yay, more pics have surfaced! Thanks for posting them! Wow.. your camera has red-eye issues............ or maybe it captures the truth........... Nah!!!
  16. For updated information please see viewtopic.php?t=13032
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