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Everything posted by djshrew

  1. That move to Florida is looking better and better I'm upping my D2 intake right now! and I am scheduling my blood test to see where I stand.
  2. hmmm...my goals, I would like to cut the bf (I know I should increase protein and cut the carbs a bit) run a 5k (starting small, I'm not a fan of running but I think it will help me get the body I want) Also the same thing sydneyvegan said: to injury proof myself, I'm tired of Physical Therapy cutting into my work-outs, it makes me feel lazy! other goals: maybe get a trainer to which these goals, and to get my best friend in the gym! she's agreed to join a gym so we can work out together, should make things more fun! off topic: xphilx, in your avatar are you wearing an On Broken Wings hoodie?
  3. St.Pete area...finals are here! (i know most would not be happy for this, but I am)
  4. well my husband does want to move to Florida
  5. 50-60 would even be nice, It's about 30 as the high here today. I just want the sunshine my happy thought... Finals will be done with tomorrow! and I will be in Florida by the weekend, I could use the break! (haven't had a homework break since last Christmas!)
  6. I plan on going to get my levels checked (as well as B-12 level) I was wondering if you and your husband take 1 supplement with 1,000 or if you take two supplements a day? after reading this thread I went out and bought just a D2 supplement (before this I was taking just a multi-vitamin) The supplement I got has 400 I.U, just worried that maybe I should be taking 2 a day instead of the recommended 1. ( I know I won't know for sure until I get the test done, just wondering how many you both take.)
  7. Man, I wish i could have been going down to St.Pete this week instead of next week..oh well. So is it nice and warm? I can't wait!!
  8. I've made an appointment for next week before I leave for Florida. Hope it goes well.
  9. Thanks for the advice, I know I shouldn't wait, I think part of me is waiting because I know i will have to go to PT and I just got done with PT for the second time. I swear the people there will be like family when I'm done I promise i'll call to make an appt. I talked to my primary doc. already but they didn't seem too concerned (go figure)
  10. Alright..the shoulder thing is getting to be unbearable! It hurts so badly at night that I have a hard time getting to sleep! I figure when I get back from Idaho in Jan. I will make an appointment to get an MRI and see what the hell is making it hurt. All the gains I made in my arms are going to hell I haven't really worked out in a month (the shoulder issue combined with the stomach flu does not make for good working out) now I am ready to do something (I feel like crap not working out!) I have been thinking about starting to run, I don't love to run but I know that it may help to get my fat loss over the edge and to maybe uncover the awesomeness that lies beneath...maybe now's the perfect time to focus on getting killer abs and legs since my upper body shows progress faster anyway. Any thoughts on my plan would be great.
  11. I've done both, I really liked Krav Maga it was a great workout and empowering.
  12. This sounds SO good, I love chocolate and I have a strange addiction to ginger (it makes my mouth water just thinking about it...)
  13. If only I had a pool, I quit the gym I used to go to (for money reasons) now I use whatever my school has. I may be able to use the indoor pool, but they seem to always have practice or classes in there. I am going to Florida for the holidays ( pools are everywhere there, lol) Thanks for the advice
  14. I am a giant slacker! I have been dancing like crazy (just about everyday, I had 3 performances this weekend)... something is seriously messed up with my shoulder, I have been trying to rest it (aside from the dancing) If it is not better when I get back from Idaho in Jan. I'm going to have to get it looked at. In the meantime... I did get the stomach flu and lost a few pounds (which I guess helped out w/ all the eating I did on Thanksgiving,lol!) I'm still trying to stay active without irritating the shoulder, any thoughts would be great.
  15. Is that your wife in the photos? I have a friend(s) (twins) that look JUST like her!! maybe they're triplets and they don't know it the resemblance is unbelievable!
  16. I missed this since I'm in NC for the weekend. Thanks for posting
  17. as I type this I am reliving the '90's with Seven Mary Three's Cubersome. I am listening to a 90's channel I have on my TV while I type up Notes for class
  18. Not really mainstream (molly shannon was in it though) but Year of The Dog, the whole movie is about her going vegan.
  19. awesome stuff! I dig that song, you have some fast feet you'll have to remind me were there are classes in the district, I've got to try it! maybe we can make it a meet-up
  20. Thanks guys I have to agree Bodybags is yummy in that photo!
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