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Everything posted by djshrew

  1. Yea, i'd be Ok looking like that! her abs are insanely awesome!
  2. I am happy because my nephew was born yesterday and is healthy and happy (as are the parents)
  3. What a great website! it is such an inspiration to read these stories. I'm not looking to have kids anytime soon, but I want to be armed with all the information (so that i know it Before it happens and so I can make anyone in my family shut up when they question me about it!)
  4. work-outs look great! I'm surprised you can move your legs in your Krav class I took a Krav class once, a lot of fun but really intense!
  5. I know when My husband and I have children we will raise them vegan, but I do feel like they can make their own decisions about what they eat once they are old enough (just as I did) But I do hope that I will have instilled them with enough compassion to not eat meat.
  6. too bad What is the best month to visit? We were thinking December
  7. does Viva cupcakes have an actual storefront? My husband and I are planning to visit Australia late next year (for my graduation, it's been a dream of mine since I was little) and I really want some of those cupcakes! yummy!
  8. This is actually how I hurt my shoulder...so no more for me not for a while anyway
  9. went to the doctor today about my shoulder, Just need to rest it and things should get better. I'll be doing legs and cardio for a while it seems (this will give me a chance to get my legs caught up with my upper body, maybe )
  10. http://www.mooshoes.com/products.cgi?rm=list&name=&category_id=4283&manufacturer_id=&view_all=1 or ragazzivegan.com under comfort casual (they get dressy the more pages you go)
  11. My shoulder has been swollen for about a month now ( I tried to take it easy, but everything I do seems to irritate it) maybe it's time to find out what's going on with it before I keep on with it. All legs, abs and cardio I guess...
  12. Thanks for all of the tips, I ended up singing a NOFX song, Franco-UnAmerican. It's pretty short and I already knoew all the words (since we had to memorize them also) I have to read a fairy tale on Thursday based on the lyrics, should be funny.
  13. Thanks for all of the tips, I ended up singing a NOFX song, Franco-UnAmerican. It's pretty short and I already knoew all the words (since we had to memorize them also) I have to read a fairy tale on Thursday based on the lyrics, should be funny.
  14. http://i37.tinypic.com/260x551.jpg http://i37.tinypic.com/212s3k7.jpg http://i38.tinypic.com/2q1uj4g.jpg http://i34.tinypic.com/wguqhe.jpg Here are a few dance photos (although I was mostly goofing off before and after class)
  15. Congrats to everyone! I was thinking we could combine everyone's body and create a super vegan! everyone looks great and is a true inspiration!
  16. welcome from someone also from the DC area!
  17. I cannot believe how I ate this weekend! (We had friends in town and took them to all the good spots) I felt so bloated I thought I had an alien that was going to crawl out of my stomach! Didn't go to the gym this morning (I messed my shoulder up on Thursday, heard it pop even, I want to give it one more day of rest. When our guests leave i'll get back into the gym
  18. I asked a friend to get some action shots in the dance studio, I should be able to get them up next week.
  19. most sundays are ok, but I might have OA chapter meetings (some sundays)
  20. http://store.nexternal.com/shared/StoreFront/default.asp?CS=vegane&StoreType=BtoC&Count1=241787135&Count2=158927559&CategoryID=3&Target=products.asp They have a size 13 (and you can pick up a VBBF shirt while your at it )
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