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Everything posted by bodybag

  1. Thursday 11/27 Full Squat 1sx5rx220lbs DB Bench Press 1sx5rx65lbs T-Bar Row 3sx5rx120lbs I'll record any other stuff I do below the line later ______________________________________________________________________________
  2. I haven't been checking my blood glucose level as often as I should. I'll check it before and after my next meal and fasting tomorrow morning. I'll email my nutritionist on Monday after the holiday weekend. She works at a diabetes center at a hospital. She replies to messages promptly. I just put a pot of brown rice on the stove. I figured it must be one of those two issues. Thanks!
  3. For about the past 2-3 weeks I've felt fatigued and have been taking naps in the afternoon 2-3 times a week. Over the past week I've felt fatigued everyday. I don't have the energy to workout. The only change in my diet is that I stopped eating whole wheat pasta and brown rice appoximately 4 weeks ago because I got tired of the taste. In general I don't like the taste of grains. Do I need to eat whole grains to survive? That was a serious question. Daily Diet: tofu soy milk green lentils split green peas peanuts flax seed meal wheat germ olive oil canola oil bananas oranges collard greens I haven't been keeping a food log lately so I'm not sure how many calories a day I consume. I eat small meals every 2-3 hours. I'm on a budget so I can't afford variety. Any help would be appretiated.
  4. I have a copy of the book and didn't realize that.
  5. No one else has mentioned football! This is all about football. X-mas is about basketball!
  6. I couldn't believe that shit. That arsehole killed the female agent he was working with, then he called Gretchen on his cellphone asking if she knew anyone willing to buy Cilla. Off topic: Gretchen is evil but totally HOT!
  7. Crystal used to be a man with short hair. Now he's a woman with a ponytail.
  8. I knew you were a girl from day one. There wasn't any confusion.
  9. I'll PM you tomorrow. I don't disclose that information in public. I'm getting ready for bed.
  10. Lets try this one more time. I do live in Philly. My avatar is a photo of rapper Snoop Dog. Snoop Dog is from Long Beach, CA. Got it?
  11. Dude, you gotta watch Prison Break. I never know what's going to happen next on that show.
  12. I don't know how to take this... do I come across really aggressive in my posts? maybe I do... hey, what can I say... I"m passionate about what I believe in. Robert has met me in person a couple of times... he would be the first to tell you that in person I am very playful and lighthearted... I was just clownin' dawg. Translation: I was poking fun at you veggieprincess. You're obviously three times smaller than the average offensive lineman who needs to keep the weight on so they don't get cut from their team. No, you don't come off as aggressive in your post. You are an inspiration and have a figure to be proud.
  13. VJ, why do you sit around and think about this stuff? Don't you have any hobbies to occupy your time?
  14. Almost $1/lb is a rip off. I bought most of my BB/DB plates for 40-something cents/lb, although I bought them a while ago. I have HEX DB ranging from 25 to 55lbs I'm want to sell for 20 cents/lb.
  15. Welcome! Nice to see another "old head" join the forum. We're taking over you youngins.
  16. I thought potatoes were your favorite food.
  17. Welcome Casper! Are you a friendly ghost? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casper_the_Friendly_Ghost
  18. I can tell by a persons writing style whether or not they are male or female if I've read enough of their posts. I'm right 99% of the time. veggieprincess used to be a hairy 330lb offensive linemen at the University of Nebraska before the operations and vegan diet weight loss and exercise program.
  19. Why are some members of this forum always hatin' on raw food diets? You guys make it sound like all raw foodist are flaky weirdos.
  20. No, I've always found her a little goofy looking, and she certainly can't sing. I think she's gotten prettier as she's gotten older, and when she's really in shape she has an admirable body, but she's still nothing special. I'm really a voice guy, though. I've always thought she was hot until fame drove her crazy.
  21. I'm Snoop Dog! I'm a pop music icon. No, seriously, I'm a hermaphrodite. Ok, I'm a grown ass man. I changed my name from veganmomma because I got tired of people asking me, "Are you a guy or a girl" and explaining where I got the name from. For the last time a woman on another forum started referring to me as momma in her posts. I have no idea why. fallen_horse is a guy. I didn't know blabbate was a guy until he told me last week.
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