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Everything posted by Phoenix

  1. Daywalker who??? Congrats to the MODS
  2. How do I intend to put weight on?? Oh, I'm going to get Alex to show me how We're ironing out a routine. But basically I'm going to try and walk a fine line between increasing muscle mass through the w/o and ingesting extra protein and upping my carbs throughout the day but not into the evening. I'm going to really watch my weight and body measurements and make adjustments accordingly. In the end I may have to bulk up and then burn off. My metabolism has really slowed so I shouldn't find it a problem to put on the weight I just don't want it piling onto my midsection. It may be something as easy as upping the reps and lowering the weight to burn more. I understand that there are many ways to adjust one's weight and I'm surrounded by experts here.
  3. on the THOUSAND pushups Nicely done!!!
  4. ...... I was looking here for some tips and secrets and all I got was you breaking a copyright restriction
  5. Jan 23/06 Weight: 167lbs @ 5'11 Reduce bodyfat from double digit to single digit while increasing muscle mass and looking to top out at 185lbs or so. Potential bummers: rotatator cuffs Working one muscle group per day, 5 days on, 2 off Doing 6-9 heavy sets per muscle group with 4-6 reps per set. Weight (lbs) can be lifted/pushed/pulled 4X but no more than 6X Monday Ja23/06 Squats: 15X50, 10X100, 8X150, 5X190, 4X190, 3X190, 5X190 Stiff legged dead lift: 10X100, 5X150, 5X150, 5X150 1 Legged standing calf raise: 5X100, 5X100, 5X1000, 5X100 51 minutes to complete. Felt good, intensive and focused.
  6. Good luck to you SeaSiren.....and I hope I never have to arm wrestle you for anything....
  7. Nicely done flanders77!!! Strong indeed I like the XCEL worksheet and graph. I'm going to use that as well. It's a great way to really see the progression. Keep it up.....
  8. I'm jumping in today as well. I'm starting with a routine I found while surfing "over35" BB boards. I have to lift a little more intelligently these days as my body is not as forgiving as it used to be. THe routine is called MAX OT very close to the 5X5 routine I think. One body part per day, 5 days in a row. 2-3 exercise per body part, 2-4 sets with 4-6 reps. I like it because it allows me to concentrate on one body part at once.
  9. They're also closely tied to the spiritual world in many north american indigenous cultures. They are able to move betwenn our plane of existence and the afterlife. Very powerful indeed and highly revered.
  10. Thanks my FINE FEATHERED FRIEND..... My jaws are watering
  11. Wow!! SeaSiren you are one strong woman I was just looking at some of the journals to see where everyone was and damn, you've got some strong arms Nicely done....
  12. I still get a slight craving for it but only chicken. it's more the texture than anything else. But that is quickly extinguished when I think about the pain and suffering caused for the frozen flesh so brightly packaged.... Oh christ, I'm experiencing severe guilt again Uhh.....thanks Attila.....
  13. Hey don't beat yourself up lelle. At least you're getting back into it. and look at the bright side of things ...your 60 pushups puts you in 2nd place I think. Look at personal best under push ups.....
  14. Hey Raven, i'm a bit of a newbie to veg lifestyle. How does one make a green smoothie??? thanks.
  15. Enjoy y'all, We should all be very thankful. We tend to take our health for granted.
  16. Like you willpeavy, this grey hound likes an itty bitty wabbit to chase. Except in this case it's a monster by the name of Bigbwii Bunny
  17. Nice...... It was a beautiful sunny day up here so I shovelled snow and carried more wood into the house....... I start my routine with squats tomorrow
  18. Ok, I'll say it publically, Bigbwii you are indeed a very bad man I was good for 47. And I've got some catching up to do as well. Nice work BB I'll call on you in 6 months time
  19. True, but for a flu with a 30%-50% mortality rate and has yet to pass from person to person it has the potential to stop being a joke very very quickly. From what I hear, there's no need to worry about us common folk lining the pockets of the drug companies because they'll never be able to make enough anyway. Hell, tamiflu hasn't even been clinically proven to be able to fight it. Funny, starting to recall some of what I read in the book "Animal Farm" during my high school years
  20. Just like mad cow disease and the avain flu....
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