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Everything posted by _raVen_

  1. What a great way to be active! That's wonderful. Sounds like you're pretty gutsy to do that -- kudos! Let us know how it goes I'd love to see the reactions of the hunting folks. How obnoxious to have to be around them.
  2. So no one has any specific agreements or disagreements with the authors? ;D If your read the first link, I would appreciate some translation or opinions on a few points that I am unclear. As well, I have some questions. Thanks to anyone who can answer! "For years, most bodybuilders have made the mistake of "bulking up" - gaining size by adding fatty tissue, intending to reduce just prior to a contest; but no amount of fatty tissue will increase muscular size - and it won't win a contest, either, If training is properly conducted, almost all additions of size will be in the form of muscular tissue, and there will be little if any need to "cut down" just before a contest." Agree or disagree? Also, he's implying ( I think ) that this "bulking" is just fat that is not going to serve the person well. Agree or disagree? I see a lot of people who think "big" is good, and they think the bigger they are getting the better; but they just look fat to me I just assumed they were going for strenght and that for some reason, they were strong even with all that fat; but this whole article seems to be saying extra fat does not = strength or muscle formation for bb'ing... "Apart from physique competition, there is little if any advantage to trying to maintain an extreme degree of muscular definition - but it is just as certain that more than an actual very small amount of unrequired fat will always be a disadvantage; Paul Anderson is certainly strong, but he is just as certainly too fat - he would perform better with less fat, whether he is aware of it or not. You car may run well with the trunk full of sand - but it will run better without the sand." -----Also... "By and large, most weightlifters come much closer to training properly than most bodybuilders do; but on the whole, very few trainees - bodybuilders, Olympic lifters, or power lifters - train properly. Primarily, I think, because they simply don't understand the actual factors involved - basing their opinions on hearsay or common belief rather than upon facts; and ...the very fact that apparently good results are produced in at least "some" cases is merely proof of the productivity of systematic weight-training... - rather than proof that the training was "right." Would someone explain this to me? Specifically, the bolded print. "In practice, most bodybuilders quickly fall into a pattern of training where the "amount" of their training uses up all of their recovery ability - and growth thus becomes impossible,. Secondly, they seldom train "hard enough" to stimulate over-compensation - so little or no growth would occur even if their system was capable of over-compensation." My question: What is "hard enough"?!!!! How to determine this for me? "In a set of ten repetitions leading to a point of failure during the tenth repetition, the first seven or eight repetitions are simply "preparation' - they do little or nothing to stimulate growth: but they do use up part of the recovery ability that makes growth possible. Thus - if the last two or three repetitions are not performed - then the set was wasted; worse than that, it actually did some harm to your progress - because while it did nothing to stimulate growth, it did exhaust part of your recovery ability." What I am gleaning from him is "Less=More" but here he says one set of 10 -- isn't this too much? Or is he just saying the last 2 or 3 lifts in a set are the most important, and the "10" is just an example? I find that I often feel I've done too many too stimulate growth; and at the same time, if I do less, as he says by not doing those last few, then I'm done nothing to stimulate growth... I am confused about how to know how many to do for my muscles to grow And, since he says weightlifters and bodybuilders should be doing the same, basically; I assume I would benefit both in strength and looks from doing this ... Right? Also, I want to work my arms for looks; but I realize that for my main goal -- which is to have a strong skeleton for health -- I want strength to build bones. So if I want both strength and muscle...any advice? (specific)
  3. When you have time to read, I would like opinions on the following two links. The first is an old one, but good. It seems this issue is everywhere. Which do you find true? Size or Strength and... More Strength = More Size?
  4. Aye Me too. The issues that get to me the most are racism and sexism...but it's just a hop-skip-and-a-jump to speciesism; though many don't make the connection. Glad to have New Jersey represented here; I think you may be the first ?
  5. Hi, teanyrican, Welcome! Interesting quote by Gregory Gotta love 'im.
  6. Yea, really. Fear is the best way to get people to do what you want, right? I mean rumors of bombs, weapons, "illegal" immigrants," "vicious" animals...it all works. We've had two mountain lions killed here within the past few months. By the media reports, you'd think we were in grave danger. As long as you can say you feared for your life you can get away with most anything -- that's true within the legal system.
  7. I use some Ecco Bella; not all the products are vegan, but a good amount are. I like their lip crayons mostly: The ingredients list shown is general; but not all the colors contain carmine (insects). I've bought some Gabrielle Cosmetics too; not all theirs are vegan.
  8. Aww, broncs, you ruined it ... Grave slug slut, eh?...I got: U R Gutless Gal, v
  9. Anyone do these when bored (Crash )? My name came out: Dull Zoos, all a lie, use pain I bet there are other phrases there, but I found that one right away. This is a pretty funny list (partial) from This[ site # Arnold Schwarzenegger: he's grown large n' crazed # Madonna, the material girl: real dim, man-eating harlot # President Clinton of the USA: he finds interns to copulate # Martina Navratilova: variant rival to a man # The Houses of Parliament: loonies far up the Thames & top man here's a foul shite # Justin Timberlake: I'm a jerk, but listen # Thomas Alva Edison: aha ions made volts # Buffy the Vampire Slayer: pithy female braves fury # Ronald Reagan: an oral danger # Ronald Wilson Reagan: a long insane warlord & no darlings, no ERA law # Lee Harvey Oswald: revealed who slay & lay overhead slew # William Shatner: slim alien wrath & Will is earthman # Michael Jackson: manacle his jock & he's jail cock man # the Beatles: Let hates be # Paul McCartney: pay Mr. Clean cut # Mark David Chapman: hack VIP and mad arm # Princess Diana: ascend in Paris & end is a car spin # Stevie Wonder: er, doesn't view # Elvis Costello: voice sells lot # Jim Morrison: Mr. Mojo Risin' # Howard Stern: wonder trash # Frodo Baggins: bad ring's goof # Sherlock Holmes: heh smells crook # Babe Ruth: he rub bat # Robin Williams: I warm billions # Monty Python's Flying Circus: strongly psychotic, I'm funny # Nancy Grace: crying acne & gay n' cancer # William Randolph Hearst: amoral whilst philander
  10. John Cleese! Lol. Well, at least you didn't get the Pope
  11. hey, mad05c, I'm not a bulker, so I can only give you leads. Here is a page (has a daily meal example for muscle gain); I cannot vouch for its veracity : http://www.bodyfatguide.com/RawDiet.htm Maybe go to Bigbwii's new site http://s9.invisionfree.com/VLF/; he is a former fruitarian who was/is well built. As well as the Charlie's Gym site I directed you before; he has a food plan -- did you see it? He eats lots of bananas, I think. A book you may want to check out by Arlin: http://www.rawfood.com/rawpower.html An interview with him here: http://www.living-foods.com/articles/bodybuilder.html Good luck!
  12. Yay for Nero! He's so cute, BrandanC.
  13. I, like kathryn, enjoy pain, so did the salt thing too. I've read about grapefruit seed extract working for this. You would use only a drop in some water and rinse. It's really potent, so no direct contact. that stuff is good for a lot of things, supposedly. But, I haven't tried it for that; I've only read that. also, canker sores and those dry patches on the sides of the mouth can be a B-vitamin definciency. Are you getting your B's? A B-complex vitamin supplement would be a good idea anyway, or just make sure you're getting them. could it be an allergic reaction to something? If it's the bars, look at the possible irritants in the ingredients list.
  14. You would probably just have to contact them and ask. I don't know how knowledgeable the person answering the phone would be about vegan products, though; or how far they'd actually search out the answers for you. Maybe ask if you can contact the makers of the product. Sometimes, even when speaking to the manufacturer, it comes down to having to take their word for it Then it would just be up to you whether to believe them or not. Looks like pretty intense claims.
  15. Oh, these are fun. Name: Lady Wolf Secret Identity: Special Power: Mystical Toes --(!) Transportation: Wonder Horse Weapon: Psychotronic Grenade Costume: Carbonite Robe Sidekick: Bobo Nemesis: Jasmine the Blue Tragic Flaw: Clumsiness Favorite Food: Salad Well, they got the Salad part right I wonder where is that Bobo... the slacker. I got this image: http://www.humorscope.com/images/superheroes/super_woman_lifting_punk_md_wht.gif Interestingly, if you put the same name in without using capital letters for the first letters it comes out different. I put my name in in lower case and got this: Name: Thunder Gal Secret Identity: Special Power: Flight Transportation: Electric Skateboard Weapon: Meson Rifle Costume: 100 Percent Cotton Bikini Sidekick: Bobo Nemesis: John the Crafty Tragic Flaw: Addicted to solitaire Favorite Food: Peanuts
  16. Ahem...where exactly does Super 'Stache ride free? http://www.mchooii.net/images/SmileyOrange_mc.gif
  17. Hi, RawAmbition! I'd be interested in your posts and your raw journey. I found it pretty easy if you keep it simple.
  18. Are you using any foul language? some sites are set with certain words you can't post. Or maybe it's just not funny? Just wondering...
  19. Hey, sounds great! We need more representation anyway Is it going to be all fitness talk or general fun too? Are women welcome?
  20. Igh...How interesting that an animal shelter would be killing animals I wouldn't use the snap traps. They don't die right away. They may scream when it snaps and crushes their body and they *will* struggle for quite a while in, what I can only imagine to be, a great deal of pain. What do they mean by the euthanize them? Sounds strange. Do they use a gassing method? Anyway, if they supposedly humanely kill them, I don't see why they couldn't use the box traps that simply enclose the mice inside. It would have the same end effect -- to remove them for euthanizing.
  21. Hey, Mad05c. A lot of people say they go through detox; but, really, any time you change your diet (especially so dramatically) you'll get symptoms. Some raw foodists also say they get detox symptoms at various times -- like some will immediately go through detox; others will months later. Also, some say it took going "100% raw" to go through detox or get any benefit; others, not. One common complaint is feeling very tired and having to rest and sleep. So you may just need to do that. I've been 100% raw for over a year, but I do not adhere to the "100% philosophy" nor is it my goal; I'm just 100% because that's what I'm comfy with right now and doing very well. It's just a dietary choice right now, not a "lifestyle"; and certainly involves no ethical conundrum. Not to ramble about myself... lol. Okay, so, no, I, personally had no detox since I had a fairly decent vegan diet for several years before starting. Yes, I lost some weight, but not much; since I was already at my ideal weight. I actually got a bit skinny, which I didn't like, but stablized back up to my ideal within a couple months or so. I actually lost fat as opposed to weight, which was nice. I did not lose strength at all. As a matter of fact, I had a surge of crazy energy! That does not seem the norm, though; most people experience lethargy, etc. Calories: Are you a male? I ask only because too much weight loss and difficulty in getting enough food seems to be what most men go through. What are you eating? If you are eating a majority of low-calorie fresh veggies you probably need to increase your high-calorie fruit intake. Also increasing your consumption of nuts and seeds is good for calories as well as protein and other fatty foods such as avocado, and raw olives (buy online if 100% is your goal). You could also consume concentrated calories from dried foods, like raw crackers, breads, cookies, etc., and add sprouted grains and beans to your diet. So what are you eating? ETA: Here is a raw food bodybuilder who has a specific way he stays in shape: http://www.charliesgym.info/
  22. I think you probably just need adequate calories. If anything, I'd focus on appropriate carbohydrates for distance and endurance. But if you feel you really need more protein, I'd say get a good hemp protein. I like Nutiva Hemp Protein and I recently started Thor's Raw Protein, which I'm really liking. There is also NutriBiotic's Rice Protein powder, which is fairly bland as opposed to an offensive flavor you find in most protein powders. Good luck! Let us know how it goes.
  23. They seemed to go back and forth too. It sounds like they're anti-dairy one minute, then encouraging the free-range as positive options the next! I guess it's a more on an animal welfare video than a cruelty-free message, much less an animal rights message.
  24. Hey, hey, now! littlegirlbunny those are some serious biceps! Now I really feel weak, lol. Gotta get to work on mine; thanks for the inspiration! Have a great time next weekend!
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