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Everything posted by willpeavy

  1. It looks like this is turning into a debate of, "What's worse - resource depletion or validating the social norm of wearing animal skin." I don't really like either, but I think, long term, resource depletion is worse. So I have no problem with people wearing used wool, leather, etc, even though I nearly always avoid those products myself.
  2. Don't let all the anti-Disneyists get you down. The best way to change things is from within, and I imagine you'll do well in the internship there.
  3. Good work veganmadre and Michelle. All the work you've been doing at the gym really shows!
  4. I had never heard of a shower purifier before. Thanks for the post though, I'll have to check them out now.
  5. If you have the resources, you could donate copies to public libraries or see if they will do displays. See this for an idea: http://www.mercyforanimals.org/library_outreach.asp
  6. Well said. I completely agree
  7. Oh also, when you're down here you should check out the restaurant Boma at the Animal Kingdom Lodge. There is a chef who works there named TJ who is the best vegan chef I've ever met. Just tell him you're vegan and he'll make a bunch of stuff for you.
  8. Congratulations!!! I'm from Orlando. You should join Vegetarians of Central Florida while you're down here, there's lots of cool people involved in it. The website is - http://www.vegcf.org/ . I hope to see you at some of the meetups. Also, when you have time make sure you go to downtown Orlando because there is a vegan hot dog stand there!
  9. There';s a lot of chances to get involved and a ffect the community via direct representation at the local level. Most people just don't care enough though to go to town hall meetings, zoning hearings, etc
  10. You're not missing a whole lot, because most politics is a bunch of B.S. But you should vote though. I know you care about issues like the environment, and if you look at the environmental scorecard of Dems it's a lot better than the Reps. So just taking a couple of minutes every couple of years to at least send in an absentee ballot can help make a difference
  11. I have no idea what that means. The set of real numbers less than 3
  12. If I"m at a sandwich shop, I usually just say, "I don't eat meat, dairy, or eggs. What can you make?" They can usually load up a sandwich with beans and veggies, and sometimes they have tofu
  13. I avoid it when possible. But I also have a wool suit that I bought used because I couldn't find a suit that fit at any stores around here, that wasn't made out of wool and that I could afford
  14. One time when I was a little kid I was on an elevator with an old man. He was wiggling his ears for me and I thought it was one of the funniest things I had ever seen. I used to always try to wiggle my ears too, but couldn't do it and I would just end up just moving my mouth around instead. ---I just tried contracting muscle 2 from the link you posted, and I could actually get my right ear to wiggle a little. But I mostly just ended up making weird faces.
  15. Good to see someone else who is into doing pullups / chinups like I am. I'm working at being able to do one arm chins to0, but I'm about where you are right now - I can only come up a couple of inches
  16. Here's a good article about chinups and pullups that may help you http://bodybuilding.com/fun/charles4.htm
  17. I can't believe you've only been lifting a year. At the weights you are at, I figured you had been into weighlifting for much longer. I agree with Alex about the pullups, I've been doing a couple hundred reps a week lately (at bodyweight) and have been noticing a lot of growth in the past month
  18. You may have thought of this already, but I bet groups like PETA, Farm Sanctuary, etc might be willing to list the movie for sale in their catalogs.
  19. I haven't updated my journal in a few days although I've been working out every day. I'm able to do one arm pushups now from my feet, although my form isn't that good yet. So far my biggest set is 6 on each arm, so I way to go before reaching 30. Also, I've been doing bowling ball pushups. Basically I take a bowling ball, put it on the ground, then put my thumbs on top of it and grip it on the sides with my palms and fingers and do pushups like this. These aren't easy, and it requires a lot of grip/forearm strength. I've also been doing one leg calf raises on a skateboard. I leave my heel off the side of the board, slowly lower it til my heel taps the ground, then push up onto the ball of my foot and forward as the board rolls across and I hold it at the top with my weight on my toes for a couple of seconds, then come back down. This exercise requires a lot of balance to keep the board from sliding out from under you!
  20. I think everyone here agrees that Rob and Alex are both ripped dudes, and that both of you guys are excellent diplomats for showcasing the vegan fitness lifestyle. Good job on your 2nd place finishes, I know you gusy will finish 1st place next time!
  21. Sat Oct 29 100 one leg squats on 8" box (100 on each leg, 200 total) My form and balance is getting much better on these. In a few days, I'll try them again but on a 6" box. My goal now is to able to do one leg squats with no box and no balance aids by Nov. 10.
  22. Dude you can definitely do it. Have you seen pictures of Henry Rollins when he was younger, around when he first joined Black Flag? He used to be just some skinny punk kid. Then he went hardcore and started working out 3 hours a day. http://www.cojidosytatuados.com.ar/Nueva%20carpeta/PrtchHR1.jpg
  23. Yeah I used to have some, but I used them so much that I wore out the padding in them. They're great for doing vertical situps, and the bar can double as a pullup/chinup bar too. Also, they're good for doing stretching exercises, especially ones that involve your back
  24. Good idea for the photo page. Here's a couple that I posted in my journal that you can use for the page --------------------------------- The first photo is from a few years ago - you can see how scrawny my arms used to be. The second photo was taken in October 2005, after nearly two years of strength training. http://helios.acomp.usf.edu/~wpeavy/willpeavy-before.jpg http://helios.acomp.usf.edu/~wpeavy/willpeavy-after.jpg
  25. Personally, I'd rather have my balls intact than have a couple of extra inches on my arms...
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