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Everything posted by willpeavy

  1. Hurricane Wilma is supposed to pass by here on Monday. I'm excited because I like stormy weather. All the rain the hurricane brings is good for the environment in Florida because the overdevelopment of the past few decades has really depleted the underground limestone aquifers. Plus we'll get a nice cool breeze (NWS predicts a north northwest wind 48 to 51 mph, and the high temperature will drop to around 75*). See: http://www.srh.noaa.gov/ifps/MapClick.php?MapType=3&site=mlb&CiTemplate=1&map.x=24&map.y=186
  2. Sat Oct 22 50 twisting situps with 16 lb bowling ball behind head Wrist roller and hand gripper work Went running for an hour
  3. Thurs Oct 20 50 one leg squats on each leg over 8" box Went running for one hour
  4. Do you have Firefox set to allow cookies?
  5. Good luck on Monday. Make sure you wear the Superman suit!
  6. My hometown, Orlando Florida, has a vegan hot dog dude who has a cart downtown. There's a couple of vegetarian only restaurants, even Disney World is very vegan friendly. If you go to any of their restaurants, and tell them you're vegan, they'll let you see the list of ingredients in their food. Also, there's a group called Vegetarians of Central Florida that is pretty active
  7. Plus UHF is one of the funniest movies ever. Al's awesome
  8. I used to wear canvas Vans to skate. You should get the checkered ones, because they're the coolest looking http://vans.speedera.net/shop.vans.com/image/98B.JPG
  9. I was doing HIT for a while, but lately I've been having better results doing a program based around calisthenics
  10. I just recently started doing a routine that includes hand grippers and a wrist roller, and I've noticed significant growth in my hand and forearm muscles just in the past month
  11. Where in Germany are you from? Ancestors of my maternal grandfather are from Freiburg (and my mom's maiden name was the Americanized version, "Fray"). I've wanted to travel out there for a long time. I heard Freiburg won some sort of award for being one of the most environmentally friendly cities in Europe.
  12. I know what you mean. I guess you could say my goal, if I had a bunch of money, would be to outmaneuver the Rush Limbaugh loving think tanks Noam Chomsky style
  13. Since I'll be losing my law school scholarship at the end of this semester, and because this semester ends in early December, we were planning on moving to Portland in mid December. We wanted to move there because we like the people, political inclinations, and climate of the region. However, it now looks like we are going to have to put off those moving plans - the short reason why is financial and educational reasons. If you want to know the longer reason why, keep reading. ... So me and my wife were preparing to go up there: I have been looking for and applying for all sorts of jobs in Portland, and my wife has been contacting all sorts of landlords and trying to workout a place for us to live. My wife also wants to finish her degree in elementary education, and we were researching that too. If we move to Oregon, she would have to wait a year to continue her coursework (because we can't afford out of state tuition), then after waiting a year she would lose a semester or two worth of courses due to transferring from a Florida program to an Oregon program - so in total, it would take her another 3 to 4 years to complete her degree. If we stay in Florida, she can go to college for free (because she gets state grant money to cover her in-state tuition and book fees), and it will only take her about 1.5 to 2 years to finish. Also, it's easier for me to get a job here since I graduated from a Florida public university, and because my last job was in a Florida public university: I know the system well, have references and connections within it, and should be able to get a university job without much of a problem. Also, I can work on a graduate degree here, where I can go to school for practically free. Whereas in Oregon I would have to wait at least a year. My wife thinks we should wait a couple of years before we move up there, and spend the time planning it out better; which makes sense to me. So that's what we're planning to do now. We might be cursing ourselves next year for deciding this, after we've been through another one of Florida's 9 month long summers of sweltering, muggy heat. But since we have a son now and have to make the responsible decision, I think this is the best thing to do.
  14. Tuesday - rested. I think my 7 day a week workouts have been catching up with me, and I need a little rest. Especially after a 1000 pushup day. Wednesday - I tried doing a pullup, and couldn't! I think my arms are friend from doing 50 pullups and 90 chinups in one day a few days earlier. So I took another rest day. Thursday (today) - I did a few chinups this morning, but still felt weak on them. I didn't want rest three days in a row, so I've been working on one-leg squats today. I've been doing them on an 8" surface - which is much harder than the 12" surface. I plan to go running tonight after I'm done with them. I'll post my results tomorrow, and then try again for a pullup / chinup day - I think my biceps and back have had enough rest now!
  15. I've never tried doing a one-arm pushup, so I have no idea how many I'll be able to do. A 30 rep set sounds like a good goal to aim for. I can't wait to try doing some one-arms. Two arm pushups have gotten too easy so I'm craving a new challenge. I wouldn't say doing one leg squats is easy for me, because they really take a lot out of me and require a lot of rest. But I know what you mean, I guess I am lucky that I have the genes to able to them in high volume.
  16. I don't know a whole lot about man boobs, but I wonder if they are related to low testosterone?
  17. Looks like a good workout. Do you ever do hammer curls or reverse curls? For me, doing chinups (basically a pullup where you grip the bar with the palms of your hands facing you) builds my biceps better than any other exercise
  18. If I had that kind of money I would invest in and promote ethanol and biodiesel. And I'd start a chain of vegan restaurants. And I'd start a propaganda campaign intended to help sweatshop workers unionize
  19. I did 1000 the other day Now I'm going to start seeing how many one-arm pushups I can do in one day
  20. Mon Oct 17 I did 1000 pushups On my next pushups day I'm going to start doing one-arm pushups
  21. Hey Kyle. I'm guessing that on Thursday you're doing pulling exercises which exercise your biceps and tests your grip in addition to your back. If it were me, I'd move your Friday workout to Saturday if possible. Other than that looks good to me. You can post your entire workout/diet if you want, it's no burden.
  22. I never had any problems with the 45* incline benches when I did them in the past. Also, I was doing incline flyes, which is one of my favorite exercises, and is something I'll probably start doing again soon. I was just wondering if you knew of any research of injuries from doing 45* bench presses, or have had a personal experience with injury from it
  23. Hey Daywalker, do you have any more info about incline benches of over 40* being hard on your shoulders? I'm doing my home routine now which just includes a lot of pushups in place of bench presses - but I used to do a chest routine which included a 3 part workout: flat bench presses, 45* bench presses, and 90* presses (i.e. shoulder presses)
  24. Welcome wtf! As far as the discussion about where people on here are from goes - I was born in Texas, I'm moving to Oregon in a couple of months, and I have ancestors that came to the U.S. from Germany (from Freiberg)!
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