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Everything posted by willpeavy

  1. Could you link to any research / peer-reviewed articles done on mild use?
  2. Now he's going to make Rambo IV too --- http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051029/ap_en_mo/people_sylvester_stallone
  3. Shoulders: http://exrx.net/WeightExercises/DeltoidAnterior/DBShoulderPress.html Back: http://exrx.net/WeightExercises/BackGeneral/DBBentOverRow.html
  4. There's a small gym near my house that has this painted on the front window: HELL'S GYM FEEL THE BURN!!! $25 A MONTH NO CONTRACTS I was thinking of joining for a month just because their name is cool
  5. http://www.movie-montage.com/images/upload/167.jpg One arm pushup - from Rocky II
  6. Alex when they see that you're ripped enough to take on Superman, they'll have to let you win. Rob when everyone sees the veins bulging in your forearms, your competitors will just look like a bunch of wheaties. I'm looking forward to see you two win! VEGAN POWER!
  7. Wed Oct 26 100 fingertip pushups 50 twisting situps with bowling ball 50 straight situps with bowling ball
  8. Take the test at - http://www.digitalronin.f2s.com/politicalcompass/questionnaire.php - and post your results. ----------------- I've taken it a few times in the past year, and got different results each time: July 25, 2006 Economic Left/Right: 0.00 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.10 April 27, 2006 Economic Left/Right: -2.50 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.77 Oct 27, 2005 Economic Left/Right: -6.13 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.46
  9. I think tomatoes are berries, not vegetables Not sure about what cooking does to them though
  10. You're pushing a lot of weight for someone just starting out. Good work, I look forward to seeing your progress
  11. Tues Oct 25 I did 100 one leg squats on 8" surface (200 total, 100 on each leg). I alternated legs between each rep and did them in sets of 10 (5 per leg). My ankle stabilizers have gotten stronger, probably due to muscle memory, and it's getting much easier to balance while doing positives. In another week or two I hope to be able to do one leg squats all the way down, with nothing to lean/balance on, and no surface/box to assist at the bottom. -------------- Here are some visuals: I'm basically here now (imagine an 8" box instead of a stair) http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/inmag17c.jpg And in two weeks I hope to be here http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/inmag17e.jpg Images from - http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/mahler2.htm - which is a great article, and it got me started doing one leg squats with much better form
  12. Naked Warrior : Master the Secrets of the Super-Strong Using Bodyweight Exercises Only by Pavel Tsatsouline Has anyone read this? They don't have it any of the libraries around here. I wonder if it's worth buying Here's more info about it http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0938045555/qid=1130268999/sr=8-1/ref=pd_bbs_1/002-7064420-9617649?v=glance&s=books&n=507846
  13. Mon Oct 24 wrist roller and hand gripper work - the hand grippers are getting too easy for me. I did 1000+ total reps on them. It's time to move up to grippers with greater tension. On the wrist roller I did a dozen or so sets with my door gym as resistance using 3 cables (4 is the max, and you increase resistance by hooking the hand gripper to more cables). 3 cables is still challenging for me, so this piece of equipment should keep me occupied for a while 50 twisting situps with bowling ball
  14. Sun Oct 23 I tried one arm pushups and really struggled with them, so I ended up doing easier ones resting on my knees rather than on my toes/feet. These are still a lot more challenging than normal two arm pushups, so I got a good workout. 200 one arm pushups from knees (100 on each arm, alternated arms between each rep, and did them in sets of around 15-25 at a time). 500 bodyweight two leg calf raises
  15. Rob you could shred wheat with the veins in your forearms
  16. If you don't like IE, have you tried Netscape? It's a free download - http://browser.netscape.com/ns8/
  17. If you say something like, "No thanks. I go easy on the junk food so I can stay healthy." Most people will respond with something like, "Yeah I should probably be eating healthier too." I personally wouldn't start up a "why I'm vegan" conversation with people over candy, I just don't think it would go anywhere. I would wait until I'm eating a veggie burger in the break room, and then tell them about how good it tastes and how no cows were killed for it, etc..
  18. Then next Saturday is going to be a big day for vegan bodybuilding. I'll be pulling for you and Rob!
  19. Hope I'm not too late... Happy Birthday!
  20. Not too mild though Sea Siren. I was hoping to go surfing tomorrow and bigger wind means bigger waves!
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