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Everything posted by willpeavy

  1. I like Goldfinger. I haven't heard the other band or seen the video though
  2. Is there any way to soundproof the room? What about putting up old mattresses along the walls, carpeting the ceiling, putting a towel over your snare, a pillow in the bass drum, etc?
  3. I was having the same problem with posting a month or two ago. I found it was some sort of glitch caused by variable strings. Basically, what worked for me is to try posting half your post at once - if that goes through, you can go back and edit adding lines until it won't let you post anymore. Basically, you have to figure out which string is causing the glitch in each post and take out the spaces in that string. For example "if this line was causing the glitch" you would go back and post it like "ifthislinewascausingtheglitch." Try posting with no spaces, for at least a line after "Day 10:" It's a pain to have to post that way, but that's the only thing I've found that works. I hope my explanation makes sense!
  4. I love cilantro. It tastes good in any Mexican food style dish
  5. Voting does make a difference. I lived in Tallahassee FL during the last series of elections in 2004, and a lot of people get really involved there. I think this is in part because Tallahassee is the state capitol, and even though it's a relatively small town, there are two major universities there. People who value education tend to be more left leaning, and more politically active, and so the ctiy as a whole voted around 70% to the left (mostly Democrat, but also a noticeable showing of Green) last election. Also, the poll workers and others who volunteer to help the system work seem to me to mainly be people who just care about the community - they aren't the aberrant henchman of an evil conspiracy or any crap like that. Also, where I lived there weren't any signs trying to trick or scare people out of voting. In fact minority voter turn outs were high there because lots of people actually get involved instead of just complaining about how the system is broken. So the reality is that your vote will count if you make it count. If you get involved, and the community is involved it will count.
  6. Hey Bigbwii you train at a playground right? What about going backwards and forwards on the monkey bars, that should build your grip
  7. Yeah I like to focus on my workout and not get sidetracked wth chatting. I used to see guys at my old gym who spent a lot more time yapping than lifting.
  8. I went ahead and ordered a Power Push Up 2. Once it arrives, I'll post and let everyone know how it works.
  9. Did you try the 30lb presses first in your routine? Or after you had done other exercises?
  10. Has anyone used this? http://www.lifelineusa.com/site_uploads/product/13_1.pdf I'm thinking of ordering one
  11. lol, just a looped tape of 'Eye of the Tiger' would do it for me I personally just need to be working toward a goal. Usually what happens is I set a goal and work until I get there, get a new goal, and repeat. Perhaps I will be really into squatting, then deadlifting, then benching, then squatting again, or whatever. Right now I am focusing on overhead pressing and also on incline bench. I can't wait to overhead press tomorrow, I can't stop thinking about it! What's going on Tyler. Did you print up shirts that say "Vegan Strength"? If you printed those out I want to order one.
  12. My favorite is thin crust cooked til it's stiff, with tomato sauce, sun dried tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, green peppers, and olives - and no cheese.
  13. Oh yeah, that's right. I forgot to mention that I grew a 3rd arm after I started drinking soy milk
  14. Try watching Rocky IV. The training scenes where it cuts back between Rocky training low-tech style in the cold, and Drago training in the high tech gym always makes me want to go out and train hard.
  15. I've never heard of soy causing hair loss. How are you getting calcium? From food or supplements? Is your hair thinning all over? Or just on the top?
  16. I took a career test when I was in high school, and it said I should be a pilot
  17. That's awesome, especially the comments. It looks like a lot of people on that board are going to be cutting back on dairy now.
  18. Hi Confusco. Are you male or female? If you're male it could just be male pattern baldness and have nothing to do with your diet.
  19. Mill was a consequentialist who believed that humanity would best be served if people act in a way that would promote the greatest happiness, and avoid acting in ways that would cause the "reverse of happiness." Hobbes believed that humanity would best be served if a "benevolent despot" were to maintain order, so that base instincts of people could be controlled and directed most efficiently.
  20. I went light on exercise over the weekend because I was out of town for my sister's wedding. I just did a few sets of one arm pushups each day for the past couple of days. Tomorrow I'm planning to do chins, situps, one leg squats (aka pistols). Friday I was doing sets of pistols in good form over a couch cusion (about 6" high on its own, and pressed down to around 3" when I hit it at the bottom of each rep). So now I'm really really close to having bodyweight pistols mastered. I'm going to train on them everyother day this week and expect to have them down with good form by the end of the week.
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