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Everything posted by Octopussoir

  1. well hell. i like being this lean though. i guess more beans rice and nuts are in my near future
  2. I tell mine to quit eating meat! their response: " i couldnt ever give up meat!"
  3. Ive been keeping my body fat percentage below 4% for over 2 months now and have had a couple time where ive gotten "sick" out of the blue. Now, when I was heavier and higher bf i never got sick and always remained healthy(even when others around me were sick for weeks). My question is: since my bf% has remained so low for so "long" now, is my immune system weaker? Ive heard it does weaken it, but I dont want to lose my definition or really gain anymore bf!! Please help. I do train an ENT Doctor and he said right now it might be a sinus infection(which ive never gotten, but yet again he is a doctor and was guessing on what it could be based on my symptoms(sore throat, ears clogged lungs feel congested). Is there any NATURAL remedy I could take to boost my immune system outside of just fruits and veges(which I get plenty of)? thanks, ~jimi
  4. The money issue all depends on how well the trainer is on not bullshitting you and how well his training is for your goals. The trainer should not set his/her own goals for you. Also, if they tell you what you want to hear then book it! I give no-BS advice even though the owner of my studio gives falsities all the time. I try to be encouraging but at the same time I dont lie about anything when it comes to fitness and what it takes to achieve realistic goals. Also, make sure the PT practices what they preach. I have been maintaining under 4%bf right now for over 2 months now and my clients can see it (even though they tell me I eat too much fruit and not enough protein. Lol, but yet, they come to me for advice and their training) A good trainer can make a big difference in your beginning quest of working out, but a bad one can make you not want to trust another one.
  5. <---is eating watermelon at 6:55am. LoL. mmmm.... watermelon!!!
  6. how would you rate / compare them? wrt - intensity, reps, target areas / benefits, stress areas / risks, etc. 2.Swissball 1.Hanging Leg Raises 3.Ab Wheel (cause this can be done incorrectly too easily)
  7. I just see too many people claim to eat healthy and be vegan but still eat sweets like they use toilet paper.
  8. After reading threads on chinese and people here eating them I decided to just crunch the black seeds up and swallow with the fruit. Crunch them up first cause whole ive found to be upsetting.
  9. Get a swissball if the floor hurts your back! Also hanging knee raises will kill your abs and youll only have to do a few sets! An ab wheel also does the trick.
  10. All depends on the person. Mine are the opposite! My triceps on the other hand is a little bit different. I can get those suckers to grow quick!
  11. I believe there is a misconception out there about low reps and higher weight vs low weight high reps. I have found that the more muscle endurance you have the more potential you have to lift heavier weight. I myself (as well as the people I train) keep the rep range high. I usually, depending on the weight, try to keep my reps between 20-50 with around 20-25 sets for a workout. The heavier I go the less reps I do of course, but if you watch any pro-bodybuilding video you dont see them stop at 4 or 5 with the 200lb dumbbells. Theyre doing more like 15 and 20 reps. Workouts are more of trial and error with each individual. From experience and observation, the more someone tries to lift with few reps and higher weight the more Ive seen people get injured and/or have bad form. I can get the same pump or better from doing 30 reps straight with the 50lb db's compared to doing 3 stes of 10 with say 110lb db's.
  12. on occassion you say? Do it everyday!!!!! On occassion wont "cut" it. If you want to see them more, then work them out more.
  13. True, but he didnt ask about anything else.. haha. Ive found that doing countless reps and sets with curls on bi's really did nothing formy bi's even with the strictest form. Thats why I have converted to pullups and chinups. when I do a chinup(palms in) I keep my body totally straight so my bis hit most of the load.
  14. Robert, what are you doing eating cookies?
  15. I disagree with potter. Id recommend doing pullups(palms in) and primarily focus on pulling with bi's rather than back(that means no swinging).
  16. Pink, get one of these rehab ones from (e)bay. They work better and you can place on any body part rather than the abs. The older ones you had to put petro jelly on it or it shocked the hell out of you!!! it became rather annoying and hurtful when set on high or left on a long period of time. if you want it fot definition work on your diet instead and do some damn crinches!
  17. How many pictures do you say you have of her? A few thoudsand maybe?
  18. yeah its awesome, but very difficult to master.
  19. I do as well. Try hanging from one, do a pullup, then lower back down and jump to the next and repeat. Once you've hit the end go backwards on it this time just swinging back and not jumping(still havent mastered that one haha).
  20. thanks, but i havent worked abs in a week and have been eating like shit(well, what I consider shyt) throughout the week. I did however wake up and weigh in at 176lbs this morning. yay for me lol.
  21. Mostly its the way he talks. Sounds like's he's in love... OOO cooties. haha. j/k
  22. That video is off of the dvd Eating Vol. 2
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