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Everything posted by Octopussoir

  1. http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/3489/184e9798a9a1yt9.jpg Can you get this off of me? http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/9955/22cb358536bebr3.jpg Lets play the watermelon game: Can you guess which one isnt a watermelon? HINT: one weighs 37lbs, one 34lbs and the other 5lbs http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/1622/1adf36affcdbmx3.jpg This is to show how big the smaller one was when cut in half http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/1462/26eea161745cmn9.jpg Holy Vega, this is what jumped out as I was cutting into the right half. Must have been a w'melon from Mexico.
  2. Get a phone book and wrap duct tape around it and start punching.
  3. The Vegan Sourcebook 2nd Edition by Joanne Stepaniak. great book for beginners as well as the experienced vegan. A recommended read!
  4. Its all a mixture of fruits, veges, and grains. I dont eat bread so thats out of the question. what i did was made my food for a daily basis and divided the portion size by how much the item costs. Like a cup of oats only costs but a few cents.
  5. Happy Birthday! Im a leo too. Mines coming up as well. How old are ya?
  6. Story: My wife is going to school to get her master's degree and has left me all alone with my son. I figured all the bills I will be paying by myself and it limits me to what I can buy with goceries(after bills). I came up with a plan and this is the food I will be intaking for a very limited amount of money. Breakfast: 350 cals, 17g fat, 23.6g carbs, 24.3g protein and costs $0.56. Snack 1 (protein shake): 107.6 cals, 1g fat, 8g carbs, 16g protein and costs $1.43. Lunch: 780 cals, 0g fat, 174g carbs, 26g protein and costs <$1. Snack 2: 107.6 cals, 1g fat, 8g carbs, 16g protein and costs $1.43. Dinner: 918.5 cals, 9.6g fat, 110.9g carbs, 38.45g protein and costs $0.50. Daily Totals: 2,263.7 cals, 56.6g fat, 324.5g carbs, and 132g protein Costs me $4.86 a day! Hopefully my body treats me right during the 2 years she'll be gone.
  7. very healthy looking!!! did you buy it online or locally?
  8. when I worked for this moving company I always wore NB all-terrain shoes. They were typically wider and a little longer than most in my size(13) so they fit with a little bit extra room. All terrain are great for people who are constantly on different surfaces(i.e. grass, concrete, wood, tile, carpet, etc.) all in one day.
  9. try a five gallon bucket filled with water on some exerc. that you wont have to rock up and have a chance of spilling. the water sloshing around makes it extra hard. A keg filled with water also does it!!
  10. Its also what youre putting into your body! A lot of Indians have the rep of stinking due to the amounts of curry in their system which comes through the pores as a stench. Really obese people will tend to smell even when bathed.
  11. I have a pair of hex-shaped 100lb dumbbells that im thinking about getting rid of since i dont use them anymore. My wife is about to leave us for graduate school in the next few weeks and I am stuck with the bills. I have no set price that Im asking, but I believe I paid $70ea for them. So make an offer if interested.
  12. if i ever find a strawberry patch near me during the growing season ill be sure to "eat from the bush" for um... free.
  13. looks more like a nipple, areola(sp?), and possibly a breast?
  14. I have a 360. my handle is crackerX5. hit me up if ya wanna play any of the games on there. right now the main one I play is DOOM on the arcade classics.
  15. worry about the chemicals and high fructose corn syrup as well. bread usually has tons of both.
  16. I must agree. We might as well hold a poll about changing the site's name to www.Liz'sveganbodybuilding.com roberto have some more on you and others from the board. Show some action footage rather than peoiple just sitting around eating(no offense, I do love salsa too. Especially the hot kind!!) P.S. Liz, try adding some fresh jalepeno peppers to your salsa!! makes it more yummy!!!!!!!!
  17. grapes, strawberries, bananas, and sometimes some apples
  18. put them around a pole or decline bench and hold them around your shoulders and come up with it. Use the band for side lateral raises for your delts and for biceps(by strapping it on a pole and curling upward).
  19. at walmart where Im at the VEGETARIAN baked beans are $1 for 1.75lb cans!!! So almost 2lbs of already cooked beans for a dolla.. mmm yum!
  20. yes, they work great! I see I am the only one in the gym who will use one(when I actually go to the gym). Remember though.. they are resistance bands so you want to go slow on the lowering or the negative part of the rep and not fast. Going fast defeats the purpose. I typically do high reps with them(like 30 +/-) and man do they burn when I go slow!!!!
  21. http://www.myspace.com/octopussoir
  22. Ditto, but my body wont let me go any lower!! And yes the good stuff is hella expensive.
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