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Everything posted by Octopussoir

  1. Thank you all for your kind words! I am currently (+/-) 180lbs, 30" waist, under 5%bf and am wanting to train for "Ninja Warrior." If you dont know what it is then YouTube it (http://youtube.com/watch?v=QkBkZpK-fYQ). These courses are almost impossible for the average person. I have found just recently that doing bodyweight type activities is harder than what it looks. I have been getting really bored and tired of the gym scene and lifting weights in the same manor time after time so I thought I would do some ninja warrior type training so maybe one day I can go to Japan and compete. I also came arcoss Parkour ( ) on youtube and thought it could help with my goals. Some of the stuff they do is insane!!! On one video I saw a guy climb a gap with his feet on both sides of some brick ( ) and thought Id give it a try when I could find such a building or contraption. I did find two awesome trees near my place in which I tried it and will have some pics up soon of my climbing 2 trees side by side with mainly my feet. it was fun.
  2. welcome. Answer to your question: To get super-lean your diet must be in check nearly 100%! That means no oreos, cookies, soda, junkl foods, etc. Just cause youre vegan doesnt mean you get to eat all the processed hydrogenated fats you want!!!
  3. Dont you have any other damn games besides duckhunt? LoL. And... this might be nosey of me, but are you two together?
  4. I am currently working out at the playground as I have found out that it gives both a cardiovascular workout as well as endurance and strength training all at once. Here are some pics:
  5. well, I know some people on here arent totally vegan. So I was wondering how this particular protein powder tasted as I have never heard of the company.
  6. Anyone ever try this? I know its not vegan but i saw an ad for it and they were dissing another company and thought Id look it up. Here is a link to their site with the details of it. http://www.advancehealthnutrition.com/noPopup.cfm?image=productLabels/muscleFood.gif 50g of protein 10g glutamine 10g creatine 2g taurine 318 cals 6g sugar 2.5 g fat 24g carbs
  7. It seems as if I get 2 pineapples every 2 days. Fruit gets to be quite expensive if thats all you eat...
  8. Your client? as in... what is it that you do? Are you a VEGAN fitness trainer? Correctomundo
  9. Just got my copy today and will watch it tomorrow.
  10. Norman is about 30-45 min away from SW OKC(depending on the parts).
  11. i grew up there and just left there a few years back. Not really any places to brag about unless you eat meat.
  12. cardio type activities will take more out of you. Do your strength training first when youre fresh. Try doing it the other way and you more than likely wont get much from your workout cause youll be too fatigued.
  13. most normal people cannot eat 6-8 small "meals" a day. I say eat your basic 3 meals and snack on fruits and veggies in between. It works for me. Also, cut the sugar, salt, and carbonated water.
  14. DONT BUY!! I have a client who bought this and for 90 days would do it and change it up every 90 days as well. He is now a client of mine for a reason... um yeah. It didnt work.
  15. your back, arms, and legs looked great, but you lacked in the abs department in the one picture. Also, do what you feel like you want to do. If you like the sport of competing then compete and keep doing what youre doing. I eat clean all year round and personally dont care about size as long as the muscle looks good.
  16. Here it is on eBay for $8.99 w/free shipping http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=015&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&viewitem=&item=250124464355&rd=1&rd=1
  17. from what ive seen on video with Trojan they have dick shaped machines that penetrate some hole really fast then they get packaged/
  18. Heres some things to live by with a smaller penis: #1. It will fit in ANY hole! #2. It doesnt take as long to wash it. #3. You only need one hand to jerk off and not two. #4. A woman(or person) will be able to fit the whole thing in their mouth. #5. It'll make your balls look bigger.
  19. I went to google and typed in "bodybuilder off season" and got this pic(among others) http://www.ironews.net/wp-content/uploads/2006/11/WindowsLiveWriter/SilvioSamuelOffseasonPictures_12218/Photo_0081%5B3%5D.jpg
  20. I must say I love telling people how I go to look so lean and vascular. Typical question from people is "how did you get to look like that (lean)" and my response is that I eat more fruits and veges (than a typical person) and no meat. And I hear "wow, I couldnt cut out meat" my thought to that is "and thats why you wont ever look like I do". haha. Anyway, continue with your busy lifestyles.
  21. Ive eaten almost a gallon of fresh strawberries in less than 24hours. Im sure the rest will go within the time frame. Does anyone know if I will die from strawberry poisoning? (that one was a joke). Seriously though it seems my teeth are a little sensitive since yesterday, but these things as so damn good!
  22. http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=191023396&albumID=0&imageID=2395718
  23. I have some in the fridge from tha store and they are pretty tall. maybe I will and see how high they get before I start seeing water leaves on them. Thanks for the tip.
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