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Everything posted by ForwardConcern

  1. Buy Robs book he had a good bit on diet. Also Thrive Diet by Brandon Brazer.
  2. Sounds perfect to me when you're eating around 4000 calories a day as I am.
  3. My mistake I guess there's honey in it. Don't see the point though it doesn't seem like there is any sweetner at all. I personally don't worry about honey but that's just me (insert criticism here). But not stressing over such things has kept me on a 99.9% Vegan diet for 16 years so far.
  4. Kashi fucks up with a lot of there other products.
  5. Yah the ingredients to the cereal are just soy grits and grains. Edensoy is the best soymilk there is in my opinion they also have really high manufacturing standards and standards when sourcing there soy. Highest protein soy milk I can find.
  6. I think capitalism reigned in is a healthy part of any free and democratic society. But like it's opponent communism if it is the basis for society it is destined, doomed rather to fail.
  7. I've been eating this the past few days for lunch and have found myself full of energy even on 4-5 hours sleep. And full for hours. 1 cup Kashi Go Lean Cereal (13g protein, 37g carbohydrates, 1g fat) 1 cup Erehwon Coco Brown Rice Cereal (3g protein, 44g carbohydrates, 2g fat) 2 tbsp. Raw Cacao Nibs (2g protein, 6g carbohydrates, 6g fat) 2 tbsp. Hemp Seeds (11g protein, 7g carbohydrates, 10g fat) 2 tbsp. Flaxseed Meal (3g protein, 4g carbohydrates, 6g fat) 2 tbsp. Chia Seeds (2g protein, 6g carbohydrates, 5g fat) 2 tbsp. Agave Nectar (0g protein, 32g carbohydrates, 0g fat) 2 cups Edensoy Soy Milk Unsweetened (24g protein, 10g carb, 12g fat) Total: 58g protein, 146g carbohydrates, 42g fat (938 calories)
  8. Anarchy slightly redefined and renamed in a modern context.
  9. You can get Omega 3's from flax oil and DHA from algea. There are many oils with these supplements in them.
  10. Yah those aren't bad. Not as good as the merrells or vibrams but they'll do. They are finally coming out with a zero drop new balance shoe soon. I'm gonna get a pair then. They're a good in between barefoot shoe and runner.
  11. Well if it means anything. This worked the Property Company didn't declare them trespassers. If you're getting your perceptions on this movement from the mainstream media you might as well get your nutrition guidlines from the McDonalds sponsored food group charts I remember from public school ; ) This movement looks to only be growing bigger. There is more solidarity with it than there has ever been before. Unions, people of all ages walks of life and career backgrounds, U.S. soldiers are taking leave to take part, seniors are marching in the streets even bankers are leaving there offices to participate it's non-partisan and apolitical if anything. It's simply about making sure the ideas of democracy are respected, that the average person gets what's fair not a life below the poverty line. Financial institutions lobbied and undermined regulations that if kept in place would have prevented the excessive lending to unfit parties, would have kept the market from artificially inflating and crashing. They were regulations put in place after the great depression for a reason. I'm proud of these people this should have happened 4 years ago. They and the "Tea Party" are one and the same one just realizes that it makes more sense to take it to the door steps of those that lobby and control the government to privatize and deregulate essential services and put in place practices that destroy labor, one realizes that it's more important to take it to the source rather than the middle man. One way or another things must change for the better. Politics
  12. This is a plea to my fellow Canadians. It's up to a Canadian Property company tomorrow if the protesters in New York can stay! Sign this! http://www.leadnow.ca/stop-occupy-wall-street-eviction
  13. I'm charmed by anyome that can teach me to ride a horse!
  14. I definitely find that vegan processed foods are a lesser evil. The only thing I worry about is Hexane and Non GMO soy.
  15. I pretty much use vibrams. I also really like the merrell barefoot shoe the sole gives my metatarsals a bit of break from pounding the asphalt. The best thing you can do for increasing your runs is 10% a week. If that. I myself definitely need to run more often. That's for sure.
  16. Yah you've definitely got to start light. Running for a minute walking for a minute and so forth. Even before you start running continuously. We like to think we're still 5 when it comes to this. But were not. Are you heal striking or midfoot striking ?(Mid foot is healthier read the book CHI RUNNING, heel striking is unnatural and terrible for the body it only became in fashion after the invention of cushy running shoes.) You can get running shoes specifically to assist you with the supination or you can do what I did. I trained "barefoot" and you get an actual sense of what your feet are doing and learn to adjust (no matter what conventional science says about this the idea we have control over such things are false, I know this personally). Having that sensory feedback can make a huge difference. But you have to start over again if you begin running this way. 30 minutes is too much if you just started... You'll injure yourself (this I also know from experience).
  17. Simply put eat more. And eat things like fruits and juices nuts and seeds. Add more veggies. I can't stress this enough most people don't eat for nutrition let alone eat enough especially if they're training. Eat enough to sustain yourself. It also has nothing to do with the size of your plate as most people think. It has to do with the nutritional value of the food you put on it. Make sure you get enough protein, you get enough healthy fat lighter on the saturates (fat is important your body needs it, it is a great source of energy, your brain needs it to function). And get enough healthy carbs from unprocessed grains, fruits, seeds nuts and vegetables. If you don't eat enough in any diet it's detrimental. (this is why Angelina Jolie is a moron, she went on a vegan diet and probably didn't pay any attention to nutrition when with her wealth it would have been a thousand times easier for her to do than it would be for any of us, yet I'm capable as are others). EAT! EAT! EAT! TRAIN & EAT! Diet is more important than any other factor!
  18. It's better for training to make sure you eat enough. Work on that first!
  19. Well you've gotta eat an hour or so before you work out.... 2000 Calories is not that much don't stress. Take your time though gradually increasing your food intake, you should also eat after you workout to in order to assist recovery. You sound afraid of food when Diet is just as an important as the training. Space your meals out. Eat smallers meals 5 times a day if that helps. I don't know what other advice to give but the fact that eating healthy and well especially with the training will not make you gain bad weight. And the training means you really need to eat well or else it won't be benificial. I'm glad to hear it made a difference today eating more. Don't be scared and above all don't stress! Enjoy yourself!
  20. There's some good apps for the iPhone for keeping track of your weight, calories and macronutrient levels. I use Lean Me. Maybe there's something similar you can find?
  21. Well your tired simply because your not eating enough. Macronutrients are your ratio of carbs, protein and fat. Try playing around with different levels and see which yield the results you want. Also the type of foods you eat are important. You should buy a copy or Thrive Diet off of Amazon. Trust me you need to eat wether it's weight training cross-training or cardio. You need to eat or you won't get the results you require let alone the energy needed to obtain them. Do you have an iPhone?
  22. You need to eat plain and simple. Your body weight needs around 2000 Calories a day pre-exercise then you have to replace each calorie you burn in order to keep the training from being detrimental. Don't be afraid of food. If your worried about weight gain watch your macronutrient levels. I eat 4000 calories on heavy training days without any effect. You have to eat if not your already relying on the calories your body needs just to function not including training. Just my humhle opinion.
  23. Thanks dude. Sorry I didn't make it out to Veg Fest. I work crazy hours on the weekend.
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