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Everything posted by kareno

  1. Hi Denise! We're halfway through the VBB New You for the New Year challenge! How are things going? I notice you haven't updated your journal in about a week... Are things okay? Hope you had a wonderful conclusion to your holiday and that you're right on track with your goals now that you're back at home. Hoping your 2012 is off to a happy and healthy start! All the best, Karen
  2. Hey Brownbear! Are you still around? I see you haven't visited since October. Hope you're doing well and that you 2012 is off to a happy and healthy start! All the best, Karen
  3. Hi Ronnie! How is your training going? We're halfway through the New You for the New Year Challenge! How are things going with your coach? I don't see any recent posts from you, but I hope you're keeping up with your fitness and health in 2012! All the best, Karen
  4. Hi Glais! We're halfway through the New You for the New Year Challenge! How are things going for you? I don't see any posts from you for the past week or so, but I hope you've kept up with your fitness and health routine! Hope you're off to a happy and healthy 2012! All the best, Karen
  5. Hey Vlad! How's your training coming along? You haven't posted in a while, so I hope all is well with you, and that you're off to a healthy and happy 2012! All the best, Karen
  6. Hey Miguel! How are things going? Hope you're off to a great start this week! We're halfway through the New You for the New Year Challenge! Amanda's a great coach, eh? Have a great day! Karen
  7. Hey there, Miss E! How is your journey going? Haven't seen any posts from you for a while, and I hope you're keeping on track to your HOT 30th birthday!!
  8. Hey Patrik! Awesome journal! Keep up the great work! I'm new to fitness, so not really capable of offering up any great advice (haha!), but I'll cheer you on!!!!!!!!!!! 2, 4, 6, 8, who do we appreciate?? Patrik! Patrik! Woooooo! All the best, Karen
  9. Hey Jon! Great job! I'm no fitness expert, but I'm pretty sure skiing can count as your workout! Haha! Hope you're feeling better very soon! All the best, Karen
  10. Hey there, Jolly! We're halfway through the New You for the New Year Challenge! How are things going? You were doing so great at consistent journaling, but haven't posted anything for a week now. Are you doing alright? Hope you're staying happy and healthy in 2012! All the best, Karen
  11. Welcome! Hope all is going well! I totally relate to what you said about figuring out the macros. I've been in the same boat and keep overeating carbs and fat in order to increase the protein. Grrr. Anyway, I'm just going to relax about it a bit and not stress too much over it, hoping I'll figure it out with time. Good luck with everything! All the best, Karen
  12. Aww, I just noticed your comment about me and the plank. I'm just a girl. I ate a snack of blueberries tonight, too! Yum yum! Looking forward to seeing you soon!
  13. Hey there, Mary! Great job with consistent journaling! And congratulations on your weight loss! Sounds like you've had a stressful week, and I'm sorry that you don't get to see your fiance as much as you would like. But, girl, you seem to beat yourself up a lot! I think you should be a little kinder to yourself. As my VBB coach has been telling me, it's not about perfection; it's about health. So, cut yourself a little slack. I know, sometimes it's easier said than done, as I tend to be the same way. But, it sounds like you're learning some things about yourself along the way, and that's much of what this process of journaling is all about! Wishing you all the best! ~Karen
  14. Good to hear you tried a spin class. I've done them a few times, and yeah, they're a really good workout, eh? It's been a while since I've gone because the gym I go to now doesn't offer very many spin classes, and they're always so full that you have to arrive an hour ahead of time to get a spot. Have a great rest of your week!
  15. Hey Sandra! Welcome to the forum, and it was fun reading your journal post! Keep up the great work! And stay warm! Haha! All the best, Karen
  16. Hey Jeremy! We're halfway through the VBB New You for the New Year Challenge! Congratulations on such great consistency and dedication. I hope all is going well, and I wish you continued success this week and throughout the rest of the challenge! Hope you're staying warm up there in Estes! All the best, Karen
  17. I'll start today's post by saying that I did not get any fitness in today. My day did not go as planned. It was my intention to meet a friend for lunch, then go to the gym afterwards. But, lunch turned into a late lunch, followed by long conversation, followed by going to several shops to find this thing she was looking for. By that time, it had started snowing, and it was windy and cold. Since the gym is quite a distance from where I was, and even further from where I live, I decided it was best to get home before the roads got too bad and darkness fell. I was incredibly tired, took a nap, woke up with a headache and no energy whatsoever. All those excuses in order to say.... no fitness today. I know that will give me more motivation for tomorrow, though. I did, however, download a Couch-to-5K app for iPhone today, which I'm looking forward to trying out. Perhaps I should sign up now for the St. Patty's Day run! Aww, and this St. Patty's Day would be my Grandma's 100th birthday! I could do it in her honor! I'll have to give this idea some more thought.
  18. Hey Miz! Great job with everything! Do you really go to the gym at 4:00 AM? Wow, that's real dedication! I think it's great that you're getting your daughters involved in fitness with you and you're able to do it together. I love doing those partner-type exercises, passing and throwing balls. How fun! We're halfway through the VBB New You for the New Year Challenge! Good luck with this week! ~Karen
  19. Awww, thanks for that encouragement, Hayley! I really appreciate it! Yeah, I've just never in my whole life been an active person and not good at anything even remotely athletic. So, just making the mental shift to incorporate exercise into my schedule is pretty huge. But, it's really easy to feel intimidated (and embarassed) at the gym or to exercise around friends because this is all so new to me and I'm not good at it! Hopefully, that will change though. Thanks again for the kind words, and GREAT JOB to you!!!!
  20. Hi Carolina! I'm so sorry I haven't dropped by to check out your journal for a little while. I was going through a rough patch and feeling pretty low, but I see you were having a rough patch of your own! Oh no! I hope both your husband AND you are doing and feeling well. It's okay if you haven't been working out, per se, but I hope you're taking care of yourself and that you'll post soon and let us know how things are going. Take care, Karen
  21. I went bowling recently and "Yeah Buddy!" kept slipping out of my mouth - almost without my even realizing it or intending to say it! I thought of you and Robert and just laughed. Keep up the great work, G!! ~Karen~
  22. Hey Jesse! Great job on your journaling! We're halfway through the January Challenge! How's it been going for you? I'm still working to develop good habits and learning as much as I can from my coach. She's such an amazing resource! Wish I could copy and paste all her knowledge from her brain to mine! I don't know about you, but I'm starting to feel mental changes and shifts in my thinking, but still waiting to see some physical ones. Like Michelle said above, I have to keep reminding myself that just as my weight sneaked up on me gradually, it'll be a gradual change to lose it as well. Wish it was different, but oh well. Sorry to hear about your finger. Ouch! But, sounds like you're making the best of the situation anyhow. Good for you! Have a great week ahead! Keep working hard! All the best, Karen
  23. Hey there!! Thanks for the wonderful and uplifiting message you posted on my journal recently! I had a rough few days of feeling pretty low, and it really helped a lot, so THANK YOU!! Hope you're having fun in the snow, wherever you are, and staying warm! Happy Monday, and let's kick some a$$ this week!!!!!!
  24. Hey Sherrie! I see you haven't posted in a few days, and I hope all is well and that you're staying motivated and inspired! Hope you had a wonderful weekend and a productive and happy week ahead! All the best! Karen
  25. Hey Doug! So, I wanted to share two things with you: 1) thank you for the wonderfully kind and uplifiting post you made on my journal the other day. I had several days of feeling pretty low, and it's so amazing to get supportive and understanding messages from others. 2) I just read your previous posts above about your own battle with depression. I cannot thank you enough for having the courage to share this with the forum community at large. I, too, have dealt with depression and anxiety my whole life and have taken meds on and off since 2004. I couldn't bare to go to the gym today either, and had to call up my friend to ask if I could use the quiet and small fitness room in her apartment complex, since I couldn't bare the idea of the noise, people, and intimidation of the gym today. Just happens that way sometime. Anyway, everyone's different, of course, but I understand how you feel as well as anyone can. Thanks again for sharing your honest story with us. You rock!!!!!! OH! And I saw some new expressions you used that I've never heard before and really like! "a moany old git" and "diamond geezer"! Hahaha! Not sure exactly what they mean, but I love them! Happy Monday, Doug! ~Karen~
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