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Everything posted by lelle

  1. pushups : 30 barbell military press: 9,5x8x2 12x8x2 deadlifts 22x8x2 pull-ups: 2 crunches: 10 stretching bad day, bad day! thanks for your comment will, i t hink i really should find something else to warm up...
  2. oh yes i know what you mean with keeping things constant in my kitchen there's a whole mountain of dishes most of the time and it takes me about an hour to get everything clean... so cleaning them right after using is never wrong
  3. go daywalker go! no need to be disappointed at all, you have an awesome physique so im totally sure you'll rock the next competition
  4. at the moment i'm not hungry at all because i ate a whole brockoli with 5 slices of bread but in about 2-3 hours i would love to have a lasagna hmmm. looks tasty! will try the recipe soon
  5. stretching barbell bench press 22x8x2; 27x8x2< 32x4x2 barbell bent over row 7x8x1 9,5x8x2 squats 22x8x2 27x8x1 3 pull-ups stretching i skipped the pushups and noticed that i can lift far heavier weights is it a good idea to keep it like that?
  6. great to hear that you feel better will! but don't overdo it, be sure you're 100% fit. take care
  7. barbell bench press 22x8x2; 24,5x8x2 26x8x2 32x4x2 new personal best woohooo today i just wanted to see how much i can bench, the day after tomorrow i'll continue with my regular routine. i guess tomorrow my arms and chest will sore like hell
  8. congratulations rob *hands you a cake*
  9. to make it short: i wish you all the best and i really hope you'll achieve your goals. you're a true inspiration and a kind of role model for me (and i think not only for me!) i'm really looking forward to listening to your music one day hope you "visit" us here regularly. take care buddy!
  10. thanks for your comment daywalker! i had trouble understanding the first sentence, though would be great if you could pm me in german i'll try to improve, but those pullups are quite hard, especially at the end of the workout!
  11. sorry, i wanted to add a smiley haha.....
  12. pushups : 30 barbell military press: 9,5x8x3 12x8x2 deadlifts 17x8x2 22x8x1 pull-ups: 2 crunches: 10 another 30 pushups stretching
  13. yap, i'm able to do 2 hope i get better soon!
  14. the problem is that i'm not able to do it right i think. i can't keep my back straight
  15. one hand dumbbell rows are a lot easier for me, but do they have the same impact? thanks so much for your suggestion, i'm totally unsure whether i train right or not thats the big disadvantage of training at home i guess...
  16. warmup: crunches x10 30 push-ups barbell bench press 22x8x2; 24,5x8x2 barbell bent over row 7x8x3 <- is there a good alternative to this exercise? squats 22x8x2 24,5x8x1 another 20 push-ups stretching comments and criticism always welcomed
  17. Predicted Maximum Stats at 8% Bodyfat Lean body weight:166.2 Chest Size (inches):42.1 Upper Arms Size (inches):15.4 Forearms Size (inches):12.4 Neck Size (inches):15.26 Thighs Size (inches):21.2 Calfs Size (inches):14.4
  18. Don't forget to concentrate also on your training. EAT IRON! I was focusing on my nutrition for a while too intensive, but lost my motivation for training and gained too much fat. Now, I am back to my old eating habits, which works best for me and I will increase the intensity of my workout sessions again. I will send you some 'embarrissing' pics of myself. You are not the only one with body 'problems'. i'll do my best, haha dude this is so funny! you eat too much and skip trainings and i train all the time and skip eating
  19. thanks nobbi! my nutrition, well....it is a little bit better now, but stillt not enough calories and protein. have to concentrate more on my eating-exercises
  20. thanks! but rob wasn´t nearly as skinny as i am .... first i want to get from girl-shape into guy-shape and then comes the "getting huge" part
  21. two more embarrassing pictures taken today after my workout http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y267/lelle83/wo2.jpg HE-MAN! http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y267/lelle83/wo3.jpg
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