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Everything posted by hsorlando

  1. !0:00am organic coffee & a vegan cinnamon bun at Dandelion Tea I need to get back on track, this week I've been packing, and I have had no time to prepare any food in the kitchen. I am so sick of eating badly, all I want is a nice big salad. It is so nice that I actually crave food that is good for me instead of junk food. It's going to take some getting used to living with my brother and his 2 daughters, they are not vegan. I'll just have to have my own cupboard and part of the fridge for my food, I intend to start the Thrive Diet, or at least add a ton of foods from it. 5:00pm half a Clif builders bar 7:45pm vegan steak strips, brown rice, and italian beans I was at my brothers all afternoon, and there was nothing to eat. I finished my Clif bar before I worked out so I would have something in me. It seems we will be moving into the 3 bedroom on Wednesday so I'm hoping that I will be able to concentrate more on what I eat once we've moved. Besides more salads, vegetables, and fruit I would also like to add quinoa, flax, and maybe some lentils to my diet. I guess this means I will have to be in the kitchen more, it'll definitely be worth it though since I'll be eating better.
  2. I thought rice krispie bars had gelatin in them, at least they used to.
  3. upping the weight on my barbell makes me happy
  4. I worked out a lot today. First I did a Step Class, and I sweated a lot. I also managed to keep up with the choreography too, I really like this class for the cardio that I get out of it. Then I had an hour and a half before Body Pump, so I read more of The Thrive Diet. I'm enjoying it a lot, and learning a bunch too. I also had a banana inbetween classes, and a lot of water. I went up in weights for a few things in Body Pump. I upped the warmup weight to 10 lbs each side, instead of 7.5. Squats are the same, so is chest,and back. Triceps are up to 20 lbs, and everything else is the same. I feel good, and I know that because of Body Pump I am getting stronger.
  5. Is it just me or does this seem a bit scary! lol.
  6. I had a red bull one time, and I didn't like the way it made me feel. I actually got all jittery, and was shaking a bit. So I figured if it did that to me, it wasn't a good thing and I never had another one. I don't think it was the sugar free one, but I don't think aspartame is good for people, and I never liked the taste of it anyway.
  7. 8:30am cinnamon raisin bagel w/ vegan margarine and coffee(I must be losing my taste for these because it tasted weird) 11:30am luna bar (lemon zest) and organic coffee 2:30pm small banana/ water 5:00pm 1/2 clif builders bar (man these are good, I can see why Robert can eat 3 a day, it was all I could do to not scoff down the other half) 9:30pm 2 burritos
  8. I could be wrong but chin ups may be underhanded, and pullups overhanded. But I would not take my reply as correct until someone that actually does pullups explains the difference.
  9. I've never attempted a pullup, but would like to give it a try one day.
  10. Having a goal always helps me. Not just to say oh I'm going to get up and run, or workout with weights or whatever but to have a specific goal of what you want to do, or where you want to run, or how long etc. Also just be dedicated, if I don't feel like doing some form of exercise sometimes it helps to ask yourself what you don't want. Like in 5 years do I want to have added 50 or more pounds, and do I really want to be in bad shape, not able to do fun activities just because I was not in the mood to exercise a few years before. And if your schedule allows, you could always try to go back to sleep after your run. Just my 2 cents!
  11. I had a great workout today. It was a cardio strength class, and this is how it went. The order may not be 100% correct. We also had a substitute instructor, but he's one of my favorites. Warmup: 5 minutes squats with loaded barbell 30lbs lunges with loaded barbell 30lbs ran drill on outside track: there were two lines and the person at the back of each line has to sprint to the front, we ran around 3 times did some exercises with a band for our outer thighs/ glutes chest: barbell was 20 lbs back: deadlifts, and rows 20lbs triceps extensions 15lbs (my stupid clips didn't want to come off the barbell, so I missed some of the exercises biceps: curls 15lbs was way too light pushups abs used a 10 lb weight for some of the exercises After the class I ate a banana and thought about running. I almost talked myself out of it, but then talked myself right back into it. So I ran, but not very fast for 3 miles. This week I actually ran outside four times.I think my total was about 17 kilometers or so. I only hope that I can get a much better running time by 12/28/07 that's the date of my first ever 5k. I don't expect to get super fast, because I do a lot of other things besides running, but I would like my first 5k to be at a somewhat respectable time.
  12. 8:30am oatmeal w/banana 1/2 cup of coffee 10:30am banana 12:45pm chik pattie sandwich on oat bran pita bread 5:30 2 leftover pieces of tomato pie with olives (this was from last Sunday at my nieces birthday party) 7:45 Amy's pot pie ( I know it's prepackaged, but I don't like to cook, and at least it has some vegetables in it) 9:30 finished the last piece of pumpkin pie, it tasted a bit weird, it's been in the fridge a week So now that I have absolutely no junk in the house I'm going to do my best to not bring any more in. I drank a lot of water today, and I think my calories were around 1,200 or 1,300. I think my calorie consumption is ok, but I need to make a lot more of them good calories.
  13. When I started out as a vegan I wasn't a very healthy one, but I learned quickly.And as I learned about nutrition, I'm still learning, I get a lot healthier. I think a lot of the problems with unhealthy vegans is that they don't know what is vegan when they start out. So they eat a lot of junk that is vegan like white bread, potato chips, cookies, white pasta, white rice, prepackaged foods, and a lot of other foods that have white flour, tons of sugar, and bad fats, so we ned fit, healthy vegans to help them. Not everyone is going to be a fitness guru, but we can all learn to eat better. I just hope that these vegans will be receptive to a better more healthy way of eating.
  14. Pamela's running log is very inspirational. It gives me hope that I may get better and faster at running someday.
  15. 9am:oatmeal w/banana & coffee 11:15 am small orange 1:00pm Amy's Enchilada Meal 6:00pm 2 chik patties and rice 8pm slice of vegan pumpkin pie & cup of tea I ate really badly today, and I know I need to add a lot of salads, and veggies, but fruit is so much easier to fix. I hope I start eating better, and more consisitently, or else I'll have a lot of vegans on my case lol. Maybe that isn't such a bad thing.
  16. I have 2 brothers, so growing up we were always playing sports. But I always had a hard time keeping up, and sucked at everything. Basically doing anything physical was harder on me than it should have been, so I had to be very determined to make up for my level of fitness. Then when I turned 18 I started working out at a one on one training studio in Wilmington, DE. And for the first tiime I found that I was good at something athletic. I also lost about 40-50 pounds just weight training, and doing small increments of cardio. Anyway I met 2 awesome trainers, and their love for fitness and helping people got to me. So it's been a bumpy ride, I'm not there yet, but I am getting closer to my goal of being a personal trainer. I've also learned a lot going to different gyms, and talking to different trainers, so I'm constantly learning. Right now at my local YMCA they have several exceptional trainers, and I continue to learn every day. As far as my being vegan goes I mainly do it for the animals, but the added health is a bonus. People at the gym, including the trainers are almost always interested to hear about my vegan diet, and to see that I actually have energy. Every day that I work out I get fitter, so I use that as a goal to continue on this path. I can't wait until I can help people that are interested in living a healthier, more fit life.
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