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Everything posted by hsorlando

  1. It didn't do anything for me either! I have it on tonight also, there's nothing else on, and it's already boring.
  2. Today I did Step. I enjoyed it, and had a great workout but my left ankle's been a bit sore, it must have been from running, or possibly Kickboxing. After the class, I was going to just read a book until BodyPump but the group exercise director invited me to watch him and another trainer study the new release for BodyPump. Every 3 months they change it up, and all certified BP instructors have to learn the new routine. Anyway I couldn't resist!! The order of exercises always stays the same, but the reps, and pace change. It was fun to watch, and feel like I was a part of it. Heck I'll probable learn the routine before them. Right before the BP class the trainer (group exercise director) said to me that one day I'd be teaching one of the classes. He's not the type of person to beat around the bush, so this remark meant the world to me. I know the steps I need to take, and I'm on my way. It's just nice having support in this from someone in the field. Tomorrow I'm finally ordering the book I need to study. I also increased my squat weight to 40lbs, but the new squat track will probably make me use a lesser weight, it's harder. I watched them practise the warmup, squat,chest, and back tracks, and a lot of them look harder than what we're already doing. Another good thing about the new release is there's better music to workout to.
  3. i'm watching right now. I'll tell you what I think later.
  4. I like veganaisse on my salads, I just got so tired of balsamic vinagriette
  5. Today I went for a Cardio Strength class, and it started late because the trainers got the schedule mixed up, they do alternate Saturdays. Anyway while everyone else was just waiting for someone to come and teach the class I actually warmed up on my own. During class I used 6, 8, and 12 pound weights. There were shoulder presses, which I still have trouble with. Also lateral raises, lots of squats, and lunges, bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, rows, pushups, and abs. I really didn't feel like running afterwards, but I made myself. I feel good that I ran 3 times this week, that's about 15k for the week. This is the first time that I have not had any mishap stopping me, there were no untied laces, and no falls to the ground. I'm comfortable enough running 3 miles now, but the 3rd time in the week is what gets me. I do a lot of other stuff though so I suppose that's why, I'll just keep at it and I'll get used to it. Heck I never thought I'd get this far, and in only four months too. Maybe one day I'll even run a marathon!
  6. Alright I'll check out Spike, I don't like watching shows online, probably because my speakers don't work very well.
  7. I heard something several years ago that also said using the microwave for more than 5 seconds pretty much nukes the food so there is absolutely no nutrition in it anymore.
  8. I absolutely love it, lol, when I see someone who is apparently talking to themselves, then I see the infamous headset, and realize they're too damn lazy to even hold a phone.
  9. Ok, I'm curious now, I've never seen Ultimate Fighter, and noow I want to. What station airs it?
  10. Welcome back to this forum. You're absolutely right when you said this site inspires, I have to visit every day!
  11. Breakfast: oatmeal w/banana & coffee Lunch: Amys pot pie Snack: banana Dinner: small bowl of soup, some multi grain crackers/ 2 hotdogs Dessert: bowl of cereal that isn't at all good for me w/ unsweet silk
  12. I'm going to post one soon, I swear. First I want a vegan bodybuilder shirt, as soon as I have one, I'll put it on, take a pic, and post it!
  13. I'm still planning on coming. At least now that my younger brother works at Southwest I can get some free passes, or at least incredibly cheap tickets. I've never been to Portland, and have no idea how much vegan food, and other expenses for a week would cost. Can someone possibly advise on how much money people may want to bring? I know spending is different for everyone, but what would be the bare minimum to get by, I'll go from that. Thanks
  14. Had a quick workout tonight. Not much to it, just did some machines. I started with 10 minutes of cardio on a Precor eliptical machine, then did legs. My reason for working out with only machines was I just wanted to see how heavy I could go. I'll do my best to remember exact weights. Leg extentions: 10 reps 40, 8/50, 8/50,8/50 Leg press: 4 sets 140lbs 8 reps Calf Raises w/15 lb hand weights 3 sets 8 reps (waiting for machine) Leg curls (lying down) 4 sets, played around with 50-70lbs and 6-10reps Calf machine: (standing) 100lbs 8 reps 80lbs 8 reps 80lbs 8 reps Then I did some abs with a 6lb medicine ball (about 50) & stretching
  15. Breakfast:8:45 am oatmeal w/banana & black coffee Lunch:3:45pm 1 burrito, 1/2 sandwich Snack:5pm clif bar Dinner:9pm Fantastic Foods vegan Chicken soup, 1/2 sandwich Someone was supposed to drop off my lunch, but didn''t get there untilI was almost leaving for the gym. I shouldn''t have eaten so much right before I ran at 5:30, the clif bar sort of just sat there, but at least I had energy to run.
  16. Had another great workout, well actually two today. This morning did KB, it'll be a new trainer next week, but we're told she's awesome, we'll see! Anyway I've been in a bit of a mood the last few days so I really enjoyed punching stuff in class. I wasn't as tired as I usually am after KB, so I guess that means I'm getting in better shape, and my endurance is finally going up. It was still cold today in the 40s, last night we broke a 5 year record for how cold it was, I think it got to around 30 degrees, which xonsidering it's Florida was cold! After work I went back to the gym, and met the trainer. My Mom is also starting, so I ran by myself for 2.5 miles, then the running instructor worked with me on speed, so I can get faster for my next race. I ran for 5 seconds, then sprinted for 5 seconds for the last half mile. I actually caught up to her a couple times, I think she was as surprised as I was. I did not stay for Latin Cardio, I think after nearly 2 years I have taken it as far as I can. I have to face it I am way more comfortable lifting a barbell, than shaking my hips! I missed Tuesday, so I may possibly go to the gym tomorrow, but not 100% sure.
  17. Are you sure Martina is a vegan. I have her book which is pretty good, it came out a few years ago but she says that she still eats meat in it. If she were vegan she'd be a good speaker for a veg fest event. Hint hint!
  18. Breakfast: 8:30 am oatmeal w/banana & black coffee Lunch:12:30pm Amys pot pie Snack:4:30pm clif bar Snack:7:00pm banana Dinner:9:30 2 burritos & brown rice I always drink a lot of water, and I also had some iced tea. We aren't keeping any soda in the house anymore bacause my brothers 2 year old girl goes crazy when she sees soda. Unfortunately my brothers ex has a stupid mom that was giving the girls soda, and the 2 year old seems to be addicted to it. I shouldn't consume it anyway so I'm glad we won't have it in the house.
  19. I didn't run today because it was quite cold out. I know I live in Florida, but after you live here for over 6 months you just can't take the cold. Not to mention I don't really have clothes for cold weather. Anyway I took a BodyPump class today, and felt pretty good. I didn't up my squat weight yet, but did manage to bench press using 30lbs, and my right shoulder/ pec area didn't hurt so that's good. I am running tomorrow, it will be a bit warmer, and not as windy. I can't get out of it this time lol, because I'm meeting the trainer. I'm also doing Kickboxing in the morning before work, but I don't know if I'll do anything else after I run in the afternoon.
  20. "I can't fight this feeling anymore"by REO Speedwagon
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