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Everything posted by hsorlando

  1. I've never met you, but Happy Birthday!!
  2. I'm both! Sometimes it's nice to stay up late around 2 or 3 am because it's quiet. But it can also be pleasnt getting up in the morning hearing the birds wake up, and seeing the sunrise. I think I'm changing my mind on this one. Since I started living with my brother and his 2 girls, nighttime has been anything but quiet!
  3. It's a little different for me right now because I'm mainly doing group exercise classes. I have a schedule and I know which ones are which days, so I pretty much always know what I'll be doing at the gym. But I am very focused, and if I'm not happy with the way I do something, like for instance my squat form. Then I focus 100% on getting it right asap. When I run I always add more sprints, or will do a longer run.
  4. I''ve heard alot of different ideas of when and how you should workout. If you can do the cardio first thing in the morning without any nourishment you'd be doing better than me! I find that to get the most out of a workout I need to fuel my body. When I ran my first 5k in the morning, I just had a banana, about an hour before, and did fine. I know I wouldn't have done very well with an empty stomach, I would have possibly gotten through it but would be completely drained.
  5. Breakfast 8:30: berry almond luna bar 1/2 cup of coffee Snack10:30:banana Snack12:30pm ate at Dandelion Tea: bagel w/vegan cream cheese, organic coffee I saw a fellow kicboxer there and he said the new instructor is very tough, so now I have to try it out Lunch 4:30pm salad & ice tea
  6. I got to the Y at about 9:15 am, and then set up for class, today was Cardio Strength. We used stability balls, medium 8lbs, and heavy 10lb weights. The warmup was stretching and running several times around the perimiter of the room. Shoulders were first, started with heavy weights, 2 different kinds of lateral raises, and shoulder press, then onto heavy weights I think. Then more running around the room, and I think chest, biceps were next, did squats too, and there were several more cardio intervals. I must be getting more fit, because I'm startong to pass people when we run, and do walking lunges, etc. The only thing I was disappointed in were my overhead shoulder presses, and overhead tricep extentions. For the most part I had excellent form, and felt good about the weights I used. I could have easily used 12 pound weights for biceps though! We also did pushups using the stability ball, I almost fell off, lol. After the class I ran for 3 miles, took about 35 minutes I think. I get very red in the face when I run, and I think one of the trainers was concerned when she saw me at the water fountain, but I told her I had done a class, and just finished running. I wonder if the redness of my face will ever diminish when I'm running. I don't want anyone to think I'm going to pass out. After I was done at the gym I got picked up to go watch my niece get her first haircut. She watched her Daddy get his done first, but when it was her turn she didn't want to sit down. Thankfully she ended up sitting on my Moms lap, and was very good about the lady coming at her face with sharp scissors lol. My niece is very happy to not have her hair in her face now. We celebrated by taking them to a doughnut place, and I am so glad I am a vegan, and couldn't get anything!
  7. I like all types except horror. And I also don't like adult/porn lol. I can watch comedy,musical,sports, action, drama,romance,documentary,foreign, classic, etc,but it depends on my mood.
  8. I'm definitely not going to get into my political views, but I did watch an interview with a male democratic politician, and he said some very interesting things. About our troops in the Iraq war he said it was of course a lot easier to put them in the war, than it would be to remove them, that would take some time. Also he said some of the countries we're having trouble with, it wasn't that those countries "hated" the USA, just that they were disappointed in us, that pretty much the United States had let a lot of people down, and some countries now have a lesser thought of our government, but that can change. I also watched an interview with Donald Trump, and his political view on things were quite amusing.
  9. Breakfast: toasted oats (organic cereal) w/ unsweet soymilk & banana Snack:1/2 luna bar/ water Lunch: 1 taco w/beans & 1bean burrito And I was bad and had a diet soda Dinner:leftovers from Garden Cafe & ice tea
  10. When I take classes, for the most part my eyes are on the trainer, or checking my form in the mirror, no fixing my hair though. Sometimes I do look at other people though, usually to see if we're all doing the same thing. I have seen a lot of bad form at the gym, and a lot of people that pay no attention to the trainer and just do their own thing lol. Also twice last year this older man passed out in a dance class. He was gone for a long time but now he's back, and I have a feeling the instructor really doesn't want him in his class passing out again lol. I have no idea what was wrong with him, he was probably just being stubborn and not listening to what his body told him. You can bet we were all watching him after he fell. He does seem to be doing a lot better now, which is good.
  11. Thanks Robert. I feel better tonight, because I did get to the gym it truly is my "happy place". Anyway after work I walked to the YMCA,and then ran around the block 6 times. I may have actually run 7 times because I lost count, so I either did 3 or 3.5 miles. Then I got an invitation to Garden Cafe (vegetarian chinese place) so I had to say yes, since they were treating lol. Then I went back to the Y, and did Latin Cardio. I am definitely not the best in the class, but it is fun. I'm taking tomorrow off, and I'll get back to the gym on Saturday. I'm also doing sprints,or faster runs for part of my 3 mile run, hopefully this will help me get faster, at least it's a start.
  12. I would suggest warmup first so you don't pull anything, then stretch, then get to work! Then stretch at the end too.
  13. I'm being bad and skipping kickboxing today. Mostly it's because I'm emotionally drained. There's a lot going on with my brothers divorce. We actually tried to help his ex again (stupid us) but she isn't strong enough mentally to stand up to her power hungry family. Anyway I am not going to write anything else on that subject. Yesterday I did a BodyPump class, nothing special but it always feels good to be doing something. Then after that I walked for about a mile. I did get a nice compliment kind of, the group exercise director said when he sees me at the gym he knows it's going to be a good day. At least someone in my life gives me compliments lol. Anyway another reason I'm not doing kb today is because I pulled something in my leg. At first I thought it was when were using the leg band for thighs, but when I raised it in front of me I felt the muscle, and realized in Muscle Toning that we had done some leg raises, and I may have gone too high on a couple of them. I'll no doubt be mad at myself all day for skipping, but I do plan on going tonight to run, and possibly do something else too.
  14. I do pushups almost every time I'm at the gym, although I alternate between pushups on my knees and standard pushups. If I did nothing else I could probably do between 10 and 20 regular style pushups with good form. I'll have to test this out now,and report back lol.
  15. I went to the Y,and did Muscle Toning today. We did cardio intervals, used a barbell, and a leg band. I went lighter on the weights today, but boy did I sweat. Besides the cardio, which was a lot, we did squats, bicep curls, triiceps, shoulder presses,deadlifts, rows,some inner thigh stuff,and a few other things I'm too tired to remember It was a great workout, I think the trainer may have thought I was crazy for doing another weight training class. Anyway after the class I went running. Diidn't really feel like it but at least I had someone to run with. I asked the trainer if she thought I was doing too much, but she said she also works out 6 days a week, and as long as I wasn't sore, etc. Pretty much what I thought, but since people are always telling me it's too much I thought maybe I was overdoing it. even though I don't feel like I am. As long as I don't injure myself I'll keep going 6 days a week. I may discontinue Kickboxing if I don''t get as much out of the new person, and then I would probably just run on Thursdays, but run for a longer time. That way I'd have a bitmore of a break from classes. I'll know better by Thursday if this is a possibility.
  16. The procedure I did was a little different than traditional liposuction. It's a newer procedure.. They use smaller instruments,and smaller incisions,and recoverys a lot faster. I believe it's called vaser liposelection, and only a handful of plastic surgeons do it here in the US. The surgeon I went to was in Denver, olorado, and he learned the procedure in South America, I heard about him on the Today show and I'm glad I did. I was scared of the idea of having surgery but I was getting no results at the gym, even though I was working out a bunch I looked like the opposite. Anyway I suggest work out consistently and if this area does not improve in say a year then you'll pretty much know that it's all excess skin. Or you can go for a free cosultation with a plastic surgeon and they can tell you what they think. Contrary to what some people think they are not all out there just to make money, You just have to find one that's honest, and basically is a good person and not in the field for the money, but because they love their work. But hopefully with hard work you can fix the area and won't have to do surgery.
  17. I agree with DV. I had the same problem as you, I lost weight and had a lot of extra skin. I weight trained for a long time, but nothing in my abdominal section came off. I was afraid of plastic surgery, but finally found a good surgeon, that was doing a new version of liposuction. And found a way to borrow the money. It is more expensive, but has far greater results. I might add that I was told from working out that my abs were rock hard, and they didn't need to touch the muscle. Usually they pull the muscles tight, but mine were already very tight. If anyone is thinking of plastic surgery, because nothing else has worked I'll tell you of a great plastic surgeon. It does help to be in good shape before the surgery, it aids in a faster recovery, and the results are better too.
  18. I keep forgetting to post what I eat, I'll try to remember. Saturday:oatmeal,avocado wrap @ vegetarian/vegan/organic place, it was so yummy,2 vegan hotdogs, burrito Sunday:oatmeal,banana,sandwich?,smoothie(after workout),salad Monday:oatmeal, banana,Amys pot pie,banana,clif bar,vegan chicken soup,crackers,cereal Tuesday:oatmeal, banana,Amy's Enchilada meal,banana, half a luna bar, 2 burritos, bowl of cereal
  19. After work I walked to the gym, about a mile I think. I did BP again. It was a good class, I always try to push myself. I was a little tired, not sore though from yesterdays classes. So on a few things I pretty much went to failure. I still have a hard time with the overhead shoulder presses at the end, it's the last exercise with the barbell. Anyway my form is finally getting a little better, I know what I need to do for good form, but my not having terrific balance gets in the way. I am working on it, and hopefully will have a breakthrough soon. I also think it may be time to increase my tricep weight, it's starting to be easier, and I can't have that! Maybe I'll add another 5 pounds to the barbell, and while I'm adding I'll also add 5 to biceps, that way bicep, and triceps have the same weight, which makes it easier in the class. Tomorrow I plan on running, and doing Muscle Toning which is always fun. The running trainer keeps on me about buying running shoes, right now I'm just using my New Balance cross trainers. My feet are starting to hurt, and get blisters, so I definitely need to buy some running shoes. I just don't know what brand to get because of my stupid wide feet with high arches.
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