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Everything posted by hsorlando

  1. I tried volleyball once, but the experience wasn't that great. They had a womens volleyball time at the gym, and I figured it would be fun. But it ended up just being intimidating as all the other females were already on their high school sports team, and they were quite fierce lol. Lets just say I got beamed quite a few times, and with no apologies at all. I think others must have felt the same way because they don't offer this anymore.
  2. My workout today was NOT the one I wanted. My brother wanted to go, and it would also be a nice outing for his kids, they have a childrens area. Anyway I thought I would wait for my Mom, who I "thought" was going to workout too. But first she had to run an errand, and would be back in about 45 minutes. No problem I figured my brother could finish and read for an hour or something while we did our thing. Long story short neither one got the memo. So all I did was 20 minutes of cardio on a Precor,then I hurried through some arm exercises. I was so stressed out by this time I could barely remember what I was going to do. seated bicep curls 15 lbs 3 sets of 8-10 reps seated/bent over lateral raises 8lbs 3 sets 12 reps seated shoulder press 8 lbs 3 sets 10 reps standing hammer curls 8lbs 12 reps 3 sets tricep extentions (skullcrushers) 8lbs 12 reps 3 sets standing lateral raises 8lbs 3 sets 8-12 reps tricep kickbacks (standing) 8lbs 3 sets 10 reps Anyway it wasn't my best day at the gym, and I've started to reconsider wanting to workout with my family members too, it just adds stress!!! Then afterwards I went out to the car, oh and I alway get to sit between both carseats lol, so I'm quite comfortable. Then they think they make it up to me when they ask me if I want a smoothie, it didn't cost anything because he had a buy one get one free coupon. It was a nice gesture, but I wasn't very hungry, and my 2 nieces were not happy that I wasn't sharing with them lol.
  3. I just wanted to reply that I don't at all trust Hillary. I have always been a good judge of character, and I think she will say anything to become the "first female President", and then she will most likely go in the opposite direction, and the USA will be stuck for another 4 years. On the other hand from what I have heard from Barack it seems that he genuinely cares about helping the United States. This is just my opinion, I'm not here for a debate.
  4. Today 2 people were watching me, and I have no idea why! The first time I was on a Precor machine, and the second time I was in the weight room doing some bicep curls.
  5. I don't care where the location is going to be. I'm just excited about coming to a vegan vacation! And of course there are tons of people from the Portland area that know where all the best places are, and I'll just follow.
  6. I like her look too. I'm not as tall as she is, but she has nice definitition, and she's not all muscle like some women bodybuilders. In other words I think she has a very natural, healthy, and very realistic look.
  7. Well I didn't make it to kickboxing, because I had to go out with my family, oh well, my 2 nieces were being very good so it was fun. After work I ran 3.5 miles, I wasn't going to do the extra half, but after 2 miles I had to tie my shoelace, and then at 2.5 miles I fell, so I figured I'd better add an extra half since I had to stop twice. Then I waited around the gym for an hour and a half for Latin Cardio. I used my time studying, then after the class I had to wait an hour and 15 minutes for my ride, so I had an opportunity to talk to one of the trainers, who also looked at the book that I'm studying from. Everyone seems to be surprised at how thick it is, and at the cost of it too. Anyway I feel like I'm back to normal, FINALLY, so I really should get to the gym tomorrow, since I didn't make it Monday.
  8. Ok, today I started with 20 minutes of cardio on a precor. The machine I used was a new model, so it took some getting used to, finding the correct buttons to push for info and all. After that I read/studied my personal training book, and then finally got some much needed water. When I first got to the gym their water wasn't working, something to do with the sprinkler system they said. Anyway I did take a BodyPump class today, and I managed to get through it sort of. I went lighter on a couple of things, and I just felt tired, the ab track was fun because it was one we hadn't done before. Tomorrow if I can manage it time wise I really want to do Kickboxing at 9:30 am, but it'll be tight getting there, and I'd be late to work. I also plan on running tomorrow afternoon, and if I don't do kb, I will probably stay for the dance class since I have to wait around to be picked up anyway. Who knows maybe I'll feel so good I'll do all three!
  9. I needed a good laugh tonight. I totally agree with the cellphones on public transportation thing. Even if you try to ignore people talking on their phones you always pick up tons of unwanted, and unneeded info. I only have a cell phone now, and that's pretty much because I'm never home. But I for one don't want strangers to hear my conversations so I always do my best to speak quietly, or go to a more secluded area.
  10. Today I ran. That's all I did, I skipped the usual class, because I figured it might be too much for me when I'm still getting over not feeling great. Anyway it started to pour rain around 3pm, so I figured this being Florida it would be over by 4. At 5:30pm I met the running trainer, and she gave me 2 choices run on the treadmill, and I'd do different intervals and stuff like that, or run outside in the rain. I chose the rain, and after only 1/4 mile I was soaked. It wasn't too cold, and I actually enjoyed running in the rain. I wasn''t quite as fast as usual, but kept running til the end. I also did more sprints. I'm going to start adding more mileage now that I have 5k down pretty well. So when I''m back to 100%, I imagine that will be in a day or 2. I will be running adding half mile increments to my runs.
  11. I think this is great, and it just makes me like him that much more.
  12. No, didn't get it so took it upon myself to email Robert and see what was happening.
  13. Well today I felt lousy again, I guess I overdid it yesterday. Anyway I "hope" I feel good enough tomorrow to do Muscle Toning, and run afterwards. If I have to skip one of the workouts I will, but I really won''t be happy about it. But I have to listen to what my body tells me, and I suppose this is a way I can get some much needed rest.
  14. It's been a long week, and not being able to post my workouts,and thoughts has made it seem longer. Wednesday I walked to the Y after work, and then ran for 3 miles. As soon as I got outside it started to rain a bit, but after half a mile it stopped. I studied my book and then took a Body Pump class, then went home to collapse. Thursday I also walked to work. It was very dreary outside, and my mood for running definitely reflected it. But after 15 minutes of being at the gym, and eating a banana I ran anyway. It didn't rain, and I was quite happy with myself for running. Then I studied my book for about an hour, and then did Latin Cardio. Friday and Saturday I did not get to the gym at all. Friday was my scheduled rest day, but Saturday I felt miserable, my throat was bothering me, and I didn't feel like working out. I think if I had gone to the gym someone would have sent me home lol. On Saturday I did go for a nice walk mid afternoon, when the sun came out. There's this nice shopping center that has some interesting shops, and they have a fountain, and bench area. So I walked there with my Mom, and we got a sample of some vegan chocolate, and sat down near the water fountain for a while. I wouldn't exactly say it was a great cardio activity, but it was better than staying inside all day, and was probably enough considering how I felt. Today I felt better, I slept pretty good, and I felt more energized. So I took Step, and Body Pump. I was by no means 100% but I did the best I could. I think the trainer could tell I was a bit run down, because I know I looked more tired doing all the cardio in Step.Then after I studied I did the BP class, and perhaps that was overdoing it a bit but I survived. The warmup was different not the same one we've been doing, so that was fun. I went a bit lighter on some stuff during the workout, not squats, just chest, and back. Not so much because I couldn't manage the weight, but more for concentrating on my form, and it's coming along. The only thing I'm upset about is that I only ran twice last week, but I don't think it would have been wise to run when I was feeling so bad, so if I feel all better early this week I'll try to run 4 times to make up for it.
  15. I'm so happy veganbodybuilding is back up, I missed it sooo much!!!!!!!
  16. Well the Muscle Toning class was awesome, I could barely move my arms afterwards. I didn't run tonight, but I feel good, and pumped up from the workout, so I'll run tomorrow. I wouldn't have thought the workout was that special, but I guess I just pushed myself. I used a barbell, stability ball, and a mat. We started with a quick warmup, then squats with a 35lb bb, biceps with 25lbs, triicep extentions with 20lbs, rows 20lbs, chest 25lbs. We used the stability ball for some leg raises, and some outer thigh, and ab work. Some moves with the ball were similar to pilates stuff. Not much else to the workout. Tomorrow I'll probably walk to the gym, then run for 3 miles, and do a BodyPump class. And if I have some spare time I'll study some anatomy stuff.
  17. My book came yesterday, but I didn't get it until late, so I haven't had an opportunity to delve into it yet. It's a textbook, so I can't just read it through, so I figure I'll start by studying the anatomy, and kinesiology section. I was never very good at this subject so I guess it's time to learn. I'm a bit nervous though because the book is a lot bigger than I thought it would be. If I don't do the training seminar in February I can always do it on the West Coast in September, that's where and when they have their next discounted training sessions. I really didn't want to have to wait until September though. Tonight I'm going to do Muscle Toning, and run for 3 miles.
  18. Did a Step,and Body Pump class today. Inbetween classes I had a chance to get some help with my form for squats,and overhead presses. I know how to do squats in good form but was having a bit of a struggle doing it with the barbell. I've fixed that now, and am still fixing my overhead press which may take longer. I love where I workout because it's not all about the money, if you have a concern, or question someone is always willing to help. It's not like many other big name gyms that I've had memberships at. Both clases were fun, and I actually got a bit of an extra workout in. Like last Sunday, practice was being done for the new release of BP, and Iwas invited to join. The squat track is a lot harder, but if I keep at it, and keep upping my weights I should be fine by February 2nd when they do the release. The Step class had a lot of hard choreography, and I messed up more than once, but I was sweating by the end of class. I'm upset though about getting my personal trainer certification. I've ordered the book I need to study, but it hasn't come yet. That's not what I'm upset about though. The thing is (I'm just ranting) that I'm a very giving person. My whole life I've given everything I had to help my family,and did it because I wanted to help. Anyway now I'm working this part time job, and trying my best to hang in there until I can get my certification. I'm actually concentrating on myself for once. The job gives me the time I need to get to the gym, and if I want to be a personal trainer I have to be able to get in great shape, so I don't want to get another job that would make it harder to exercise, even if it paid more. So unfortunately I have to rely on other people for help in paying for extras, like the pt coarse. And I haven't paid for it yet, and the coarse is only 4 weeks away. People in my family keep telling me I can do it, but I really don't want to cram my study time into just 3 or 4 weeks before the program. I would seriously consider moving, but I am actually the only family member that loves the Orlando Florida area.. And since I'm getting to know everyone at the YMCA I truly believe that once certified I'll get a job there. Well now that everyone knows my situation, which is actually a bit embarassing I'm going to end this post.
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