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Everything posted by hsorlando

  1. I browsed through it at a bookstore, and had a few good laughs. The writing is well done, even though I knew most of what was in the book. I think part of the reason it's a best seller is because of it's catchy title, and it's humorous writing, and easy to understand concepts about what's healthy. Not to mention I only read the word vegan once while I was skimming through the book.
  2. I just can't workout on an empty stomach, because of no energy. So I usually just have a banana, or another piece of fruit. If I don't have that I may have a Clif or Luna bar.
  3. I don't know why, but I actually feel bad for Romney pulling out. Of course he probably saw the writing on the wall,and wanted to save himself a lot of money and time.
  4. I think a lot of the time people don't get a vegan diet right the first time around. I'm one of them. So I say give the guy another chance. Maybe he'll eventually get it right. And if not well that's his problem! Everyone after all is on their own level of understanding about these kind of issues.
  5. Wednesday:Body Pump class (55 minutes) Thursday:run 3.5miles Friday: rest day Tomorrow was supposed to be the new release for Body Pump, but some of the trainers aren't feeling well so it's been postponed for 2 weeks. It seems to me that right now a lot of people aren't feeling that great. I'm just glad I'm over whatever it was, and I'm definitely glad to be back at the gym and at 100%. Breakfast: oatmeal/ 2 cups of coffee snack: peach lunch: peanut butter sandwich (I haven't had pb&J for years, it was ok) dinner: 2 burritos snack: canteloupe
  6. hsorlando


    Welcome! I'll leave it at that since everyone else has said pretty much what I was going to say.
  7. You could always try the Central Florida area. Orlando is about 45 minutes from the East Coast, Cocoa Beach area. There are also a few veg frinedly places to go, and sometimes you can get a pretty good deal at some of the hotels near the theme parks. If not for Spring Break, maybe some other time.
  8. Smoking is definitely not vegan, as the glue that holds the cigarettes together is animal glue. At least it used to be, and I can't imagine the smoking industry caring enough to change that, but maybe I'm wrong.
  9. If it ends up being between McCain,and Clinton I'm not voting!
  10. Welcome to the group.
  11. The time for thinkers has come.
  12. vegan built. I started doing much better, and actually making progress at the gym when I finally became vegan.
  13. Today I felt great at the gym. I walked about a half mile from work. Then I took a Muscle Toning class, it was strictly lifting weights, I didn't overdo it because I wanted to do well on my run. I did do lunges and squats though so my legs were quite awake by the run. I ran 3.5 miles, and was told I'm getting faster. I didn't go to the track because of timing. After my run, which took about 30-35 minutes I got the bus home. Then I walked about another half mile from the bus stop to the apartment. So in all today I put in about 4.5 miles. Breakfast: oatmeal/ coffee lunch: 1/2 wrap, carrots, iced tea snack: nectarine snack:banana dinner: brown rice, vegan chicken pattie, black beans snack: herbal tea
  14. I'm hungry now too! Everything looks so yummy.
  15. Wow this is a difficult question! I guess I'd have to say my arms. Although my shoulders aren't very strong you can see the muscles, same goes for bicep, and tricep.
  16. 8:30AM Breakfast: banana 10:30AM Breakfast:small bowl of oatmeal 12:30 pm:lunch: 1/2 wrap with vegan chili, spring greens, tomato, vegan cheese, and some other organic stuff, hummus, a few chips/stawberry fields iced tea(ate lunch at a veg/organic place) 8:30pm dinner: vegan burger brown rice, raw baby carrots/ iced green tea 10:30pm snack mango passionfruit herbal tea
  17. All I did today was BodyPump. Went lower on squats 35lbs, I used 40 yesterday,chest 25lbs, back 25 lbs, shoulder presses I went heavier 20lbs, because I didn't have enough plates handy, but I couldn't do every rep, and I'm sure my form sucked. Anyway tomorrow I am supposedly doing something a bit different with the running trainer. I will be running half a mile to a nearby track, then I will be timed for a mile, then run beck to the Y and finish the mileage by running around the block a few times. This way I will finally know what my time is for running a mile. I am wondering if I should skip the Muscle Toning class that I usually do, because if I take it, I will be slower when I run due to squats, lunges, and other fun leg exercises. My head is finally clearing up though, and I don't want to skip anything now that I'm feeling more myself.
  18. Whatever it is your duty to do, you can do without harm to yourself.
  19. Never had a beer, and didn't watch the game. My sport is ice hockey, Stanley Cup anyone!
  20. Hmm, maybe I could do a raw food diet! Everything looks super tasty, and of course it's good for you to.
  21. Didn't do Step, as it was a different trainer, and in the past I've tried other trainers Step classes, but never get enough out of the class. Got to the gym in time to run 3 miles, my energy levels are quite low right now, but at least did 3 miles. Then did BodyPump for 55 minutes. My weights were the same as the trainers ( a female trainer today) so I was happy about that. I did skip a few reps here and there, but in all it felt great. Warmup weight: 10 lbs on each side of barbell (20 total) Squats:17.5 each side (35 lbs total) Chest press:15 each side(30lbs total)had 10 pounds drop weight back deadrows, deadlifts, clean and press (30 lb total) triceps: 10lb each side (20 lbs total) biceps: same as triceps lunges: held 10 lb plate shoulders: lateral raises hels to 5 lb plates/ shoulder press w/ barbell 15lbs total (my shoulders are the hardest to do) abs: did some very slow crunches/ side crunches/ hovers or prone bar rolls with barbell stretching
  22. Welcome to the group! Don't give up on being 100% vegan, it gets easier! But it can be difficult when you go out.
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