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Everything posted by hsorlando

  1. Didn't make it to the gym yesterday. For some reason getting there on Saturday mornings is becoming an issue. I'll have to fix this, and soon! On a happier note I went shopping, something I hardly ever do, lol, and spontaneously bought myself some jeans. I didn't feel like trying them on, but at home I did, and was quite happy at how well they fit, especially since they're a size 4. This probably isn't a very big deal for most people, but a few years ago I could barely fit into size 12s. I can't say for 100% that it's my diet, I think it's more a balance of everything, plus the running. But I'm still thrilled that I can now fit into size 4 jeans. This kind of progress is very good for getting me into gear, and making it to the gym, and not giving up. This week has been a bit strange with my workouts, because I've had a headache for a few days, but after I workout it's a lot better.
  2. No problem, my blog really isn't very interesting, just my ramblings on of what I do at the gym. I'm there six days a week, sometimes for several hours (because I have to wait for a ride), so what I accomplish at the gym is pretty much it for me. Other than the YMCA, and work I don''t get out much lol. Anyway as far as the Vegan Bodybuilder shirts go, I'm not a bodybuilder, but I am getting some muscle definition, and I couldn't find any other workout shirts I liked as much. And maybe it'll inspire someone to try a vegan diet, that's my goal anyway!
  3. I haven't been posting what I eat lately, but it's pretty much the same as usual. My staple food items are pretty much the same, lots of canteloupe, oatmeal, whole grain bread, bananas, clif, and luna bars, Silk unsweetened soymilk, brown rice, green beans, peas, spinach, celery, lettuce, apples, nuts, green pepper, tomato, oranges, vegan soy products like vegan burgers, deli slices, sausages, and other soy stuff, Kashi cereal or other similar cereals, beans usually black beans, pinto, and refried beans, ice tea, coffee, diet soda, and water to drink. For condiments I use salt, veganaise, and earth balance margarine, and vegan chocolate chip cookies. I'm trying to cut back on these items. This is pretty much the stuff that I eat, not the best, but not the worst, and at least it's all vegan. I am not a cook, and never want to be, so for anything more complicated I have to go out to eat. At least now there's an all vegan place to eat.
  4. I have to go out and buy this for a person I know. He is into nutrition, and buying organic food, but still has a lot to learn. I learned a ton by reading this book.
  5. Maybe it's time we atart sewing our own cloth bags. That way you have a reusable bag, and your also not supporting sweatshop factories.
  6. Now my hair is shorter than yours, I just got it all cut off.
  7. I would say try to explain why you don't appreciate his topics about food, and if he doesn't stop you could always start leaving some subtle hints (like pamphlets) about how animals are really treated just lying around. Maybe this person really is in the dark about offending you, or perhaps he could care less, but either way you shouldn't just ignore it.
  8. Well this is interesting, and a bit strange, but hey it's still another business going vegan. I don't think I'd ever visit though lol.
  9. If you are a beginner to weight lifting you really need to address your form, and perfect this area so you don't get hurt when you lift.
  10. On Thursday I went to the gym, and ran for 3.5 miles. For some weird reason my left hamstring, and glutes were quite sore. So it took a mile or 2 to loosen up. Anyway today I am taking off from the gym, and I'll be back at it tomorrow.
  11. He might be talking about Triple H a wrestler in the WWE. Can't quite remember his name, but he had long hair. Or he could be talking about someone else entirely.
  12. Monday: Body Pump Tuesday:Muscle Toning/ ran 3.5 miles Wednesday:Body Pump On Tuesday I had a good workout even though I had a few cramps. The MT class was a lot of fun, we used a barbell for squats, chest presses, biceps,triceps, and shoulders. There were stability balls, leg bands, and a weight for overhead tricep extentions, and abs.There was also cardio inbetween, then I ran for 3.5 miles with the running trainer. By then I was worn out, but didn't give up. There was one funny incident, the trainer was telling me about a race she'd just done, and as soon as she told me she fell, down I went. But apparently my fall was done very gracefully.
  13. You might also want to try some Pilates moves, they are good for strengthening the core area.
  14. I am most definitely attached to my gym. I go to a YMCA, and there are 22 other Ys in the central Florida area that I could also go to. I've tried a few, but for me the Downtown Y is the best in the area. I'm not the only one that thinks so either. A lot of other members travel quite a distance to go to the Downtown location. The trainers, and other staff also say it is the best run. Besides it being my favorite Y, I like it above other name brand gyms. I have belonged to several other gyms in Orlando, and found that they really didn't care about your experience there at all. The only thing they cared about was getting your money, and signing you up. One gym had a ridiculous idea that once you were hired as a personal trainer you had to learn their way of training so all the trainers could train the same way. I can't even fathom what they were thinking. For me all trainers if they are good have their own way of doing things, so you need to find one that works well for you.
  15. This is an interesting topic. I think it is helping that there are more and more vegan places opening, and more companies that don't use leather or other animal products. Not to mention more articles on vegan diets. Anyway I believe people are taking notice, and are starting to see the benefits of a compassionate vegan life. I have a friend that I took to a vegetarian/vegan restaurant, and she loved it. She then took her best friend there for her birthday, and neither of them are even vegetarian. So I think that word is getting out that vegan food tastes good, and people are starting to realize its better for them than meat, and other animal products.
  16. Yeah, Obama won in SC!! Too bad I can't vote tomorrow. Stupid Florida has this thing where you can't vote if you're not a registered Dem, or Rep. A few years back I switched to Green, at least the Democrats don't especially care about Florida, since it's mostly a Republican State. And besides I forgot to update my new address, and I wouldn't want to get caught voting in my old precinct. Don't want to go to jail for voting lol!
  17. Today was Step,and Body Pump. Everything in the classes was pretty much the same as usual. After last week I really needed a good workout, and I definitely got it today. I love taking group classes, because I get a lot of extra cardio, and there's no giving up because I'm not alone. But sometimes some of the people can be so inconsiderate. So many times I'll be all set up, and then someone will setup so close to me that I have no choice except to move. My only other choice would be to step back, or to the front or side, and fall over their equipment. Anyway at least if I'm in the front row I only have someone behind me, except then everyone can watch me. In the Body Pump class I finally feel like I'm getting better at the shoulder press, right now I have a lower weight so I can really concentrate on form. I feel like I'm finally getting to where I want to be physically. I mean there are still a few areas that I'm concentrating on, but I believe my body is finally getting a more defined, and fit look to it. And I can't wait to wear a vegan bodybuilder shirt around the gym to advertise a vegan lifestyle. Hopefully I will get a chance to order them tomorrow!
  18. Right now I am listening to and sort of watching the Winter X Games.
  19. Today I did a Cardio Strength class. And I was quite exhausted after it, so I didn't run. I'm not too mad at myself because this week for the most part I wasn't 100%, and I only missed 2 workouts. Anyway I got to my class with barely enough time to set up. We started with a warmup, then for cardio we did a bunch of plyometric stuff, there were plyometric lunges, squats, and jumps, which were also supersets. For the weight exercises we did bicep curls with knee raises, regular bicep curls, lateral raises at 90 degree angles, back arm extentions, tricep kickbacks, front arm extentions, dips using the step as a bench, overhead tricep extentions, wide bicep curls.There were also more lunges, and quite a few jumping jacks, over 100 I think. I can't seem to remember what else was done, except for abs and some hip exercises at the end, and we forgot to get in pushups too. If I remember anything else I'll add it later. On a side note someone else taking the class said I looked alot smaller since she'd seen me last, which is always a nice thing to hear, except if you're trying to bulk up.
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