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Everything posted by hsorlando

  1. I thought since it is the beginning of 2008 I would sort of update my stats for the gym, so I don't have to keep looking at old posts My weight as of 01/01/2008: 140.5 lbs I would still like to lose at least 10 more lbs, possibly more Weights that I use dumbbells: light 7 lbs medium 10 lbs heavy 12lbs (as of right now) Barbell weight used for BodyPump classes this is a total, not per side warmup: 20lbs squats: 40lbs will start this weight next BP class chest: 30lbs back: 30lbs triceps: 20lbs biceps: 20lbs lunges: hold two 5 lb weights, but will try holding 10s instead just not sure of grip because 10s are bigger and I do have small hands shoulders: start with 2 5s for lateral raises, then use bar with 20lbs loaded for overhead presses abs: getting a lot easier, at first were quite hard, they do abs very slowly, use barbell for prone bar roll or do hovers, then stretch Running 5k 3 times a week at least (right now pb time is 33:20) will of course update these as I go heavier, or faster
  2. Well I haven't made it to the gym yet today, but I did have a nice surprise. I went out for breakfast with my mom, then we decided to weigh ourselves. I'm down to 140, the scale was on the carpet at a grocery store, so it may have actually been less. I was starting to think I would never get under 145. I mean it's been at 145 for a few months now. Anyway now I feel pretty good, and I think my weight loss is due to my running, and possibly the BodyPump classes. So I guess I didn't pig out during the holidays as much as I thought. Now I am determined to finish losing what extra weight is left, and so far I haven't even been trying. It's nice to know that running allows me to still eat "some" junk food like vegan cookies. Not that I over do it, but it's still nice to know that I can have the occasional dessert item.
  3. Not exactly sure what I'm doing today. The Y is closing early due to the holiday. I thought I'd go and do some weights by myself, and perhaps run, but I'm still a bit tired from doing BodyPump 2 days in a row, so we'll see. I actually was thinking of doing a spinning class, but I may have already missed the last class of the day. Who knows maybe this year I will get more into cycling, and swimming, and continue my running endeavors. Anyway if I don't figure out what to do today I may just take off, and go Friday instead.
  4. Dr. Pink is always saying nice things about the people here. And I am in 100% agreement that this is my favorite vegan place to hang, and has the best collection of vegans. If it were possible I would start a collection of vegans, and they'd all be from here!
  5. I don't have anything earth shattering to share, but I'll put in my 2 cents anyway. When I first went vegan I was very worried I wouldn't have enough energy, stamina, or strength for my workouts. But I am of course happy to share that I proved myself totally wrong. I pretty much had all the misconceptions about weak vegans that many other people have. I couldn't believe how much more energetic I felt, and I felt just as strong, if not stronger. My endurance has also improved although that may be due to my starting running, but none the less, it has improved with my vegan diet. Also I guess due to eating better, and not having all those dairy products in my system I seem to need less time to recover between workouts.
  6. It's my first time trying vegan bacon, it's by Smartlife, and it's pretty good! I may have to continue buying it, now that I found another vegan soy product that I actually like the taste of.
  7. I don't have a favorite, to me they're all created equal! I learn from reading peoples journals, the bodybuilding section, general fitness, and I like hearing about new people that join in introductions, and I like all the others too.
  8. Right now I'm watching Shrek 2, and then I'll watch the ball drop, drink something non alcoholic (a sparkling cider), and go to bed. Then wake up in 2008, which will feel just like 2007!
  9. Ok, thanks for explaining! I still consider myself very new here, and don't know that much about everyone. Keep having fun!!
  10. Veganpotter has said it very well, don't let anything stop you. I missed several workouts last week due to the holiday, and I was so miserable! Fitness is the most important thing in my life, I consider being a vegan part of that, and it is the most important thing too, besides my family of course. But they get very annoying, and my workouts don't lol!
  11. Wow, those are some beautiful pics of the sunset. Why Ryan Seacrest, Dr. Seuss and Pee-Wee Herman? Looks like you're having fun, wish I were there!
  12. I think this is the book that I bought for a diabetic friend, but she never read it. Given a chance I would probably enjoy reading it.
  13. Today I did another BodyPump class. I went 5 pounds lighter on chest, and didn't feel any tightness in my muscles, so that's good. I went heavier on my back exercises. I've been doing back with a 25 lb barbell, but bumped it up today to 30lbs. I felt good, and managed the clean and presses alright, which I didn't think I'd be able to do. Biceps are still tough, but I may bump this up as well, along with squats. Anyway not much else is going on. I took a nap today, which I never do, so I'll probably end up staying awake until midnight. Got the apartment almost to myself, my brothers out with his 2 girls, so I have time to clean and do stuff around the place. Breakfast: clif bar, banana Snack:banana Lunch:salad Dinner: vegan b.l.t. sandwich w/ lots of tomato, and lettuce
  14. I need about 8 hours a night. I've pretty much always needed this amount, but since becoming vegan I'd say when I wake up in the morning I feel like I had a better rest. Some nights I only get 6 hours of sleep and do fine too, so I guess it just depends on what life throws at you like stress, etc. Sometimes if I've had a real busy day at the gym I need more sleep, but that's because I'm worn out.
  15. I'll be staying at home as usual, watching my nieces, who'd better be sleeping by midnight. And I suppose I'll watch the stupid ball drop too!
  16. I like the quote of today alot! I'll try to find some quotes I like, and post them.
  17. I think it is different for everyone. When I started I lifted weights late mornings, and loved it. But now I tend to go late afternoon after work, and still do as well as I did in the morning. This morning I ran a 5k, and it was pretty early, buut I did fine and had plenty of energy. But since you're talking about lifting "heavy" weights, I would imagine later in the day, since your body would be more alert. You wouldn't want to drop a heavy weight because you weren''t quite awake yet.
  18. Today was awesome! I got up early, around 6:15am, ate a banana, drank a bit of water, and went to the Ymca for the 5k. I ran it a lot faster than I thought I would, I think my time was 33 minutes and about 20 seconds. I glanced at the clock when I finished but there were people standing near it, and I didn't quite see the seconds. Anyway I had a few people who were rooting for me. The running trainer, the group exercise director, and my Mom were all there, and I saw a few other trainers too. Everyone mentioned above ran, except my Mom. The race was packed, so at least a lot of Central Florida likes to exercise. I've also inspired my Mom, and she's going to start running, we'll both do the next 5k, which is in April. After the race I had another banana, there were some tents set up from the sponsors, and got a free water bottle. Then I walked to a vegetarian place, and had some organic coffee, and a bagel w/ vegan cream cheese. I went back to the Y, and took the Step class, my legs felt pretty good, but I was a bit tired at the end. Before the Body Pump class I had a clif bar, and some water. I only lowered the weights for my deadlifts, deadrows, and clean and presses. I only did that because during my bench presses my right shoulder, pec area felt real tight. For every other exercise I'm fine, so I'm thinking it's just because I'm going heavier on chest with the barbell. Maybe my right side isn't quite as strong as my left, since I'm left handed. Anyway it only gets sore, and tight when I do bench presses, and pushups, and I'm sure it'll go away as I get stronger. After the race I also got my bodyfat measured. I'm not quite sure how accurate it was though as the person did it through my pants for my thigh. I thought it would be lower too, but it said 19.4%, which they still cosider to be good.
  19. It seems some people are just plain stupid. And others might just be intimidated by someone that's making a difference, and making people think.
  20. Run more 5ks,and do them in better times Be nicer to my brother (lol) Be a good fit vegan role model for my community Finally get my damn personal trainer certification get job in fitness field once I'm certified(I don't care what job I have to do)
  21. I have never had thia problem either. And I eat many different foods.
  22. I don't know anything about bikes, but this one looks real nice, and I agree with Pamela you should paint some flames on it!
  23. Well this week has not been so consistent with my workouts. On Sunday I made it to Step, but missed a strength training class, then missed a workout Monday, gym was closed Tuesday for holiday, got to gym Wednesday for BodyPump, and twice Thursday for Bootcamp, and Latin cardio, so I've only been to gym 3 days this week, and for four workouts. I didn't get there yesterday either because it was my other nieces bithday, she turned one. I was doing the house cleaning, and putting away the decorations all day. I did pick up my race day packet though, and manged to escape in the morning for a few cups of organic coffee, and some hemp waffles which were quite good. Anyway I didn't want to workout today because I wanted to be well rested and not sore for the race tomorrow, well with all the days I missed this week I'd better be well rested, I just hope I'm not off because I haven't been working out. The party was almost a disaster because my stupid brother invited the girls mother, and everyone felt weird because she was there. No one trusts her, and no one has any idea why my brother is being so nice. All the women wanted to slug her, but we'll wait until the court date is over to do that lol! Anyway I am excited about my first 5k tomorrow, and I'm actually looking forward to running. It is a run/walk so I'm pretty sure I won't be the last person to finish. I reallly can't stand not getting to the gym, it's been pure torture this week, but perhaps I needed the break, snd maybe all my pent up energy will come out while I run. I suppose I'm done my rant for now, so I'll post tomorrow when I can. Besides the race, which is at 7:30 am, I plan to do a Step class, and do a Body Pump class, so I should be exhausted and feel quite good tomorrow evening.
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