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Everything posted by veggieprincess

  1. hey threeloaves... your diet looks good!!! Specially because I remember you talking about being afraid of overeating. Nice to see you've incorporated a healthy, well rounded diet with more calories into your life! Good job
  2. UGH!!! That is extremely disturbing that they are SOOOO missing the point and focused on the wrong thing. Can they not see they're own contradiction in promoting free range eggs and No on Prop 2 in the same breath??? Disturbing...
  3. Thanks VegannNY! I use a wide variety of protein powders including Vega, Kemistry Procore, Nitrofusion, Gemma Pea Protein, etc. And yes, I have a small amount of healthy fats with each and every meal (always less than 15 grams, but I make sure to include it). And yes, I like flax oil If its hemp or Vega, that has enough naturally ocurring fats in the Hemp so you don't need to add additional. I do cardio AFTER weights, unless I am facing major burnout and I'm not sure if I'll be tempted to leave the gym before my workout is done... in that case I do it first, but its most effective when performed after at a low intensity. As far as keeping the muscle, use a good BCAA such as Xtend by Scivation consumed during your workout to preserve lean muscle tissue. Thanks for the compliment!
  4. blabbate, my advice would be to stick with low intensity cardio while trying to bulk. High intensity cardio can burn fat, but sometimes at the expense of the precious lean muscle tissue you are trying so hard to lay down. Therefore, you can't go wrong with low intensity cardio performed after your weights or on alternate days to keep the fat at bay but still preserve the lean muscle. An BCAA recovery drink such as Xtend by Scivation consumed while training is a good idea as well.
  5. Thanks veggieprincess, I do try to eat every 3 hours, the problem is that I am a bit of an awkward one and feel really self-conscious eating in front of other people, so it can be awkward in work. I am starting to get around it though. Thanks for all the advice people xx When you are in front of others, a Cliff Builder Bar is very easy to eat and has a good macronutrient breakdown. Of course, there are better choices, but this could serve your purpose of eating without feeling self-conscious. Then you could do what I do...and just ask the person in the room that you feel most comfortable with, if you have anything between your teeth
  6. I agree with Robert. They are contained. I think people truly know what they're getting into when they post or read those threads, therefore they can handle it if things get not so pleasant. Politics/Religion... these are things people will always get heated about. It's human nature.
  7. For me, Xtend by Scivation allows this to be very minimal (muscle loss while losing fat). One of the greatest drinks for muscle preservation IMHO.
  8. I eat every 3 hours and my meals are balanced with protein/complex carb and healthy fats. If you are doing that, you don't have to concern yourself with pre/post workout meals. Although if I'm doing weights and cardio, I try to make sure I've consumed one of my meals 45 minutes to an hour prior, that way I have enough energy to give it my all
  9. High Protein Tofu Seitan Tempeh (some carbs here) Pea Protein Hemp Protein Buckwheat Protein Soy Protein The rest are pretty processed, but like you said when you came across some faux chicken that had negligible carbs...sometimes ya get lucky!!! So yes, they are out there... just challenging to find
  10. LOL. You're funny. My friend Kim (Vegan Vixens) and I are doing a DVD series and the producers that bought it have their studio in Cleveland. Should be a very long and very grueling week, so I'll be up for some good 'ole Vegan junk food when its all over. Hope they have a killer Veggie Burger with grilled onions, fries and wine... although I've been on a beer kick lately, so maybe a beer to wash it all down!!!
  11. regular M.D.'s have had approximately 6 weeks of nutritional training. They are not required to have any more than that. Therefore I would take any advice a doctor has to offer me about nutrition with a major grain of salt... vegan or otherwise.
  12. Nuts and seeds. I make my own trail mix with almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, dates, apricots, raisins, and ginger and snack on it whenever I'm hungry. Sometimes I eat a lot of it as a small meal. If you want more calcium, add sesame seeds to your diet and eat more leafy greens and broccoli. But, eating too much protein will do more to weaken your bones than not eating enough calcium. Too much protein is a huge contributor to acidosis, which requires your body to pull calcium from your bones to keep your blood neutral. If he/she (OP) is eating Raw, Organic, nothing processed, whole foods... I think it would be virtually impossible for her to get TOO MUCH protein, don't you?
  13. cool. I'm going to Cleveland in January. Is that close? Nevermind... I'll be dieting then... don't even want to know Oh, but wait... after we're done filming I will need to celebrate, so yes... do tell... is it close to Cleveland?
  14. Nice! just bookmarked it. You're always such a great source of info BW! I love love love your sticky article on your blog which refers to being obsessed with the number on the scale and I sometimes forward that article to my clients. I think its challenging to get all of her/his needs met that OP is trying to with the restrictions that she's put on her diet. Its a very healthy way to live... but challenging to find the Vitamin/Mineral requirements with such strict guidelines. I put my diet in Cronometer once and it is off the charts in all vitamins and minerals. I think I came in at like 80% in Potassium and Vitamin K or something like that, but everything else was way way over 100 and even 200%, but I attribute some of that to supplementing with things like fortefied soymilks, etc. If you end up putting together a well balanced plan for yourself adequate in those nutrients, maybe you'll want to share with the board what you put together for yourself
  15. Yes, at these booths that I go to when I talk to people who are on the fence with just being VEgan or being a raw foodist, I always suggest to them that they do 50%, or just make a contientious effort to eat their veggies and fruits raw and the rest a good balance of proteins, nuts, complex carbs, etc. I wish more people would embrace the balance of the two worlds. Also, I think what makes it so contraversial is that SOME... not all, but some raw foodists seem to push their lifestyle on you. We're all Vegans... why can't that be enough? Its almost that SOME feel that you're not quite enlightened enough or haven't quite accepted the true path to spiritual awakening if you don't embrace this life.... I dunno... maybe they don't mean to come across that way, but that's how I often feel when speaking to SOME raw foodists.
  16. Spinach has a lot of calcium for a vegetable (I think... I could be wrong. I know spinach is very rich in iron but off hand I think it might be rich in calcium too) You may want to play around with Cronometer (google it). Put in your daily food intake and see how you match up as far as calcium and protein intake.
  17. The US have more stink tanks, interest groups, huge corporations, politicians and others that will tell you that everything is better than ever than probably the rest of the world can muster up, combined. So, don't worry, be happy! I promise you that most of us truly don't believe it anymore though.... I often truly feel that as of late we are in that Gone With The Wind Scene with Rhett Butler where he turns to Scarlett and says, "Take a good look my dear. It's an historic moment you can tell your grandchildren about how you watched the Old South fall one night." We are at that point... we are the "Ole South".... and this is the make it or break it time. Right here... right now....
  18. ROFLMAO!!!! Y'know... as seriously as I take myself in this world sometimes blabbate... thanks for reminding me that humor is the key to everything!!!
  19. Couldn't resist bumpin this thread back up from its 2005 origins since compassionategirl popped her head in here on another post hee, hee.... Toward the beginning, a couple people cited the argument that Christians shouldn't be able to "pick and choose" Bible versus as they see fit. Although I can see using that as an argument... I don't really agree with it. Hasn't it always been a debate that a slew of historical documents that should have made the "Bible" were left out as the Catholics saw fit to do so... as well as certain documents/stories historical accounts that made the Bible that many feel shouldn't have? Just like with anything else in life... I don't think this makes the entire Bible B.S... but I also feel that it might make it a little contradictory when accepted in its entirety. Again, I don't feel that any contradictions means we should discount the entire bible. So yes... because it was chosen for us way back when... according to the opinion of the leaders and priests that lived during that time what makes the bible and what doesen't make the bible... I do think we've earned the right as Christians to "pick and choose" which areas of the Bible we agree with and which ones we don't necessarily agree with. This argument would be alot better if I had the patience to go quote the people that originally said it, but I don't have the patience to go through the whole thing again. Although it was entirely interesting!
  20. aaw... I truly hope you find transportation for these poor lil guys. How great that you "do what you do" compassionategirl. By the way... I know you don't post here anymore (at least that's what I heard) and I never got to know you here on the board... but after reading this thread... I can see why there was such mixed reviews of your leaving: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=332&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=150 That was sure an interesting read... even for just skimming the first 11 pages. You are definitely a girl who is passionate about your convictions and I respect that. I too, am a Christian and sometimes wish there were more Christian Vegans. Hopefully as Veganism grows there will be more of us. p.s. if you come back and read this... PM me your myspace... would love to be a myspace friend with you
  21. I have felt that I had more to say on this thread for weeks (which tells me that I may need to "get a life"... but anyways). I'l start by saying again, Vegan Essentials... that I've agreed with 98% of your posts, but this one I stand firm on the opposite end of the spectrum. I see Pamela Anderson as that lovable uncle in the family who does the most ridiculous things.. but ya still love him because he's "family". Maybe I'm entirely guilty of giving way too much benefit of the doubt... but I see that as a "necessarily evil" if Veganism is ever to become mainstream. And for the future of this Planete man would I love to see that before I die (always the eternal optimist). So I look at things issue by issue, and cut Pamela a little slack for the "bigger picture". I imagine... maybe she "is that stupid" to think that Ugg Boots were made of a natural fiber because she wanted to wear them and thought they were "oh-so-cute"... again... not condoning... not overlooking... but maybe, just maybe she took the "ignorance is bliss approach". And with the chef who claims he/she has cooked her Chicken and Fish. Having a best friend whose a well known actress in Hollywood and having been in the business myself, I do understand that the astromical pressue to "be-thin-or-lose-your-career". I literally had to call 24 top trainers to find one willing to do a Vegan diet for me when I first went Vegan. Or should I say... one that told me I could get a chiseled type "look" that is desirable in the mainstream media. 24 trainers... finally ONE said yes. Perhaps Pamela faced that same kind of pressure and didn't have the time to find one. I still LIKE to believe she eats Vegan more than she eats animals. I LIKE to give her the benefit of the doubt... although she makes it VERY, VERY challenging. But the bottom line is... I will TAKE the fact that for every 10 Vegans she may offend, she probably turns on 19 young impressionable girls to "Go Vegan" simply because she "says so" and they look up to her. I will take those odds. I deeply feel that if Veganism is ever to become "mainstream"... we'll have to one day accept that "hypocritical Uncle" like Pamela Anderson, who "means well" but often falls short. The same way we don't agree with all of PETA's tactics, I think we should UNITE and BACK most Vegan organizations if we are ever to create any real change in the world. Call me an IDEALIST to the bitter end... but this is what I feel is our most marketable road to mainstream...and to perhaps save this dying Planet.
  22. hmmmm... read this whole thread because there seemed to be alot of hullaballoo, and I thought I had missed something. Turns out... it merely seems that Vegan Joe is against Gay Marriage. Although I don't agree with his stance... he does seem to be taking alot of flack for that statement. Having said that... I can't help but think a few of his comments seem unneccessarily defensive when a few people are just trying to get "clear". Vegan Joe... in my book your simply a person against Gay Marriage and I don't necessarily agree with that. . Although if you were one of the McCain votes...I do so wish you'd see the bigger picture of that ramification...but what can I do??? That is my opinion and this is America... Anyways... Vegan Joe... even if I don't agree with some of your stances... you do you thang cuz that is one of the beautiful things that still exists in America. The consitution.... The 1st Ammendment... "Freedom of Speech".
  23. These 3 meals actually sound perfect, however for someone looking to gain muscle/weight, I'd say this should cover you until about 2pm, then add 2 more meals and a snack or at least 2 more meals. Maybe 1 more shake exactly like the one above, another snack and then add a veggie/tofu stirfry for dinner, etc. These meals sound really balanced though... good job so far. Its just way too few of calories for a day with just these three, but I think you were trying to work out at least 1 other meal. I'd work out 2 to 3 more meals, but again... good job so far.
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