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Everything posted by veggieprincess

  1. by the way, are there really 23 women who post on here, or was Richard just being a smarty pants.... Just curious.....
  2. I'm not offended by the word "girl".... Call me "girl" all ya want! I go through posting phases... sometimes on here alot... then I'll dissapear or lurk for awhile... then post again As far as how many girls/women are on here.... its quality, not quantity that's important
  3. Lots on craiglist this weekend http://portland.craigslist.org/wsc/apa/830802818.html http://portland.craigslist.org/wsc/apa/831486519.html http://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/apa/831030993.html http://portland.craigslist.org/wsc/apa/831395767.html http://portland.craigslist.org/wsc/apa/830813410.html http://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/apa/831263186.html http://portland.craigslist.org/wsc/apa/831251648.html http://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/apa/831378040.html
  4. a fitness DVD pilot being marketed and another one in the works... a thriving business as a personal trainer and vegan diet consultant an opportunity to meet celebrities, filmakers, athletes and people whom I have the utmost respect for feeling like my life has meaning and purpose and that I can actually make a difference the confidence of knowing that I'm not contributing to the destruction of our planet. a world of possibilities such as the book I'm working on and other opportunities a chance to motivate and encourage others to live a life of compassion that hurts rather than helps human nature. These are all the positives.... One of the myths, or negatives if you will... is that I still struggle to keep my weight down and bodyfat in check exactly the same way I did on an Omni diet. In fact, its more difficult as a Vegan. But its worth it
  5. How did I miss this?????? I am beyond excited for you two!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. hmm... maybe we could split the booth? PM me the cost of the booth, and I'll factor it in to what it would cost me for travel and hotel fare and I'll see if I could swing it... that is if you're interested
  7. Your sweet to give me the benefit of the doubt. But I promise it's fat, not muscle Seitanman, Can't post my exact meal plan because that is what I do for a living; create diet plans for people and since diet is 85 to 90% of the results that you see in the mirror, it is the most important aspect to changing your physique. Lean protein sources are lots of protein powder supps such as Buckwheat Protein, Pea Protein, Rice Protein and Soy Protein, Tempeh and Seitan. To answer your other question, I do think Seitan is a good source of protein but I eat it in moderation (and tofu in moderation) because it bloats me if I consume it for more than a couple meals a day. I don't think you suffer from carb sensitivity. Those items (bread, pasta, rice) make almost anyone fat when consumed in excess. Very few can get away with not monitoring their carb intake. Other than Zack, most of us have to watch those things ************** Yesterday, Ball Squats - 4 x 90 seconds Leg Curls 4 x 12 Calf Raise 4 x 15 (I think the weight was 160.. the only thing I can lift really heavy) Straight Leg Deadlifts 4 x 12 w/ 60lb barbell 1 hour on Stepmill, armed with a gossip magazine to get me through the hour... my shameful little indulgence .... Jen really is over John Mayer .... LOL
  8. How is your juice feast going? Do you find you have more energy, same energy or less energy than before?
  9. I've been scouring the internet for yummy green smoothie recipes. Would love some tasty ideas for Kale. Here is one I made today that turned out really really good! 2 - 3 cups spinach Appx 10 slices cucumber slices 2 miniature organic apples Large handful green grapes 1/2 small banana 2 tsp flax seed oil 2 - 3 Tbsp Soy Creamer Ice Of course you can omit the soy creamer and it will still taste really good. This was superb! So light and refreshing. I find that I don't like avocado and bananas mixed together because it makes my smoothies too thick. What about you? Post some of your favorites.
  10. I bought a Jack LaLane Healthmaster 100 because I heard the motor quality was comparable to a Blendtec or Vitamix I bought is for $39.99 on clearance at JC Penneys but they normally run about $100.00. I found it while googling info about people in the same boat as me who were having a hard time coming up with the cash for a Vitamix I thought it was a great value and I'm really happy with it, but I haven't broke down any hardcore veggies yet... just fruits, ice, purees, etc.
  11. thanks Vegan Joe. Pazios...you said you're intimidated by women who are fitter than you anyways, so I'm sure you wouldn't mind the weight gain.. ha,ha down a little over 2 pounds today... ah, the magic of protein shakes and asparagus for dinner... and the 5am bootcamp classes don't hurt I'm sure! But I definitely can't get there by exercise alone. That I've proven time and time again to myself. So I'm supposed to have a date tonight. I want more than anything to cancel because I want to be refreshed in the morning for bootcamp and because none of my cute clothes fit. I'll try to focus on the positives... my face looks a lot better when I gain a bit of weight because it fills in my laugh lines and facial contours... and the fat I gain in my chest doesen't hurt either. There... that's my glass-half-full attitude! Why can't they just take the fat out of my butt and put it into my chest? Hasn't anyone perfected that technique yet? I think I'll go on the date, but make it a very early night.
  12. Thanks Harley... yes, I'm still taking in Xtend during every workout. Thanks DV. Whole Foods is so overpriced down here, so I'll check some of the larger health food stores to see if I can find something.' I don't know how many people peek into my journal or read my posts... but nonetheless I feel it necessary to fess up about something regarding my last post. Yes, I suffered burnout and dreaded the gym and dreaded protein shakes and rebelled and have been pretty much been less regimented for the past month and a half and been eating more extintively and indulging in more flavorful items and having an extra carb serving here and there... As a result I've gained anywhere from 15 to 20 pounds. No lie! And maybe 1 or 2 of those pounds were muscle, the rest was pure fat. I am not worried about getting it off, but I really think its important to come clean that just because I did something different doesen't mean it didn't make me fat... it did. So I've decided I hate not fitting into any of my clothes more than I hate protein shakes and tons of cardio, so back to the blender I go I figure I gave my body a nice long 6 week break from being regimented, so burnout or not, I'm going back to the militant way I used to eat. I can't argue about what works for me... I can feel sorry for myself and pout about it but that won't get my ass any smaller now will it? So I"m signing off now as I down my bland vanilla gemma shake and plain asparagus spears!
  13. Hey DV! Haven't said hi in awhile. Wow! How'd you find this guy? Isn't it great to find a trainer you click with?? I will be excited to here about your progress. I changed my routine up too after suffering complete burnout with my current training schedule and diet. Will return to what I used to do, but it feels good to switch things up for awhile. Keep up the great work!
  14. Theme for the past month and a half.... BURNOUT! Man I haven't posted in so long!! So here's what's been up with me lately. I got SOOOOO burnt out on the same 'ol, same 'ol. Slow burn cardios, heavy lifting that I dreaded the gym. Dreaded the sight of the blender. Everything about the gym and my kitchen made me want to turn the other way. So, I decided to do something different. I've signed up for 5am bootcamp sessions and its been awesome. The first session was a bit too easy and I told the instructor that, but this morning's session was great. My body just isn't used to the time change yet, but once it is, I'm really going to push myself HARD! I'm also going to add in a few yoga sessions a week to work on flexibility. I eat 1/2 banana and 1 Tbsp peanut butter before I workout and then come back and have Meal 1 post bootcamp. I think trying to do any intense activity on an empty stomach early in the morning is ridiculous and counterproductive, so I always make sure I have something in my stomach to fuel the workout. Eating hasn't changed much, accept I am currently burnt out on protein shakes; particularly, Gemma, Hemp or anything I've been taking in for the past 2 years, LOL. I will definitely bring them back in. Right now I'm aiming for 2 a day and its always the same. 1 1/2 oranges, scoop Sun Warrior, vanilla extract, 3 drops liquid stevia and 1/2 cup to 1 cup nonfat soymilk. Sometimes I leave the soymilk out. I'm still getting in all the protein, but am leaning more towards FLAVOR!!! Been having lots and lots of seitan. I'm kind of addicted to it right now. I wanna try my hand at making it myself. I wonder if I can find the wheat gluten locally? Probably, this is So Cal after all. I think I'll do this for a couple of months and then go back to the heavy lifting and longer cardio, but I needed to remind myself how necessary it is to mix things up a bit. I didn't want to mix things up but my mind and body were completely rebelling and I was steadily gaining weight. A few years ago, I would've juts tried to "muscle through"... but it seems much easier to just listen to what my body and subconscious are trying to tell me... DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT FOR AWHILE! Anyways, really enjoying my new routine. I already feel that I'm adjusting to the time difference better, even though I'm a complete night owl, I'll be able to get used to it, and I feel like I get so much more accomplished by getting up that early.
  15. I can't believe I hadn't tried this before but I just tried Tofutti Cream Cheese. OMG, was I missing out or what? My daughter absolutely loves this discovery because now I mix it in everthing I make for her for an extra creamy texture, since I have yet to ever find a Vegan cheese that I like. The other day I opened a can of Vegan Chili for her and I mixed in a couple tbs of the Tofutti cream cheese and a little hot sauce and she said it was the best chili she ever had!
  16. ok, so after a few days I absolutely HATED HATED HATED the taste of this stuff. But then I found the perfect combo for the vanilla flavor Raw Orange Creamsicle Smoothie 1 1/2 oranges, 1 scoop sun warrior protein, 3 drops liquid stevia, dash vanilla extract, a few ice cubes. Above is the raw version (of course raw foodist would use pure vanilla bean instead of extract) but I add 1 cup of plain or vanilla soymilk and its just like an Orange Creamsicle. Its the only way I drink it now. Next I'll order the chocolate.
  17. Wow! Have I been M.I.A. for a long time or what??? A new love? Juice Feasting? Too much fruit?? (ha, ha... just kidding on that last one) I totally support what your doing! Sounds like your doing a modified juice feast and still getting your protein shakes in. Love it. I am doing less raw now. I do a raw shakes for Meals 1 and sometimes Meal 4 and try to do some raw veggies but when I was trying to do too much raw I felt really really sick and not myself and I know, that's how a lot of people are supposed to feel at first and getting the toxins out, etc. But I had so much digestion trouble and pain and discomfort that I scaled way back. Let me know how it works out for you! Maybe I'll try it again sometime. I love that your lifting so heavy. Definitely the way to go with where your body is at now. Heavy lifts with less reps. Call me or email me with how your plan is working out and what your doing exactly. Sorry I've been away for awhile.
  18. haven't forgotten about ya. really crazy week. I'm going to sit down and attend to emails and online clients tomorrow. Maybe if we add some scheduled foods in, I can get you away from the pasta
  19. that sounds like L.A. Fitness. Was it LA Fitness? Guys like him give trainers a bad name. Sounds like he wasn't even listening to you at all.
  20. Instead of the Velocity, I am going to PM you a healthier alternative that will get you better results with less torture
  21. Just got mine today and had some. Actually, the taste isn't that bad and the texture is very good... its just the smell that bothers me. It truly does smell like vomit... thank god it doesen't taste like it though. I had it with just ice and water though, but yeah... taste wasn't too bad at all.
  22. OMG, that is hilarious that you did that post logged in as Giacomo! Love it! Too funny. (Pig Latin code below) I am experimentingray ithway a ersionvay of a awray ietday... shhhhhhh don't tell anyone!!! You will be one of the first to know if I end up sticking with it. I got a book that I'm so WAY into! Or course it is very high in protein and I'm putting my own spin on it, but so far two full days of about 95% awray.... LOL. Looks like your having a great time... Yeah, you gotta be careful with reverse lunges and make sure you come straight down on that back foot or you can get injured.
  23. I couldn't have said it any better myself. I agree 100%!!!!!!
  24. you look fricking AWESOME in that bikini. Extremely fit and toned. Giacomo is right. You're too hard on yourself. Those pix look like they belong in Shape Magazine. I'll be sending you your new routine shortly.
  25. wow! way to go on the pullups! I don't think I could do one pullup. My back is my weakest area. Great work!
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