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Everything posted by Jason

  1. Hi Dan Yes you can gain weight, fat or muscle, eating only plants. Check out the profile section, there are some very big guys there. http://www.veganbodybuilding.com/?page=bios Here are some more pictures of Avi Lehyani viewtopic.php?t=13139 I'm just a casual lifter and I've lost a lot of fat and put on some muscle.
  2. Here is my favorite Dimas workout video http://video.aol.com/video-detail/pyrros-dimas-workout/1694229317 It was removed from youtube, I found it on an AOL page
  3. I remember watching Brenda Davis on vegsource.com a while ago. vegsource was one of the first websites that I found when I wanted to reclaim my health. I think I might have been to vegsource before veganbodybuilding. Here is a video of her speaking a couple years ago. http://www.vegsource.com/video/player/brenda04.wmv.htm
  4. Breakfast: big bowl of mixed fruit Morning Inclined Treadmill: 60 minutes Squat Night: 150# x 30 reps These squat nights are starting to get harder. I added 5 more pounds tonight and 5 more reps One step closer to my goal
  5. Hi, welcome to the forums
  6. Hi Sam, welcome to the forums
  7. Breakfast: 2 bananas Morning Inclined Treadmill: 50 minutes - I got up just a little bit earlier than usual
  8. Oh my, I'd fade away completely if I only ate 1080 calories a day!! (I weigh 108 and eat about 2,500 calories a day.) Yeah, that number is just a minimum, don't go less than that. You probably burn your 1080 calories just running everyday. I lost a LOT of weight last summer eating much more than "my ideal" 1500 calories. But I was spending 2.5 hours each day on the treadmill
  9. Hi Big Kahuna, welcome to the forums. I read Brendan's previous book, just called "Thrive"
  10. Alex is Superman. I'm glad he has a youtube page. Maybe we'll see more videos of him now.
  11. The most I've ever had at once is maybe 20. That's in the summer. Good bananas in the winter are tough to find in Montana.
  12. I believe the minimum calorie intake is approximately 10 times your ideal lean body weight. The ideal lean weight is for people with "normal" amounts of muscle. For me, 5-10 man it would be about 1500 calories (150 bw X 10 = 1500) A 5-6 woman would be about 1200 calories (120 bw X 10 = 1200) Severe calorie restriction for weight loss rarely works, because you will eventually binge. If you exercise and aren't consuming empty calories, counting calories probably isn't necessary.
  13. Breakfast: 2 bananas Morning Inclined Treadmill: 30 minutes I'm going on the road for work today so I will need to pack my eats. Bench Press: 20#DB x 10 40#DB x 10 135# x 5 155# x 11 165# x 6 165# x 5 165# x 5 165# x 5
  14. Dr McDougall gives a good lecture on dairy Marketing Milk and Disease Worth watching.
  15. I made lentils last Saturday. Slow cooked lentils and a couple kinds of beans. Added several kinds of veggies and ate that all day.
  16. Jason

    Hi all

    Hi, VegansPower, welcome to the forums
  17. Breakfast: 2 bananas Morning Inclined Treadmill: 30 minutes Eats: Peas, Rice and Veggies, Fruit Smoothie, Strawberries, Raisins. Squat Night: 145 pounds x 25 reps Evening Inclined Treadmill: 40 minutes I was hungry after the squatting and treadmilling so I had a couple bananas
  18. Hi Endy, welcome to the forums
  19. LOL I was thinking along that line. No way I am giving up my lentils. I only eat a cup twice a week, I live more on Pinto and Black beans. However, I never heard that lentils can have a ill effect on ones health. That is odd really. Maybe she is referring to the amount of gas they can produce, some people say gas is actually toxic fumes. Oh Please! I do get gas from lentils but not near as bad as eating navy beans, now those might just knock off the person next to me lol I was thinking she is probably a meat and dairy consumer. Hope I don't get wet root rot, that doesn't sound pleasant
  20. Avi Lehyani, the biggest vegan that we know of, gets about 150g of protein per day.
  21. Daywalker asked him for pics of his legs on veganfitness.net
  22. Breakfast: strawberries and oranges Morning Inclined Treadmill: 60 minutes Eats: Hummus Pita, hummus and chips, cashews, watermelon Evening Workout: Just an easy arm day BB standing bicep curls 12 x 60 12 x 60 15 x 60 10 x 70 DB preacher hammer curls 4 x 30 15 x 20 Looks like I need 25 pound dumbbells BB Wrist Curl 10 x 60 10 x 40 reversed 15 x 60 10 x 40 reversed 10 x 60 10 x 40 reversed
  23. Hi Boris, welcome to the forums. There are many cyclists here.
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