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Posts posted by Jason

  1. Jim Fixx was a running guru who wrote a book that started Americans jogging as a form of exercise. He died of a heart attack that was caused by a congenital defect. Genetics.


    99% of the time genetics is just an convenient excuse for sickness and an early death.


    Jim may have been an exception. I don't know much about his diet.

    It is hard to blame your high cholesterol on genetics if you eat the Standard American Diet.

  2. His story sound like the typical story of most Americans.

    "I don't eat a lot of fatty foods, in fact I never eat junk food"

    Yet his doctor urges him to cut back on the refined carbs, like pasta and bread.

    Refined foods are junk food


    "I still hate to exercise, and I do eat bread and pasta, but mostly my diet is fine"

    I bet his diet falls right in line with most Americans.

    41% Meat and Dairy

    52% Refined foods

    7% Fresh Fruit and Vegetables

  3. I thought this was an outdated and meaninless concept? There is no way to get EAA deficiencies from what I understand.

    You are correct Offense


    It is all but impossible to be protein deficient if consuming adequate calories.

    If someone ate a diet of only a few different plants, then maybe.

    Nobody eats such a limited diet that they would ever need to worry about complimenting amino acids.


    If somebody thinks it is possible, design a protein deficient diet.

    Not a diet of only one food, but a variety of plant foods.

    It can't be done.

  4. Someone who eats only bread will eventually die from lack of complete proteins.



    It's not an outdated concept in any way. Protein COMBINING is an outdated concept...


    Someone would need to eat only bread for a very long time to develop a protein deficiency.

    You would most likely get sick or develop some other deficiency first.

  5. Here I am sitting at a coffee shop surfing vegan bodybuilding

    I over hear a couple of older women talking about another woman

    Not only is that other woman vegan but she is raw.

    Then I hear it.


    "Where does she get her protein?"

    I almost showed them Lean and Green's pictures


    They did say how healthy and fit the raw vegan woman looked.

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