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Everything posted by Marcina

  1. I'm sorry I was under the impression that you were complaining. It sounds like you just gained some muscle. Congratulations! Ihave been on a bulk for months and gained a measly 5 pounds... I think half of it is fat too
  2. How long have you been on this diet before deciding that it doesn't work? You need to find out how much you're eating. More calories in than out = more body fat. You mentioned that you've put on weight yet look leaner. That happens if you gain muscle because muscle weighs more than fat. I wouldn't worry too much about the numbers on the scale if you're leaning out.
  3. We need details. What's your activity level? How much do you weigh? What's your height? Male or female? What are you eating? Are you counting calories? And what "diet" are you on?
  4. Protein powder and creatine are fine. The only reason it would be bad for someone's kidneys is if they had a pre-existing condition.
  5. I wish I could have bought some but I'm so retarded I couldn't figure out PAYPAL!! Lol! I created an account over a year ago and it seems I forgot my password..
  6. If you're having a hard time with recovery just do what you can imo. It's counter productive to work out if you're hurting, since your progress happens during the recovery process. Get plenty of sleep at night, and maybe try some green tea or creatine to help aid in the recovery.
  7. What is a "midrift"?? And what does 11st 10lbs mean?
  8. Awesome! I'd like to learn more about that! I need to increase size.. On my bulk I've gained about 5 pounds so far. At least half of it is fat. Blarg.
  9. Hahahahaha! I thought it would be more polite to say that than "hershey squirts" or "runny shits"
  10. I use mono. Sometimes I get loose stool but I haven't had any cramping or anything like that
  11. Once I trained my legs so hard I had DOMS for maybe 4 days. It was pretty intense. However, the next time I tried the same routine, I got slight DOMs for maybe a day? This happens whenever I try a new routine. My muscles are sore because I shocked them, but the next time I do it I'm fine. But yeah, if you had DOMS for a week I would say you overdid it! Try a 20 squat program. It's quite simple, and will build up your lower body strength nicely.
  12. On the contrary Therasaan... Lots of people can snack in between meals on a vegan diet and still gain muscle. Especially men and people with high metabolisms such as myself! I eat every 2 hours. I don't gain weight unless I do. A bodybuilding diet is a lot different from a fat-loss diet when it comes to terms in how often a person eats. With bodybuilding, frequent meals are helpful. To remain lean, it's good to have a clean diet. It's best for recovery too On a vegan diet I would strongly recommend a vegan brand of creatine. Since I started using it, it's really helped my gains since creatine is not available in vegan foods. The body makes its own and supplementing really seems to help.
  13. If I don't eat before bed I WILL wake up in the middle of the night because my stomach is rumbling. I usually have a big bowl of oatmeal before I hit the sack
  14. It's all synthetic, and there are plenty of vegan brands of creatine out there. Since I started using it I've really noticed a difference. Less muscle soreness, more energy, shorter recovery times, increased strength and muscle gains.. I would recommend it to anyone.
  15. I break all the rules. I eat carbs after 6pm and everything. I'm still fit and don't have diabeetus yet.
  16. Whenever I have a good workout I tend to sleep for less time. I'll be asleep for maybe 5-7 hours before I wake up but it's a really deep sleep. It's only on workout days.. So strange.
  17. I was visiting Bif's blog, which I do on a regular basis.. And she actually posted something about eating disorders. There's a blog Bif wrote about her feelings on the subject, and also a very good video she included about how magazine pics are photoshopped. Here's the linky: http://www.bifnakedblog.com/2009/09/04/now-you-see-it-now-you-dont/
  18. Oh my goodness I had no idea you went through all that! It must have taken a lot of courage for you to tell us. We're all your friends and we'll always support you no matter what. Recovering from an eating disorder is no easy task. I was hospitalized for anorexia when I was 16 and although I made a quick recovery, it took me a long time to recover from the emotional aspects of it. It also took a long time for my stomach to return to it's normal size and for me to put weight back on. I was under 100 pounds for about a year or so afterwards. It's important when you suffer from something like this to seek support from those who love you. Counseling helps too to help you regain your self esteem and understand what caused the behavior in the first place. It's also helpful for preventing yourself from falling back into the eating disorder trap. I hope that you feel better soon and wish you the very best! Your friend, Marcina
  19. Pffft! That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! Soy does NOT cause brain damage amage amage amage amage amage amage
  20. Dark chocolate is actually very good for you if you get the right stuff. Organic fair-trade chocolate is the only stuff I consume. High cocoa content is important if you want to reap the benefits of dark chocolate.
  21. PUNK!! I'll have to check it out! I love punk!
  22. Joe.. They did a study. Where's the study supporting the fact that all fish contain high levels of mercury and lead? That's mostly shellfish and tuna you have to worry about. Actually, the longest lived people live in Okinawa Japan and have a similar diet to the Mediterranean containing lots of fruits, veggies, and fish. Fish is actually quite healthy for you.. Unfortunately people are greedy and take more than what they need which is resulting in our oceans emptying and becoming polluted. I think the addition of omega 3 fatty acids is what makes the Mediterranean diet better than the vegan one when it comes to effects on Type 2 Diabetes.
  23. Veeeery cool! What musician was it that you got the poses from? Btw I wish I had a bum like yours.. Hehehehe Lookin good!
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