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Everything posted by Marcina

  1. Honestly I don't even know that the point of your post was in the first place. Who gives a fuck about what the lady in that video says? I fell asleep after 5 seconds. Yeah, good idea. Tear down and insult everyone who disagrees with you or doesn't have perfect grammar. It's the best way to show how much smarter you are than everyone else isn't it?
  2. I would also suggest doing as much unilateral work as you can as opposed to bilateral work. And like cubby suggested, dumbbells are great!
  3. Okay because this topic has actually peaked my interest, I decided to talk to people who actually have careers in fitness. They all told me that doing cardio on an empty stomach doesn't make you lose fat faster. Some people prefer to do it because they do cardio first thing in the morning right after they wake up. Most of the people who do this usually aren't hungry when they get up in the morning, so they eat AFTER their workout. I was also told that if you do cardio when you're hungry, thinking it'll burn fat faster, that it's "Stupid". Everyone's body is different though. I for one, don't even need to do cardio to lean out. I burn fat very quickly. Other people need to make more of an effort.
  4. Train the weaker arm more than the stronger one. Most people are stronger on one side than the other. For example, my left arm is weaker, so after my set doing both 8 reps with each arm, I'll go back to my left arm and pump out a few more reps. They're more or less even in strength now. Everything I can do on my right side I can do with my left side. Also, check your form too.
  5. I thought people would get it since I was talking about light cardio. Whatever. My opinion still stands. I think doing cardio on an empty stomach isn't that great of an idea. I'm no expert, all I know is that I feel like shit when I do it.
  6. If I were to lift weights or do HIIITs on an empty stomach, I would pass out. Not everyone can do ridiculous things like try to gain muscle with no food in their system. Women also burn fat differently than men do. And by differently, I mean at a slower rate. I guess I need to talk in simpler terms since nobody seems to get what I'm saying.
  7. I want to say no but I don't understand your question at all. No it doesn't burn less calories and if you choose to eat your banana you will still burn the same amount of calories but will loose some of the benefits. Yes but not enough to advice someone else not to do it, not in my opinion anyway. Both are totally fine. I lift weights on a fasting stomach and sometimes I run, both after 16+ hours of fasting. No truth at all. Muscle breakdown doesn't occur that fast. And I'm not sure what you mean when you first write to only do light cardio and then recommend intervals. Not High Intensity Intervals. I mean walking, then jogging intervals. You'd think that if I started talking about light cardio I would mean light intervals right? There's more than just HIITs. Durrrrr
  8. If you decide to do cardio on an empty stomach, keep your workouts to 20-30 minutes to avoid burning your hard-earned muscles off. Try and do intervals.
  9. Wrong. Muscle breakdown does not occur from a light cardio session on a fasting stomach. There is as far as I know no science to back your claim up. The "terrible" health affects is improved insulin sensitivity. The most reasonable theory today is that when low or moderate intense cardio is done while insulin levels are really low the liver uses fatty acids as fuel and post-excersise ketosis occur. This is good for apetite control. To compare the human body with a car isn't very useful and the "tank" on the human is far from empty even if glycogen storages are. We have something called body fat you know. So this is a debate about how "qualified" everyone is to state their opinion? And wouldn't light cardio (walking, light jogging) burn less energy hence limiting how much your exerting your body? I've always been advised to not do cardio on an empty stomach. I'm not saying you need to eat a big meal, but maybe a banana or a piece of toast is good. The fact that I feel like shit if I run on an empty stomach is enough reason for me not to do it. I do much better if I've eaten something. Edit to add: I'm sure light cardio is fine to do in the morning if you're keeping the duration to a minimum, but I wasn't talking about light cardio. I was talking regular cardio that most people do: Jogging/running. And I know we have "body fat". I'm not an idiot, so don't treat me like one.
  10. You watched Dr. Greger's video too! No I didn't.. It's just a simple fact. I've never heard of Dr. Greger.
  11. I used to get terrible farts from soy. I've adapted to it mostly now. I still fart, but now it's just for funsies
  12. LOOOL!! I'm a self appointed Mac Monk actually.. Hahahaha!
  13. Wrong. Your body will catabolize muscle for fuel as well. Not only that, but doing cardio on an empty stomach is terrible for your health. In the morning, your glycogen stores are empty. The body NEEDS to burn those carbohydrates for energy or it starts pulling amino acids from the muscles resulting in muscle wasting. What happens when you try to drive a car with an empty tank? How far does it go?
  14. Wear under-armor, the cool-max stuff so that u don't arrive to work all sweaty. You can always change out of it and keep a business type sweater or polo in a knapsack. I'm not sure where you live, but here it's getting pretty cold.. So I would do layers.
  15. Maybe he meant soymilk? I always say "I'm going to the store for milk" and get soymilk. To answer the OPs question: If you're concerned about not getting enough protein, throw a shake in there.
  16. There are massive line-ups in my area. I want everyone who really NEEDS the vaccine (pregnant women, people with underlying health problems etc.) to get it before I do. If I get swine flu I have a better chance of surviving than they do.
  17. 5 people at my job have it and one woman just a couple years older than me in my area died last week. She had no underlying health problems. Yes, I'm going to get the vaccine.
  18. Don't forget to breathe! Always exhale on the way up, and inhale on the way down. A lot of people will hold their breath while squatting heavy on the way back up. They do it without realizing it. Hell, even I do it. MAKE SURE YOU BREATHE!!
  19. If your doctor told you not to train, then you shouldn't train. Your spine is something you shouldn't screw around with. Let me explain to you what's wrong with your back: It's fucked. Focus on getting yourself healed up. Don't start exercising without the O.K from your doctor. You might even need to do some rehab exercises.
  20. I've been a vegan for about 2 years now I think. I've managed to put on a lot of muscle by exercising regularly with heavy weights, getting lots of rest, and eating a ton. I eat foods rich in protein for every meal. Big giant bowls of oatmeal for breakfast, a protein shake or some toast and peanut butter for lunch, some bananas for fruit, veggies and tofu for dinner, and then some more oats. I eat big portions since I can't eat every 2 hours while I'm at work, so I gotta stuff myself to fill up my tank! I also take creatine which helps a lot with muscle building.. Especially since a vegan diet has no source of creatine in it. The body has to make it itself. Also, I give up cardio when I'm "bulking".
  21. Don't scare him dude!! What happened to that young man was very unfortunate, and I feel for his family, but we shouldn't use his death as an example to terrify people. He originally went to a walk-in clinic, not to a hospital. The doctor said he'd be fine but obviously the virus took a turn for the worst. With this virus, "mild cases" will still make you sicker than you've ever been in your life, so obviously it's a good idea to closely monitor it. If Zinzen has had it for 6 days now, I'm sure he's over the worst of it. Get lots of rest, Tom, and feel better soon!
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