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Everything posted by Marcina

  1. On the subject of men hitting on women at the gym it rarely happens to me. I once had a guy ask me if I was single, but when I said I wasn't he left me alone. He was polite, and I appreciated him using manners. It was also quite flattering to me because I think I'm the least attractive when I'm at the gym! Lol! I honestly don't notice guys looking at me cuz I'm working too hard. I check out guys every now and then when I'm there (shhh! Don't tell Silvio!) But men who take your picture like what happened to HCP.. That's just weird and creepy. At my gym it's against the rules to bring in cameras without permission from the management. I would be freaked out if some guy took my picture while I was at the gym. And beforewisdom.. Ever see a guy in the gym blowdrying his BODY hair?? Lol!!!
  2. Old pic? Is it from the past 30 days? Lol I'm just harassin' ya
  3. I have one of the new imacs and it's very fast and reliable. I love it! Before that I had an emac. My boyfriend bought it maybe 6 or 7 years ago and we finally retired it for a newer model. Macs are good computers imo
  4. Walnuts!! I read somewhere that walnuts have more omega 3s than fish. I dunno if it's true, but if so that would rock cuz I love walnuts! Mmmmm!
  5. No, you don't understand what I'm saying, because you put words in my mouth. I never said I don't care about you or people with Asperger's/neurological disorders. You came up with that on your own. I've researched the condition myself, so you should be able to understand plain English. You'd just rather sit there and call me names and tell my I don't care and then go "Oops, I have a disease and can't help myself". I'm not gonna fall for that. I'm trying to help you with your depression, because I have it too. I tried giving you advice, and all you can do is talk about your Asperger's. It's not that I don't care, I just don't see why having Asperger's means you can't beat your depression. If you come up with excuses like that, you'll never be happy. If you have more positive thoughts, more positive things will follow in your life. If you're hurt by my words, then fine. I was hurt by yours. Your words make me very angry.. But no matter how angry I get, I will never call you names, because that's juvenile. Do you actually have aspergers yourself? Seriously who the fuck are you to lecture me on happiness and other emotions? What do expect me to feel numb? You think I wasn't hurt by your words? Emotions come and go, but Aspergers stays. Like I said before, if you had aspergers syndrome you'd be crying your eyes out. Wheither you'd like to admit or not, your putting words in my mouth just as much as you're claiming I am. Even though I don't wish aspergers on anyone including you, I don't have to justify anything to you at all. So get the fuck off my thread, and take your Stalin-like totalitarian ideas somewhere else. Oh my God.. I'm not lecturing you on happiness. You asked for help for your depression but you keep nattering on about your Asperger's. If you didn't want help with depression, you shouldn't have posted this thread. You need to quit using your Asperger's syndrome as a crutch and move on with life. If you want to sit and cry like a baby, go for it. I was just trying to help but if you want to be obnoxious, I'm done with you. Just for the record, I'm not the only one here who's sick of your bad attitude.. And this is a PUBLIC FORUM, meaning anyone can post in here. If you don't like it, go start a whiny blog full of your negative thoughts and "poor me" syndrome. Then you will have control over who posts comments and who doesn't.
  6. No, you don't understand what I'm saying, because you put words in my mouth. I never said I don't care about you or people with Asperger's/neurological disorders. You came up with that on your own. I've researched the condition myself, so you should be able to understand plain English. You'd just rather sit there and call me names and tell my I don't care and then go "Oops, I have a disease and can't help myself". I'm not gonna fall for that. I'm trying to help you with your depression, because I have it too. I tried giving you advice, and all you can do is talk about your Asperger's. It's not that I don't care, I just don't see why having Asperger's means you can't beat your depression. If you come up with excuses like that, you'll never be happy. If you have more positive thoughts, more positive things will follow in your life. If you're hurt by my words, then fine. I was hurt by yours. Your words make me very angry.. But no matter how angry I get, I will never call you names, because that's juvenile.
  7. You can wait a long time, but that's not going to happen. Like the song Thousand Years of Opression, says from Amon Amarth, "Our sprits were forged in snow and ice, to bend like steel forged over fire, we were not made to bend like reed, or turn the other cheek." So therefore my soul and my whole being are something you can never take away from. If anything you not only sound harsh, you sound like a totalitarian dictator who really does not care about people with autism. The brain and neurological system is a part of the body and like any part of the body it too can malfunction just like the liver and even skeletal muscle tissue. Trust me if you had Aspergers you would crying your eyes out right now. This is not something I would make up. And I know this is coming from someone who has been in a psych hospital, but only someone who's a souless psycho would say the kind of garbage you just said. And by the way don't go around justifying your own ignorance, cowardice and vitriole by saying foolish things like "oh I have a child with autism," "I have relatives with autism," "I have friends who are autistic," "I work with autistic children," I date a person with autism" or the ever popular "I know/am married/live with someone with autism." I've heard all kinds of accuses already, so go ahead and tell me something I havent't heard before. If you dish it out and can't handle when people dish it back, you should sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up. Honestly you should be ashamed of yourself. I You know what? Not only did you completely MISUNDERSTAND what I read, but you also turned around and personally attacked me. I don't care if you have Asperger's, you have NO RIGHT to call me names like a "psyho" and tell me to "sit down and shut the fuck up". You need to grow up and learn some manners or you can get out of here. Like I said, you have a bad attitude. Everytime someone disagrees with you, you call them names. That's the definition of an asshole.
  8. A lot of people in Canada suffered from brain damage from the listeriosis outbreak from Maple Leaf foods. Sad story.
  9. Yeah, ease up on the calories a bit. You want to gain muscle, not chub! Lol! A little bit is expected, but you don't want to gain too much.
  10. If you think your thighs are "bulky" the only thing that will slim then down is by dropping bodyfat. You can't spot reduce, my friend. Or, if you want your thighs to look smaller, build up your upper body.
  11. That was a good article. I always thought Weston Price was a whackjob, but he was actually a very smart guy.. It's the followers who run the Weston A Price Foundation that are sullying his name and making assholes of themselves. For shame!!
  12. Vaccination is a waste (and a danger) for 90% of the people that get it. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/technology/science/study-prompts-provinces-to-rethink-flu-p%3E%20lan/article1303330/ All that article talks about is that if you get a seasonal flu vaccine, you're more likely to get the H1N1 vaccine. Perplexing as it is, it doesn't spell doom for 90% of the people that get it. Especially since 90% of the population doesn't even get a seasonal flu vaccine. It's usually the elderly or people that work in highly populated areas that get those. I always thought the seasonal flu vaccine was a waste because of the fact that you're only protected against a certain strain of flu. You can still get sick with the flu if it's not the particular strain you were vaccinated against. Seeing as viruses can mutate on a whim, I never bothered to get a seasonal flu vaccine. I find it humorous that the people who are against the vaccine don't really know much about the vaccine... what it takes to create one, and how viruses and the immune system work. They're too busy using scare tactics to keep people from getting their shots. Before you ask, I'm not getting the H1N1 vaccine. I just don't think I need it. Nobody in my area that I know of has gotten this virus, and I'm a healthy adult. No diabetes, no underlying illness, strong immune system.. I could get very ill but it's very unlikely I'd die.
  13. Tamzz, that is exactly what I was trying to say. Well put.
  14. I don't know what "tissue salts" are, but as a person with IBS I have been told to avoid sodium as much as possible. If I eat only a couple salty crackers it's automatic bloating!! I also find that drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps. I always have a bottle of water on me.
  15. Of course I'm being defensive, because none of you to my knowledge actually live with Aspergers/Autism. You literally don't understand and you can't relate. Also I am not going to change who I am. I feel like you're all telling me to change who I am. Like it or not that's just not going to happen. I say all this because I feel like you are all trying to change me for who I am. So because of this I feel very unsupported. For the record I actually know first hand about suicide, I also attempted suicide around 14 and 15 as well. I once considered it when I 16 after being in a complicated relationship with a girl. I've even lost my uncle Robert to suicide back when I was 13. I had to learn the hard way that I can't and must not ever give up who I am in order to please other people. By killing myself that would only prove all those scumbags, who led me to attempt and think about suicide, right. So to hell with them I had to learn to be a more proud person. That's why I started exercising more and practicing martial arts. I am now a black belt in Ten Chi Kenpo and currently practicing Hung Gar. I am really sorry for being so defensive before, but I still cannot help but feel unsupported and I'm still a strong and proud person. I didn't tell you to change who you are, I told you to change your ATTITUDE. Those are 2 different things. You aren't being unsupported! People are giving you advice and you turn around and play the "I have Asperger's Syndrome" card as if it's an excuse for you being depressed and there's nothing that can change it. You can't change the fact that you have Aspergers but you CAN beat your depression. Like I said, change your attitude. Maybe I sound harsh, but you aren't gonna get anywhere if people walk on glass around you.
  16. Yeah and make sure you eat the most after your workout! I have a protein shake but an hour later I'm back in the kitchen for a big bowl of oatmeal. It's about 2 cups worth I guess. It's huge. I eat it all.
  17. Actually.. What he says is true. Health care workers HAVE to get the flu vaccine! They're working amongst a high number of immuno-deficient people and they need to be aware of the dangers they pose if they go unvaccinated. If a person who is carrying H1N1 is working in a hospital or with a large number of people who's immune systems aren't up to par, they can infect and even cause death to several people. From what I understand, the H1N1 virus is very contagious (airborne?) since it's a respiratory illness. The first flu vaccines are supposed to be intra-nasal, but they're also doing IM (intra muscular) injections of the vaccine. Children have to get 3 I believe, adults only need 1.
  18. It's ok Zack. I detected your sarcasm What about potatoes? I was reading an article about "superfoods" at work yesterday in a magazine and they listed potatoes. I was like "really? Potatoes?" Potatoes aren't really that super. Except sweet potatoes maybe.
  19. Don't get so defensive. We're just trying to help you. You don't need to go off on how much your life sucks because you have Asperger's Syndrome. It's that attitude that's going to keep you feeling the way you feel. Try to think more positively. If you have to wear ear muffs at bedtime, you gotta wear ear muffs at bedtime. We all get dealt a shitty hand in life at one point or another. If you dwell on it, that's where depression rears its ugly head. I was diagnosed with clinical depression at the age of 14. I attempted suicide a couple times, and I didn't start feeling better until I changed my attitude.
  20. I've had IBS my whole life too. Animal products are definitely hell on a person who has this illness. Don't believe any of that "diet for your blood type" hoopla though. I seriously doubt it's been thoroughly tested and researched to come up with such a silly theory. Anyways.. People with IBS-C (IBS with constipation) benefit from a high fiber diet. It also helps to take probiotics to keep yourself regular. They make vegan Bio-K or you can take capsules. It also helps to make a list of foods that bother you. For instance, most IBS sufferers have a hard time with coffee, chocolate, citrus fruits, alcohol, wheat products, dairy, eggs, meat, cabbage, broccoli, deep fried foods, oily foods, and eating large meals.
  21. Try sticking to whole foods. Drinking 3-4 protein shakes a day is a waste of money. I usually have one after a workout and a scoop of creatine daily.
  22. Anxiety and depression DO go away.. Unless you don't let it. Its not a permanent thing. Pretty much everyone suffers from a deep depression at least once in their lives. If you want to try light therapy don't use tanning beds. You will only increase your risk of cancer. There are specific lamps you can get for light therapy.
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