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Everything posted by Fallen_Horse

  1. I think you have most of it figured out, but the key when you can only exercise 2-3 days a week is to lift heavy, compound exercises when you go to the gym. Keep it to the essentials, like deads, squats, overhead press, pullups, bench, dips, etc. No curls or ab flexors!
  2. Cooking provides more calories because it essentially begins the digestive process, so our bodies have to do less work when we intake cooked food instead of raw food. I am all up for my body doing less work. Bring on the baked potatoes!
  3. It's interesting because it brings up some interesting debates about what is vegan and what it means to be vegan, but I think there is a previous thread about the topic that is quite large already.
  4. Protein powder beans/legumes peas quinoa pumpkin seeds Although I would definitely consider keeping edamame, tempeh, and tofu in your diet. They are good sources of protein, calcium, and iron, and are minimally processed.
  5. I would like to see some studies showing that unprocessed or lightly processed soy has a negative effect, but I haven't seen one. The only anti-soy studies I have seen are ones that focus heavily on highly processed soy products, not foods like edamame, tempeh, or tofu....
  6. Looks like you have answered your own poll already If this is your definition of 'determinism' then yes, there is no free will, and using that definition of determinism also makes determinism a scientific, irrefutable fact. So you have answered the poll for everyone!
  7. I think it really comes down to how you define 'fate'. Everyone has choices to make in day-to-day living, and the choice they make is a product of their life experiences. However, once they have made that choice, it has become fate, since they did in fact make that choice and it cannot be undone. But I don't think that is the definition of fate you are thinking of.
  8. This is still just a concept but wow, just, wow. http://io9.com/5885510/holy-crap-its-the-matrix-for-chickens
  9. I also like this reference, and the fact that it pervades Whole Foods these days, but I think the ratings might be a bit hyperbolic. For example, is kale really 27 TIMES more nutrient dense than avocado? I'm not sure about that, although I am sure that kale is more nutrient dense than avocado overall. Also, I really wish Dr. Fuhrman would release the formula he uses to calculate the numbers. I fear he may give too much weight to certain components of food (i.e. fiber) and not enough to others (i.e. protein completeness). All in all, a good thing to have on the fridge
  10. My first thought when I saw your picture was, "Hugh Jackman?" What is your diet/routine like?
  11. Can you afford a refurb Vitamix? It's $380 and they sometimes have specials for free shipping. I have had mine for 2 years and it's going strong. I searched around before I purchased it. There really isn't anything like a Vitamix/Blentec....
  12. Food. Seriously though, the difference between 'fast' and 'slow' digesting proteins is not worth worrying about.
  13. It definitely drains my soul, but I have never had a job that doesn't so.... This is all true, sigh! That's a good idea, but then you have to have the willpower to go to bed early Maybe I can try this tomorrow and see what it's like.
  14. How cheap? The Honda Civic is a good bet for efficiency, safety, and reliability, but it will run you 15 g's or so...
  15. The United States does not allow private individuals to keep native owls as pets- Exactly, because they are too wild.
  16. Hi everyone! I am just posting a quick question regarding what people here do for mental and emotional energy to get themselves exercising. I have the standard 9-5 routine (well, 8:30-4:30) and by the time I am driving home from work, it feels like all of the energy has left my body. All I want to do is cook some food, spend time with my GF and kitty, and go to sleep. Except it doesn't feel like I am just lazy. I'm not necessarily physically too tired to exercise, but mentally too tired, like each night I just imagine exercising and how tired I will be and I just shut down. I really enjoy the benefits of exercise, and I enjoy many of the actual exercises, but each night I just feel...overwhelmed. I am fairly happy I think, and I get enough sleep, so I just don't know what it is. Has anyone had this issue? Any ideas for working through it? Any good books or materials to read?
  17. Yeah that's pretty normal. It's just the body adapting to the new intake. I wouldn't go lower than what you are at now though. Even losing 1 lb a week is quite a bit, even if it doesn't seem so. Concentrate on getting stronger in the gym, encouraging your body to hold on to it's muscle and only burn it's fat. I don't know what your routine is like, but too many people get through a weight training session without a bead of sweat on them, or without giving out on at least one set. I like to compare it to running in the sense that, when you get done with a running session, you are dead, sweat dripping off you, thinking you can't take another step, well then you know you have had a good workout. It should be the same for lifting. This can lead to overtraining, but it's rare. So make sure you are giving it your all in the weight room! (Also try to stick to compound lifts, if you aren't already)
  18. That one getting petted is super badass. If only they weren't too wild to keep as common pets. They are also not very vegan haha.
  19. Looks good! Are you unhappy with your progress? How long have you been eating this way?
  20. So each day is just a different single lift? You said Mon, Wed was single lifts, but Tues looks single too? Also, that's some good dedication
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