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Everything posted by Fallen_Horse

  1. http://www.nutritiondata.com/facts/dairy-and-egg-products/77/2 Stop with all the fluff. Dairy being unhealthy is just nonsense. Look at that profile. Tell me it's not a good source of protein, Vitamin A, Pantothenic Acid, Potassium, Selenium, Vitamin D, Riboflavin, Vitamin B12, Calcium and Phosphorus. I get sick of meat eaters telling me that veganism is unhealthy, and I get sick of vegans telling me animal products are unhealthy. I don't even know why we are debating this. There is as much evidence against cows milk as there is against soy milk. That is to say, very little.
  2. It's not about disagreeing or agreeing with anyone. I am vegan due to ethical, moral, and environmental concerns, not due to health. If I only cared about my health I would eat meat, however it's more important to me to help other species, help the earth, etc...
  3. Hmm, I wonder if my health insurance would cover that, thanks for the suggestion... I have (I think) the same problem. For about 4 years growing up (15-19 y/o) I was constantly gaming at the computer, so I slouched horribly. It rounded my upper back, and my lower back curves in (so my belly is out). It looks horrible, and I think it could be a factor in the pain I have. How did you get your back worked out? That's unfortunate. Is there any prior injury involved, or is it just an inexplicable pain that happens without a known reason? They're great for it, but not the only way to do so. There are back extensions, good mornings (standing or seated), reverse hyperextensions and other things that will strengthen the lower back as well. But, squats and deads are still some of the best for it. A thick core is necessary for moving heavy weight frequently and being stable. Most of the guys who have a thick core WANT it because it helps keep heavy squats and deadlifts more stable and secure. A tiny waist works in bodybuilding, but for powerlifting, strongman and o-lifting it is not desired. As I'm sure you've seen, there are plenty of strong bodybuilders out there who still have smaller core areas, so it is possible to lift fairly heavy and not get too bulky in the midsection. It all depends on how you train for it, as well as what your genetics have determined. A large core to begin with often means it'll be easier to add mass, and more often than not, the people with smaller cores have a harder time putting on lots of weight (not always the case, but from people I've known, that's how it usually goes). Are you referring to losing fat on your core, or actually trying to lose some of the musculature in that area as well? Truthfully, unless you plan on gaining a LOT of mass, you're not likely to find your core to thicken much, if at all. My pants size only went from 36 to 38-40 over the course of 70 lbs. that I added over the years - not a substantial increase, and most of it was from adding too much fat around my midsection. I've never heard of anyone developing 4" of solid muscle around their waist before, so unless you plan on putting on lots of fat or at least 100 lbs. of lean mass, I wouldn't worry too much about it The best thing you can do is squat and deadlift and do monthly measurements on your midsection and check yourself in the mirror - if you don't like the results, then change it up, but you'll never know unless you try. 1. It's not any event that I can pin down, but it starts happening if I drive in the car for awhile, if I do overhead presses/shoulder raises/bent-over rows, or if I have to work a day of lifting stuff. 2. I think I will try some back extensions, with mixing in some deads as well. My hams are WAY too tight for proper good mornings, and I'm not quite sure what hyperextensions are? 4. Ok thanks. I just see pictures of guys who lift heavy oly style or powerlifting and it's not where I want to be. (As freakish as it is) I like the look of the guys who have a back twice as wide as their waist. I am thinking genetics plays a big role in that, but I still want to avoid exercises that will go against my goals...
  4. First: Agree Second: Disagree (see below) Third: Disagree. I firmly believe that the healthiest diet for a human is one that includes lean meats and small amounts of low-fat dairy. It is the diet we have evolved on, and a diet that our bodies are well adapted to subsist on. Cutting out food groups is never 'healthy' for a person, it's just that as vegans we all have to be more creative in getting all of our nutrition. If I was in it for the health, I surely wouldn't be vegan... And if you want to find a large group of omni's who care about their weight, go to some regular bodybuilding or weightlifting forum, and you will find plenty there to do studies on...
  5. I'm pretty sure my doctor won't know 2 cents about what to do for lower back pain. "Take some time off and take 2 aspirin a day." Idiots. I don't want bigger quads either, mine are quite large for their strength. I don't want a thick middle, if that makes sense. Chrisjs, how many sets of hangs do you do? How long do you hold them for?
  6. Nice man, thanks for the good reply.
  7. Ok, a few bulletins. 1. I often have lower back pain. 2. I have heard that the best way to strengthen lower back (with compounds) is squat and deads? 3. I see Oly lifters and heavy dead/squat dudes, and they have really thick cores (in relation to the rest of their body) 4. I don't want to develop a 'thick' core, I really want to slim my core. 5. This leads me to not doing deads or squats. Is this logical? Is there a way to improve my back strength without adding mass? Thanks in advance to everyone!
  8. I am wondering, how does one go about applying for this 'moderator' position? I figure I am still too new here to be considered reliable, but what the heck, why not try?
  9. Blah blah blah, I hate these studies. You can't compare two groups of people, one whom never watches what they eat, and another who must watch it constantly, and expect any good results for those who don't watch what they eat. Of course a vegan diet is usually healthier than the Standard American Diet, that's why it's called SAD! Do a study on health freak omni's versus health freak vegans and I will be more interested...
  10. Actually our bodies are built 'best' for being omnivorous, but no need to be picky. Exactly.
  11. I just want to mention (to anyone) that people who feed their pets meat, shouldn't be calling themselves vegans. Buying meat pet food is supporting the meat industry, and is NOT vegan.
  12. 143 grams? I would say so, but that's quite a bit of peanut butter each day, so maybe consider modifying the recipe to add more protein powder and less PB? I just tried 2 frozen bananas 1 cup frozen strawberries 1/2 cup oats (ground) 1 cup soymilk 1 cup orange juice 40g Vanilla Creme protein powder Actually it kind of worked. I was just desperate to use up some of my bananas and oats haha...
  13. Male, 21, 6'1, 215lbs, 200lbs, 1.5lbs per week
  14. Any kind of protein powder should work fine, just pick the one that works best for you!
  15. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions! SeaSiren, my goal is mostly to be at a healthy weight (healthy bodyfat, bmi, whatev) and to have some muscles mass so I don't look like a puny vegan. I have REALLY been wanting a Blenctec or Vitamix, but they are just SO expensive, even used. You guys know of any good places to shop around? I will post yesterdays diet. I overate on accident (damn not having access to Fitday!) but it was still a mostly healthy day, so whatev. http://img65.imageshack.us/img65/5505/95931327md9.jpg http://img65.imageshack.us/img65/5505/95931327md9.545ac23cb3.jpg
  16. I hear this year they are upgrading to the 20lb dumbbells...
  17. Yeah I don't make smoothies because my blender sucks and I am rarely home to blend. I really want a Magic Bullet, but I'm a poor college student so...
  18. The crystallized form seems to resist dissolving, but it has a stronger taste than the liquid, so I suppose it's a tradeoff...
  19. Ok, I will give ya yesterday, since that's what I remember. http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/595/69937747xu8.jpg http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/595/69937747xu8.12e6c21f48.jpg Hmm, well my vitamin and mineral macros are all fine, but my selenium intake tends to be a bit low? I get about 8.5 hours of sleep most nights. Also, I would eat more greens, but they taste horrible and I am constantly on the run, so I don't have a lot of time to make big salads (the only way I can seem to choke them down). Any ideas?
  20. Lets say you worked at a wildlife preserve and you had to take care of 2 baby tigers who's mother was killed by a poacher.....what would you feed them .tofu? She is slowly starving that cat and depriving it of what it needs. I don't know what your veterinarian has said about this but all I have spoken to agree that cats are carnivores. They have retractable claws, night vision, hinged jaws and fangs. You could let them hunt in the wild but that would cause more suffering. Farm animals are not killed for cat food they are killed because omnivorous humans like to eat them. Unfortunately there are slaughterhouses and slaughterhouses create waste....the waste can either A..be burned B. dumped c. processed into food for companion animals Not feeding that cat commercial pet food saves no animals.Buying commercial pet food for your cat is the compassionate thing to do. Tell me ONE nutrient my mom's cat is being deprived of. Just ONE. But you can't, because we have researched it, and we are feeding the cat everything it's body needs. I would never contribute to the death of other animals just because I wanted a pet. (And no matter what you say, buying commercial animal feed DOES contribute to the death of other animals, it's supply and demand). Your uncle is just as stuck in the past as many doctors are about veganism. Vet school teaches many things, one of which is how to obey and conform to the system. I know of many many vegan cats that do just fine if fed an appropriate diet...
  21. Sorry to be a bother, but I am feeling down on my diet lately. It's mostly soymilk, cereal, lots of fruits, some veggies, protein shakes and protein bars, sometimes hummus, beans, wheat bread, etc. I have been doing this cut for over 2 months now. I was at 215lbs (6'1, barrel chest frame) and I am down to 198lbs or so, but I am very tired during workouts (2x a week weights, plus some biking and walking randomly throughout the week), and I just don't know if I should be eating more. I am afraid to increase my calorie intake, because I want to keep losing weight, but I am kind of sick of being tired. Any ideas on what I can improve on? Thanks in advance! Average Calories (over the last month) grams cals %total Fat: 56 507 25% Sat: 11 96 5% Poly: 14 125 6% Mono: 16 147 7% Carbs: 338 1164 56% Fiber: 47 0 0% Protein: 94 376 18% Alcohol: 2 15 1% Total: 2143
  22. How many calories in an 8oz serving http://www.nutritiondata.com/facts/nut-and-seed-products/3115/2
  23. You know how much that might come out to be (the caloric items) if you didn't go for organic, but just bought regular? Maybe 20% cheaper? 30%?
  24. Actually cats can also be vegan, it just takes more work and caution. My mom has a vegan kitty. She has been vegan for about 5 months now, and she is doing great!
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