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Everything posted by bronco

  1. That doesnt seem like much food if you train everyday. I think the weight loss is a pretty clear sign that you arent eating enough. If I were you I would try eating more calories and see if it helps .
  2. Perhaps you could try being honest with him without offending him ? If you explain to him that you don't find stories about his eating amusing he might stop talking about it.
  3. Ah, ok, so you only disagree about exrx using the word elite. For a while I thought you were saying that the strength levels doesnt match their (exrxs) definition of elite .
  4. I agree that is what it normally means, but appearantly in this context exrx interprets it differently. Comparing to an american record holder is a bit silly isnt it ? Besidedes the exrx numbers are for powerclean, I guess she would PC a bit less than she can clean. A 155kg powerclean should give a squat clean of at least around 170kg. With a matching snatch and jerk that would probably be close to if not at the national top level in most countries outside of eastern europe. But of course if you want the elite number to mean weightlifting worldchampionships A-group quality or something like that, the exrx numbers would be too weak.
  5. If you are after endurance it might be ok, for muscle growth and strenght it probably would be better to do fewer reps less often .
  6. I think the elite numbers are ok taking into consideration what they consider elite It is not very often you see a 100kg guy powercleaning 155kg and benching 170kg raw. Of course you are right that this wouldn be world class elite, but definitely something less than 1% of all people training with weights would achieve .
  7. I do like my gym. Not only is it well equipped and very close to my home, it is also the only OL-gym in town so nowhere else to go really. The people are friendly to. Opening hours are not optimal though but that I can live with .
  8. You are probably right, but it still make it sound like going on a vegan diet is a very risky business .
  9. I may well be a pessimist, but I fail to see how a story about an athlete who tries a vegan diet, loses a lot of strength and then goes back to a non-vegan diet can be a positive thing. The question and answer section was also pretty crap in some parts, I mean:
  10. Good volume there . What is the idea behind doing cleans on chest day?
  11. Yeah, that's the ones. I have a pair and they are nice .
  12. For the record, that is a black sabbath song. Allthough of course the lineup at the time of release was the same as that of Heaven and hell . I couldnt really say a definite top three, so Ill just pick three songs that would at least be on top-30. Slayer - Raining blood The Sonics - Strychnine Dead Moon - Diamonds in the rough
  13. I'm not sure if height makes much difference, but the shape of the muscle is genetically determined and depends among other things were exactly it attaches to the bone structure. You can of course change the size of muscle, and your perceived lack of 'round definition' might very well be a problem that is solved by adding more mass .
  14. Hey, me to . Whatever mass I have on my back is mainly from cleans I believe.
  15. Hmm, I dont put much attention to details when it comes to food, I just make sure I eat sort of enough. As for training I could put more attention to details there, I often dont stick to the plan when I am in the gym and I dont really have a plan when it comes to what weights to use, usually I just use what feels right for the workout. The one area where I do put very much attention to details is lifting technique. All sets of weightlifting exercises are focused on technique, I listen very closely when I get advice from more experienced lifters and I also think quite a bit about technique when not in the gym. Technique is very important for moving the big weights .
  16. Oh, Ive never heard of anyone doing that before. Sounds risky to me.
  17. Are you saying that you change your feet positioning during the squat? Both of those are pretty shallow, none of them would be legal in an IPF comp I think.
  18. Makes me wonder, if you get bitten by a rawfoodist do you become one?
  19. I believe knees traveling beoynd your toes shouldnt really be a problem unless you are aiming for a sitback PL-style squat. If you want to squat deep you wont be able to do it without knees going out a bit in front of the toes.
  20. The only milestone I really remember is making 100kg overhead (clean & jerk), and that's mostly because it was only a few days ago. For me whenever I make a milestone it allways seems insignificant afterwards, I mean if I can do it it cant be that hard right ?
  21. Sounds like you've never been to sweden or any of the other northern european countries ?
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