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Everything posted by bronco

  1. Probably. You have good hearing . Yea, right! Oh, guess you are right, if I really hated it I wouldnt do it. So let's instead say I allways get dissapointed with my technique. Which is strange since it allways dissapoints me at the gym as well . Good, I work hard on improving the cuteness of my workouts . Damn, and here I was thinking I still had a little hair left . Glad you like it anyway .
  2. Hmm, now that you say it I had a look and you are right that I am pulling the bar into my thighs when it passes the knees.. Perhaps I should instead push my hips in more. Ill have to think about that next time. Damn hard this cleaning technique . As for hitting the thighs, as far as I know the bar should hit the thighs. At least thats what I've read, been told and seen in videos. If I do them faster the technique gets even worse, believe me .
  3. I would add more beans, and more vegetables. If money is an issue I would drop the soymilk and the supplements.
  4. Here I am powercleaning 50kg, Im hoping for some comments on my technique. It seems to me that I bend my arms too early and pull too much backwards instead of straight up. Here's the video BTW I hate making videos of my powercleans. They allways end up looking much worse than I thought .
  5. I would suggest you start by googling for "detox scientific evidence" and see what you can learn from that .
  6. What Ive heard is that all tennisball contains some amount of wool, even when they are mostly synthetic. Some more information about this can be found here: http://www.veganfitness.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5331&start=15
  7. I think the routine looks good. I would definitely avoid training to failure with that kind of routine.
  8. Nothing would make it legally justifiable - that was my point. I apologize for not making that more clear.Ah, ok. First, of course I understand that you didnt mean that its ok that kids get killed, apologies for being unnecessarily sarcastic. I agree that facts and statistics are allways being twisted, but I still dont see your point in these cases. Lots of kids get killed by firearms. This is appearantly presented as "Lots of kids get killed by firearms" . In what way is this twisting the truth? The fact that some of the kids may be involved in gang- and drug activities doesnt change the facts that a) They are kids, and b) They get killed by firearms. As for the video, what very much looks like a kid ( I agree that it could possibly be a small adult, but it doesnt look like it) gets beaten up, and this is what the title says. I dont see how this could be twisting the facts either. Of course the title doesnt tell the whole story, because it's a title, not an article. I also agree that there is a difference between dealing with kids and grown ups, but in this case I think it doesnt make a qualitative difference if the victim is 14, 20 or 45, the beatings are not justifiable anyway.
  9. Yeah, this is true, it's hard to verify that it's actually US army without expert knowledge of the uniforms I guess. Could also be other occupational forces, or the marines perhaps? To be honest I think it's a quite unlikely that the kids would come out unharmed from a firefight with the occupational forces, but it's possible I guess. I think the point however is that the troops are beating helpless prisoners, not wether the prisoners were guilty of anything or not. Personally I regard teenagers as children, at least until they are 19 or so. And I dont think it would make much difference if it was grown ups they were beating up. Sadly, I find this easy to believe because it's nothing exceptional, just some beatings. Worse things have been done. Hmm, I find it hard to imagine what could make it justifiable? You mean that its ok if kids involved in drugbusiness and gangs get killed? Nice.
  10. Well said. Also, like jono said it's just myth that lifting weights will stop you from growing, so dont be afraid of the weights .
  11. I never thought about it that way, that's kind of funny actually, though it would only be good if they paid a LOT to have it up here. I think the advertising companies usually pay per click, so having a KFC add would probably be useless for both them and us. Im sure though that I would be far more annoyed than the KFC people .
  12. After installing adblock my patience regarding this subject is endless .
  13. Would it not be possible to solve this in some other way, like donations from the members? When I visit a vegan site I dont expect to see links to sites with meat recipes, it gives a really bad impression in my opinion. There must be more members than I who think it could be worth giving a small donation to get rid of the ads?
  14. To me it seems quite a bit messed up to have ads for things like companies selling non-vegan supplements and useless 'fat-loss diets' on a website dedicated to a healthy vegan lifestyle .
  15. Oh, great, so now the worlds vegan population is down to what, 40 people ? No there are many vegans that just live in Portland anyway...even if they cannot attend our activities they are still vegan for diluting the aroma of the 3-4 non-vegans in the city. But if they live there, then they are not there strictly for the vacation, no ?
  16. Yeah, and apart from the posing, they also need to work on the tanning and shaving part .
  17. Since Im not on vegan vacation, the usual friday night entertainment is going on . http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c356/ggrusell/hpim1186.jpg
  18. Oh, great, so now the worlds vegan population is down to what, 40 people ?
  19. Yeah, you totally destroyed those guys in the posedown .
  20. What about stress, that can be pretty bad for the immune system I believe?
  21. I have to say, this thread offers some interesting reading.
  22. Well, if you have a weightwest, perhaps you can complement it with a chain around your waist that you attach some plates to, that should give you room for an extra 50kg at least.
  23. Great job everyone ! Robert, maybe for next competition it could be good to have some posing/photo guidelines? Things like having the same pose, lighting etc in the before and after photos should make it easier to judge progress I think, and make it a fairer competition. Of course I realize this is not a proffesional competition, just trying to give some constructive critique .
  24. Why would the risk of injury be less that for the military press?
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