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Everything posted by Hero

  1. I'm stoked! I bought all new organic clothing- hemp, cotton, bamboo. tshirts, slip on shoes, boxers, socks, hat, jacket, hoodies, pants, etc. I got some pro vegan tshirts, stickers and buttons too. and some of them from FOODFIGHT. im excited. im gonna donate all my none organic clothing. and eventually wear nothing but 100% organic clothing. And also, im gonna save up to payoff my car, so I can sell it and be 100% car free for the rest of my life.
  2. that was awesome. i would love to train like that
  3. I speak, read, and write American. I had 3-4 years of Spanish in highschool (read, write, speak) so I was semi-fluent. I knew/know a tiny bit of Norwegian, German, Indian, Polish, English (British Slang), Japanese, and Thai. Not enough to do anything with. I want to learn to speak/read/write Thai. I think it be totally rad. but thats just me.
  4. eat at Thai Pot Cafe on colorado blvd Co-2N (exit 204 off of I-25) in Denver. Amazing Curry. There's some vegan/veggie cafes/restaurants in Denver I've ate at but they are all kinda pricey. There's a dollar movie theater on Hampden Ave right next to Wholefoods (exit 201 Hampden Ave off of I-25. corner of Tamarac Drive and Hampden Ave) they play pretty recent movies for only $1.00 a viewing. decent theater too. Right next to that wholefoods (my gf works there) is a 24hr fitness gym. I have some free passes to work out there, if you want to go. And my gf and I live about one block from there on Tamarac. I dont know what there is to do here really. I spent the first 2 weeks of the month in Denver, and the other 2 weeks of the month in UT working. I havent really explored much. I'm not into shopping or most of society's things. I just pretty much attempt to play music, eat, and work out. and when it gets warm outside I am gonna go hiking and bicycling all the time. Traffic here is insane. goodluck getting around. but if you have any specific questions feel free to ask and i will try my best to answer them.
  5. yeh i live in denver. feel free to ask me stuff. i can try my best to help.
  6. i took 3 years of C++ in highschool. I know a fair amount of HTML. I also knew a little bit of Perl cgi and Javascript.
  7. http://denver.craigslist.org/car/273903805.html my craigslist ad with pictures and details . ~34 mpg selling car in excellent condition. click the link to see pics, price, details, etc. thanks everyone -topher
  8. dude fruitarianism is cool. when i get a different job i will be able to eat correctly, im gonna go 100% raw. but for now, i love my thai curries. hehe.
  9. word me neither. nor does my girlfriend. we just dont believe in makeup.
  10. could barely see the thing. looked like some person crouching
  11. yeh remembering never is vegan. pete is an asshole though. seen the band a few times back in the day. i was actually supposed to be their bassist at one point.
  12. Hero

    im back

    yeh i cant wait to get out of the field. they never really told me what i would be doing and once i got there i was pissed that they lied to me about "safeguarding the environment" and exactly what the job entailed..they presented it to me like i was gonna transport equipment and help protect the environment but instead im actually helping to destroy it, meh. but im stuck in a 1 year contract and if i quit before the year i owe them a lot of money so im gonna stick it out. but i am doing everything i can in my time off to not use gasoline. and next year i will be getting rid of my car officially and going back to just bicycle riding. plus i get two weeks off which i am gonna use to help others. i currently am personal training someone for free. and in the summer i plan to volunteer and help elephants.
  13. Hero

    im back

    yeh man, so much has happened. its been crazy. thanks man. that means a lot. yeh i miss nettie's food. should made some pretty solid dishes. i miss oregon bigtime too. hair is short. my ear guages are small now. and no lip piercing. i only have the one big tattoo on my ribcage. more will be added to it over the years. and this fall i hope to get a full sleeve done inspired by my plans to go to thailand and volunteer to help elephants. im pretty skinny right now and i like to wear the same clothes everyday. lol. i will be posting some pics perhaps in the future. im gonna grow my hair out and then dread it. cause that will be way rad for capoeira.
  14. Hero


    Im not very good at words and explaining so i recommend picking up some taoism books by alan watts, and then some of your favorite books on buddhism and make the distinctions for yourself.
  15. Hero

    im back

    oh yeh i work in Vernal, UT too, and my job gives me a hotel for 2 weeks while im there. i pretty much work 24 hour day, then get 10 hrs off, then another 24 hr day, etc outside in the negative 39 degree Fahrenheit weather. so im pretty much decided to give up snowboarding since i spend so much time outside. i want to be nice and warm and be inside. hehe
  16. Hero


    I'd love to hear some of your thoughts if only my thoughts were audible
  17. Hero

    im back

    life is fantastic. i am happy. what I've been up to: guitar, lifting, listening to music, sightseeing (hot springs in pagosa springs, colorado are cool), hanging with my gf, watching movies (little miss sunshine, fearless, the protector, etc.), discussing eastern philosophy with a friend, working my job, walking places, cycling (once i purchase a bicycle), reading, hoping to take up some martial arts soon (shaolin boxing, muay thai, tai chi, capoeira), and go to some hardcore shows. we're going to see incubus on feb 8th. that should be cool. I live in Denver, colorado. I have my class A CDL now. I work 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. I work in the oil field. I drive the vehicles out there and recover them. and i also help lay down the iron with my mighty sledge hammer so that the company i work for can fracture and/or cement the oil wells. third party contractors to help stimulate the well, or secure it with cement. i am not a fan of the job, especially being environmentally conscious. but it got me on my feet, i got my cdl, and my gf and i can actually afford to eat now and i can take care of her since she had her surgery. and i have plenty of time off to travel and volunteer and make a difference and whatnot. next year i plan to drive for a company delivering produce, soymilk, or other vegan products.. like wholefoods..or..whatever company i can find. speaking of wholefoods. my gf works across the road from our apartment. she is a cashier at wholefoods. we try to buy almost all our food there and eat as much as raw as possible. cause recycling the packaging from food is difficult in colorado. theres no real program set up here. its sad how wasteful it is here. looking foward to moving to portland next year so we can recycle. we plan to get a biodiesel vehicle as soon as we can. and we walk everywhere. rarely do we use our car. i guess seeing the oil company and how america abuses the earth, makes me want to have a green (environmentally friendly) life as much as possible. so thats what ive been up to, mainly working, and trying to get my feet on the ground again. and i want to bulk back up again and stay in shape. how u been?
  18. the new movie with tony jaa featuring muay thai kickboxing is amazing. he protects elephants and saves some endangered animals from being eaten at an evil restaurant vip room. im thinking about learning muy thai. it looks amazing. and i absolutely love thai culture and food.
  19. im trying to find capoeira classes here in Denver. i cant wait to get back in the roda.
  20. Hero


    i definately am interested in buddhism. i am taoist.
  21. i said no to caffeine a few years ago when i went straight edge. theres just no need for stimulant/drug in my life. i can get all the natural energy i need from potassium
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