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Everything posted by Rob PMFF

  1. Thanks. As much as I'd like to be optimistic and agree with you, I can't underestimate the effect of course-familiarity. The last time I did this particular course was the first time. This time I knew where to go and what to do for each task. I think that played a large part.
  2. 05/20/2010 Came in to work today, and with no prior notice, we were told we'd be doing the PAT. So I'm logging it in as progress. Knocked 15 seconds off my time. Did it in October in 4 minutes 4 seconds. Today I did it in 3 minutes and 49 seconds.
  3. The one that makes you money Get that paper, son!
  4. Southern Chinese Kung Fu. Invented by Wing Chun herself. Perfected by Yip Man. Made famous by Bruce Lee. Further made famous by Donnie Yen and Robert Downey Jr. but speaking of bulking...eating so much gets old quick! I can only keep it up for like a week or two at a time. So I keep gaining and losing the same 6 pounds. It's harder than the lifting!
  5. Hey, what's with the burning hay on the tough mudder race? Was it just a course marker? Or did you have to interact with it (i.e. jump over it, walk on it, etc) ?
  6. 05/13/2010 Bench Press: 135 x 5 (Warm up) 170 x 5 x 3 170 x 3 165 x 4 165 x 4 Dumbbell Flies: 35s x 10 x 3 Overhead Press: 45 x 5 (Warm up) 90 x 5 x 4 90 x 4 Dumbbell Shrugs: 65s x 10 x 3 Dips: 6, 6, 5, 5, 5 2 hours of Wing Chun
  7. I think I like Real Crime and 9 Lives the best. Is it the same singer in both songs?
  8. I might. I might. 05/10/2010 Just not a good workout. Squat: 45lbs x 5 (Warm up) 100lbs x 5 Pain in right knee. Discontinued exercise. Cable Rows: 45lbs x 10 60 lbs x 10 x 2 Hypers: 10 lbs x 10 x 3 Assisted Pull-ups: 50 lbs assistance x 5 x 2 60 lbs assistance x 5 x 3 Dumbell Curls: 40s x 10 x 5 StairMaster: 10 minutes
  9. 05/05/2010 Not the best I could have hoped for, but certainly not the worst either. I had coffee on the way up to the gym (as an experiment), I'm not sure if it had the desired results. Felt real energetic at the beginning, but then I got fatigued and jittery rather quickly. Bench Press: 135lb x 5 (warm up) 170lb x 5 x 3 165lb x 5 155lb x 5 Overhead Press: 90lb x 5 85lb x 5 x 4 (Forgot to do the warm up set) Dips: 5 sets of 5 Dumbbell Shrugs: 65lb x 10 x 3 1 hour of Wing Chun
  10. Hey what's heavy pants and lawnmowers? Keep up the good work pal, you can do it!
  11. 05/04/2010 1 hour of Hot Yoga - I really needed this. I've been feeling really tight for the past week and a half or so, and no amount of stretching has seemed to help. I didn't want to lift again until I was able to loosen up some with this. I feel like my lower back loosened up slightly, but I've got this "kink" feeling in my right pec that I still couldn't work out. I really need to start going to yoga weekly again.
  12. Jamieson? http://home.earthlink.net/~jimristrem/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/jameson_irish_whiskey_outside_preschool_pointed_in_37.jpg
  13. Hello and welcome! I'm gonna check out your band's page.
  14. Wasn't Pine Chapel apartments was it? Coliseum Mall has been torn down and rebuilt as one of those upscale shopping areas with the apartments on top. That's in my second due district (I work for Hampton Fire Department). It's always going to be ghetto, but you should see it now, you wouldn't recognize it at all.
  15. I'd like to know why you do your overhead press behind the neck. I've heard different things, but I'd rather hear what a real beast has to say about it
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