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Everything posted by vege

  1. i have a normal blender, nothing fancy and I make wonderful nut milk from almonds and hemp-seeds. You just need to soak nuts first overnight, or even longer (throw away soaking water). It makes them softer, and destroys enzime-inhibitors, I heard - so it is good thing to do anyway.
  2. this is complicated english for me:( what is the point? is it better to exercise on an empty stomach, or what?
  3. Yes. Soak 2 cups of the dried beans in 4 cups of water overnight Discard the water the next day and replace with 4 more cups of fresh water Bring the beans and water to a rolling boil for exactly 1 minute. Change the water again Repeat the last step one more time Bring the beans to a boil and turn down to a low simmer for 60 - 90 minutes ( 15 in a pressure cooker) When the beans have the texture of a baked potoatoe -- no hardness, they are done Steps 2 - 4 help to get rid of some of the indigestible carbohydrates that lead to gas and no, doing these steps will not deprive you of needed minerals. The steps above should give you cooked beans, but nothing very interesting. You might want to search for a recipe to give the beans an interesting taste. I recommend that you at least serve the beans over brown rice, with a green vegetable and a sauce. EXACTLY! If I don't do steps 2-4, I get terrible gases! To make them interesting, I blend them in hummus, like chickpeas, or I add tamari and basil and garlic... Azukis are full of protein:)
  4. mmm, raw talk here, nice! my favorite raw dressing is simple and cheap. Soak shelled sunflower seeds overnight. Drain the soaking water, and rinse seeds 3-5 times again, working the seeds bettween fingers, trying to get rid of the most thin skins that fall of the seeds when soaked. You can also leave the skins on, but they give weird greenish colour. OK, so once the skins are away, put the seeds in the blender with lots of lemon juice and a little garlic. Blend until smooth, adding some water if necessary. You get something like liquid yoghurt. Put lots of finely chopped dill in it and voila! Great over salads or if you make it without much water, you get a nice dip for veggies.
  5. i like 811, but dont have enough fruit. you look very good! What is your typical menu?
  6. I have no idea I would like to know, too. I tend to avoid spinach because of this. I eat lettuce, steamed collard, broccoli, Brussels sprouts - those are my "greens". Besides wild edibles: nettle is my favorite in soups, tofu-tarts, etc.
  7. I REALLY think you eat very little. No wonder you are always hungry as you say. You have to have proper breakfast and lunch too, not just dinner:))) Salad isn't a meal, it's just "forplay";) As for your joint problems: I wouldn't eat raw spinach on daily basis, it has much oxalic acid, which you can get rid off only by cooking. Short steaming will do, you don't have to overcook it. If you want to eat raw greens, eat lettuce. CAn you please explain the thing you said about cutting down the soy and mineral deficiencies? What is the connection?
  8. I have the same problem. I feel limited in doing squats not because mu muscles are weak bit because i feel weakness in my knees. I also wondered would it help to wear bandages I saw heavy weight lifters wear?
  9. Great progress! Really impressive. Stay strong!
  10. I have to say over and over again how amazed I am with your dead-lifts and squats... And, yes, when I saw your lat pulldowns, I was like: what?!! I do 10 reps @ 45 kg, with perfect form, and my dead-lifts are crap compared to yours. I almost passed away doing 5 reps @ 80 kg recently:(((( You never get dizzy? I hope your bench will get as good as your dead-lifts and squats, and I hope your ribs will heal! It's nice to see a vegan guy making such progress! All best!
  11. I am almost 100 % sure that 811 is the ideal diet. Tried it, but could not keep it, since I have no access to ripe fruits all year long. I felt great. It is becoming my seasonal diet, I will eat like that during summer. While not on 811, I eat cooked vegan, but I keep in mind to stay low fat. I think low fat is the right way. My profile pic is taken after couple of months on 811, and 2 months ing gym. I think I looked better then now. I have some fat now, but maybe that is also OK, since its freakin cold outside!!! I dream about moving somewhere tropical, where I could eat 811 forever, and run around naked... And i still eat 10 bananas sometimes for breakfast I LOVE IT! FRUIT RULES!
  12. Ahh! There's really good Russian documentary on this. Russian scientists have done experiments about intelligence of water and how bad for us is to drink tap water because it comes through pipes that go in straight lines and sharp angles. This, but also bad thoughts, anger and such emotions performed in front of water we are to drink, makes water crystals very detrimental for our health. On the other side, if you expose water to sunlight, nice music, mix it with spoon to imitate natural vortex, or you just express gratitude in front of the glass of water, its crystals become nice and healing. Actually, this this documentary shows how water is "alive". And water is also a transmitter of our feelings. Water in us reacts on water in someone else, so if that someone has bad thoughts, his water is "ugly" and we feel that as "bad energy" from that person, we don't like to be around those people, etc. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-d20NrDX9Es&feature=related
  13. he is big inspiration for me. 80/10/10 diet is great for detoxification, loosing body fat, bigger energy levels, it is really great. Too bad I do not have access to needed amounts of fresh and ripe fruits, I would go fruitarian at once.
  14. Boardn10, This yoga poses did good for me, and yoga itself also. But you have to be sure to have good yoga teacher, too. If you do yoga incorrectly, you can also cause damage to your health. Bikram is not my recommendation, since you warm up your body too much and then you loose notion of how far you should go. For me the best thing is relaxing hatha yoga, with pauses between each asana, lots of breathing, etc. Not the kind of active, sporty yoga, but relaxing-stretching-calming-down type of yoga.
  15. I decided not to keep my log so detailed, I got tired of writing down the data twice (in my notebook and in this log). So from now on, I will just make notes here when I make some progress in basic exercises. The good news is that I made two "personal records" during my last two workouts: Saturday, Nov 20: INCLINE BENC PRESS: reached 70 kg, 2 sets of 5 reps Monday, Nov 22: DEAD-LIFTS: 80 kg, 3 stes of 5 reps To make progress is the only way. I wonder what this log will look like in 3 years or so:))))
  16. Im really no expert, but I can share my personal experience on this. I had "only" one back injury from squats, and that was when I was to eager to increase weight, lost my form and naturally my back was hurt. Since then, I am more careful, and everything is just fine. What I found also VERY good in my case is that I listened to advice my trainer gave me, and that is to do yoga stretching after workouts. Since I have practiced yoga for 5 years, I already knew how to execute the asanas (poses) in proper way, so it is was kind of a good advice, really! I feel much better, less fatigued, and I recover faster. Yes, some people look at me strangely doing yoga in hard-core gym (almost no machines, just bars and weights), but who cares:) It takes only 10 minutes, but it makes huge difference. I find these asanas very helpful on squat and dead-lift days: BEFORE SQUATS AND DEAD-LIFTS, this asana makes me more aware of my erector spinae muscles, which are most important for squats and deads: http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/4152/locustposel.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us AFTER WORKOUT, I DO (IN THIS ORDER): http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/6739/cobrapose.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/6976/adhomukhashvanasanad7.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/3773/halasanabf.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/1786/karnapidasanafa.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/7228/54paschimottanasana.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us NOTE: One should also take few yoga classes to learn how to do these asanas correctly, in order to have most benefits and avoid injury.
  17. Dont know. Maybe a good one would do the job.
  18. egg replacemant I use, which is also healthy (omega 3 fatty acids): in coffee grinder (but clean, the one you use only for grinding seeds and nuts) grind 1 tablespoon of flaxseed. Mix it with very little warm (not hot) water and you will get something very similar to egg, which is good for binding different ingredients in baking goods. anothet thing that I would use instead of milk and egg togehther is grinded oatmeal and some tahini. It lookes like this: http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/6403/46beskvasnihlebspirinem.jpg This is macrobiotic pumpkin pie i made. The dough is made from cooked brow rice and whole wheat flour. The filling is just blended baked pumpkin and some tahini and mugi miso paste
  19. Today was OK, brought my glucose solution with me:) SQUAT: warming with 35 kg / 6x45 kg / 5 x 55 kg/ 3 x 5 x 60 kg STANDING MILITARY PRESS: 8 x 25 kg/ 3 x 8 x 30 kg SHOULDER PRESS, behind neck: 10 x 35 kg / 2 x 8 x 40 kg LATERAL RAISES 3 x 10 x 7 kg / 1 x 6 x 9 kg (it was about time to improve in this exercise) UPRIGHT ROWS: 8 x 25 kg / 1 x 8 x 30 kg / 1 x 6 x 35 kg BENT OVER SHOULDER RAISES: 3 x 8 x 5 kg
  20. Welcome! And show them we vegans are not skinny! Do it for the animals
  21. You already look good to me:) You know about http://veganstrength.users-board.com/forum.htm right? I'm there, too. I like to communicate in German from time to time, just for practice.
  22. Thank you, guys! Cold Fission, My progress with bench is going OK, I can be satisfied with dead-lifts, but in squats I suck totally! Somethings wrong with me knees, they are just weak, I have strength in muscles, but knee joints are weak. Bench: 70 kg Dead-lifts: 75 kg Squat: 60 kg I have to mention, these are data for the maximum weight and 5 reps. Never tried just one rep, to se how much can I actually lift & go. Is it safe to do that at all? Chewy, My goals are just to get bigger, not so much to get stronger. I know it sounds stupid, but my goal is to promote vegan nutrition in Serbia and to look healthy. Nobody does that now here. Most vegans that we see here are thin, looking weak and even unhealthy. So lots of people have prejudices about vegans being weak. I already have some audience on facebook (5000 driends), and my cookbook is about to be published. So I need to LOOK stronger and BIGGER But I am aware that you can't get much bigger if don't get stronger first, so now I do compound exercises and bulk. And when summer comes, I'll cut. What would you say about this pic? But honestly! Good for Facebook profile?))) http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/5500/dsc00005ru.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us
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