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Everything posted by vege

  1. A little off topic: apple, plum and apricot seeds are sold here as healthy snack, people eat them to prevent cancer and other diseases. It is an old folk medicine. Vitamin B17 But you shouldn't eat more than just a couple every day. When I eat apples, I eat some seeds, too.
  2. hey, thanks for the info about PITT-Force Training! Never heard about it before! I wish you success in your goals, I think you are doing the right thing, eating raw and training hard! Just make sure you eat enough:)
  3. Have you tried olive oil? I use it after showering, while my face is still wet. One drop is enough for the whole face. It is excellent. Tried coconut oil - and I agree: bad idea! Deodorant I use: baking soda, diluted with little water. Mouthwash: I chew fresh sage leaf, and sometimes rinse with sea salt solution (1 tsp salt in 1 cup water). Toothpaste: green clay, baking soda or any toothpaste without fluoride and SLS. I sometimes buy stuff from german brand Alverde (shampoo, etc.), they claim it is organic, vegan and natural. They smell nice, flowery. http://www.dm-drogeriemarkt.de/dmDHomepage/generator/dmD/Homepage/Sortiment/Gesichts-__und__Koerperpflege/alverde__markenbeitrag/alverde.html
  4. Hi! Nice to have you here
  5. maybe they were moldy? Sometimes you don't see mold, and it is there. Same happens to me with rolled pets sometimes, when I buy them in bulk, not packaged...
  6. I have just watched a really good documentary to show somebody who still eats animal foods. It has subtitles in Serbian, but it is in English.
  7. http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/5531/dsc00014fyv.jpg I was eating predominantly raw fruits and veggies for the last 10 days. Feels great, and I also like the fact I lost some fat, so muscles are popping out a bit I am starting kettle bell course this week! Yeaaaah!
  8. I don't understand this. How come I eat 408 g of carbs today, and it is already 314 %, and you eat 982 g of carbs and it is only 144 % ? And how come you have 100 % vitamins? Shouldn't you be missing B12?
  9. Still on 811? Saw your new pics and I was just wondering this... Any changes in diet? You look great.
  10. wide stance squat - is that much different than the goblet squat? I do goblets, but I never feel my quads working much, more inner thighs and glutes.
  11. I know you wasn't talking about me, but I feel like 811er Really, let's just be friendly and open-minded
  12. I know about 30 bananas, and I am a member there. But sometimes I like to hear other opinions, too. I don't feel threatened by them. I'm always ready to hear opinions of others ant make my own conclusions. I think that 811 is good diet, maybe even perfect, but I don't share the view of most 811ers that it is the only diet that can lead to good health. Why hostility?
  13. I know, but once you start the Inquisition, everybody looks suspicious. My point is - let everybody say what they wish to say, and don't try to be a policeman or the "protector" of vegans who may stray into "dangerous" 811 philosophy. Nobody will get hurt
  14. you already look like a model:))))) I don't feel fit enough to give you any advice welcome!
  15. I don't understand the point of forum moderation, as long as somebody isn't making any insults. And I assume we all agree that calling somebody crazy is actually an open insult. So, if there is a need to ban somebody...
  16. Oh man, I really wish this was true. Why does everyone think us scientists are insanely rich people who are paid piles of money to fudge our data? I never said scientist are payed PILES of money. But you can't make any relevant study without financial support. You have to work for the guys that give you money For example, milk companies pay scientists to make studies that "prove" milk is good, etc... Then soy companies pay other scientist to make the opposite studies, and at the end, who do you believe? I say, you believe in what you feel is right, and I felt right on 80/10/10. I don't need scientists to tell me so.
  17. We don't know anything about anything. All we "know" is what is served to us through media. Therefore, I don't believe in studies, I can only read them and make my own conclusions afterwards. Scientists are payed or sponsored to get certain results for the benefit of the sponsor. I personally can make only experiments on myself and I did one with 80/10/10 diet last year and I felt great. I will do it again this year, as soon as some local fruits come. I quit 80/10/10 for the same reasons as Duncan Idaho. And if I had access to lots of fruits, especially tropical and organic, I wouldn't have second thought about eating 80/10/10 all the time. The only knowledge and evidence I have is that I personaly felt great on 80/10/10. I still enjoy "overeating" on fruit every other day. Nothing better and tastier then 10 bananas, or 2-3 kg of oranges:)))))
  18. I try to bulk, but it is hard when you eat "clean". I reached 80 kg recently (started with 67 kg half year ago) and I wasn't much satisfied, since it was mostly fat, and my goal is not to get bigger at any cost, i want muscles. So, i decided not trying to bulk at all, just to exercise and make small gains little by little, and stay lean. I really enjoyed last week, eating only when I felt like, and predominantly fresh fruit (yes, I am one of those 811 fans ).
  19. ignore my terrible moldy bathroom http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/7103/dsc00012kh.jpg http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/761/dsc00052my.jpg http://img806.imageshack.us/img806/83/dsc00015g.jpg
  20. I rarely sleep more than 5 or 6 hours. It is individual thing. I worry sometimes about not getting enough sleep, and I really envy people who are able to sleep for 8 or 10 hours. I have all the time in the world for sleeping (i do not work), but I simply can not stay in bed after 5 or 6 hours of sleep. I perform in gym very well, though.
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