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Everything posted by vege

  1. you shouldn't eat lots of it, it basically fat, so you don't mix it with fruit. Only fatty thing I can mix with fruit and it feels good in stomach is GROUND chia seeds, with mashed bananas
  2. i guess you could mix some ground poppy seeds with hot soy milk or water and then mash them with bananas and dates...? Or put them in your cereals?
  3. ah, Mohnstrudel My grandmother used to prepare that
  4. Aren't you from Hungary? I think Hungarian people eat the same stuff we eat here: tagliatelle with milk, sugar and poppy seeds. I know this sound like blasphemy for Italian people, but sorry, it is tasty! Basically, you pour 150 ml of boiling (soy) milk over 200 g of GROUND poppy seeds and 5 spoons of sugar (I replace it with agave, honey or barley malt) You mix that with 500 g of cooked tagliatelle, and that's it I love it. You have to buy really fresh poppy seeds and grind it before cooking, since it becomes rancid very fast. Here they grind it for you in the shop. it looks like this http://www.coolinarika.com/repository/images/_variations/f/6/f66a0d424e553ff53da4feeaf5b859c6_view_l.jpg Mmm, you have given me idea what to eat for dinner PS: poppy seeds have complete protein
  5. Hi, welcome! same here: also a member of Vegan Strength Germany forum:)
  6. Chewy - pics are great! You look more chubby in face and stronger now, comparing to your profile pic Real beast!
  7. Hello, eat more, do compound exercises, and you will get bigger in some time!
  8. I don't understand - are you following 811, or not? If yes, then I think you should leave avocado salad and other fats for the evening and eat more bananas and fruit during the day, especially after workout. I would drink that orange juice 1 hour before workout, and eat bananas right after workout. I also think your bananas look unripe. This is how ripe banana should look like - very thin skin, and easy to peal. Preferably with some spots. http://img828.imageshack.us/i/bananau.jpg/ Anyway, raw fruit diet is a good choice, at least from time to time. I am having my hemp milk-bananas-dates shake right now, mmm...
  9. Not exactly a book, but worth reading http://www.primitivism.com/abolition.htm AND http://www.primitivism.com/future-primitive.htm
  10. Plain cooked chickpeas, drained, mixed with mustard, tahini and chopped parsley. It sounds awful , but it is actually very tasty:)))))
  11. I don't know many products you maintained since I don't live in US. Sometimes a person is not aware how much salt or other bad things he is ingesting without even knowing it. I don't know how your bagels look like, if they are with white flour and yeast, I don't recommend at all. Same about the apple sauce - is it with sugar? I wouldn't eat grilled food at all (carcinogenic). What about the stock you use to make soup - does it contain salt? Is coconut milk sweetened? Anyway, it has too much fat. And graham crackers - are they made with trans-fats (margarine)? I wouldn't obsess with protein, and rather concentrate on eating very simple whole food diet: cooked whole grains, steamed veggies, fresh veggies, beans, fruits, and very little fats in form of nuts and seeds (no oil).
  12. You have my support, get back in shape! It is good thing you have more free time now. I personally think that is the most important thing in life - free time (aside from being healthy). No money and success can replace that. And about going to university and not using your degree: imagine me - i studied postgraduate in Germany also (art academy), had their state scholarship, and after I got back home, I was forced to write stupid articles in cheap women's magazines, just to get some money. I still do that, but from home, and I have more free time for my art. And about exercising during studies - please don't mention that to me... I spent my postgraduate studies doing drugs Very, very, very stupid of me! At least you weren't destroying your body diring studies, like me... BUT, we learn from our mistakes, and MOVE FORWARD!
  13. Hi and welcome! Sorry for your health issue, never heard about it before... Do you eat miso (soup)? it has probiotics. You just need to prepare miso soup correctly, not to cook the soup after you add the miso paste. All best!
  14. Hello, keep exercising and posting your progress! It's the best motivation, at least for me, to see how one progresses from month to month. I don't know how your diet looks like? Thank god you don't eat at McDonalds anymore! You have much fat around your waist, and the rest of your body isn't fat. That is the sign of too much sitting, and not moving enough. Some regular light cardio and right nutrition will blow that fat away soon, if you stay motivated. Mu suggestion to you is not to eat bread (except occasionally sourdough whole wheat bread), not to eat fried foods, and if possible - not to use any oils or fats (even healthy ones) for a while. Just cooked whole grains, steamed veggies, plain cooked beans, chickpeas, lentils... No fried tofu, no fried tempeh, seitan, and such vegan junk foods. LOTS of fresh fruits, lots of salads (no oil, just lemon juice - it is good for loosing fat), and as less salt as you can. It's best not to use salt at all. So, all best! We are watching you, don't disappoint us!
  15. YES, I am looking forward to it! I am really interested in PITT-Force. I have lots of reading to make. Strangely, all texts about PITT are in German, but thank God I understand that beautiful language
  16. Wow. That bear complex is hard core training! How much weight do you use? That girl in the video is sexy as hell:) and the guy's phisique (the one without tattoos) is exactly what I'm aiming for, I would like to look like him one day, nothimg more, nothing less I hope you don't mind for using your thread to get info about PITT-Force, but I suppose it could be useful info for other members, too. I tried PITT yesterday, with biceps curls and barbell lying triceps extension. I used barbell rack to make rests between reps. that was easy. BUT, how do you do PITT bench presses, squats, military presses etc? Lets take bench presses: do you completely lay of the barbell between reps, or do you just pause holding the barbell up? Same with squats - do you put barbell on the rack, or you just pause holding barbell on your back? What about military presses? I would like to do PITT dumbell presses, but I don't see any other possibility besides having this special equipment? Or having two guys beside me, holding my dumbells each time when I pause between reps Any ideas? THANKS!
  17. When I tried to eat raw first, with lots of nuts and seeds, uncooked broccoli, cauliflower, etc., and with salt, oil, spices, onions, garlic... I really had digestion problems, and I felt like shit. On the other hand- when I started to eat 811, and paying attention that my fruit is actually ripe (no acidic oranges, lemons, clementines, etc - just the RIPE ones), especially bananas, I felt great! I must point out, however, that I feel the same benefits when I eat predominantly fruit, and add some cooked rice, buckwheat, quinoa, steamed or baked skin potatoes (no oil, no salt added), or steamed broccoli, carrots, pumpkin, etc. As long as it is LOW FAT, I feel great. I tried to eat lots of legumes, but in my experience, it makes me feel not so good. During the time I found out that chickpeas are best for my stomach, and I eat them very often. BUT, I must say that I eat all that "secondary" food, as I call it, (grains, potatoes, legumes), only because I don't have access to a wide variety of ripe fruits all the time, especially tropical fruits, which I consider best food ever! So I need to use "second best" food to get my carbs. I still think carbs should be 80 % of the diet. If I had unlimited access to beautiful tropical fruits, I would never look back to cooked food again. Ever! Really, I know it, since the best part of my day is always the first part of the day when I eat my fruits. Today it was 15 oranges before gym and 8 bananas with 5 dates afterwards. HEAVEN! But for now, I would never make my diet to be like eating only bananas and 3 or 4 other fruits as my only food. I would do it occasionaly, but not long term. Eating ONLY bananas and 3 or 4 other friuits, all the time, can't be healthy, I agree. And about "superfoods", it is so obvious it is only marketing. Nobody can make me believe that my health depends on maca, waca, caca and such stuff...
  18. I joined your Ripped Raw Vegans Facebook page yesterday, and I really have to get back to 811 asap and post some pics of my future ripped body , too! Right now, I occasionally enjoy a day or two on 811, but as soon as some local fresh fruit come on market here, I'll be back. For now I am low fat, but 70-80 % cooked. No oils, just tahini and some nuts.
  19. i like your log! I always hear about something new:) is this the BEAR thing you are doing? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORUVgqJLHEU
  20. I am thinking about doing Armstrong and 811 this summer, and go to gym maybe 1 a week. Armstrong, combined with some goblet squats and push-ups, along with low fat raw diet is perfect program, I think. At least in summer.
  21. Thanx! I haven't post anything lately here. Right now, I don't know what I am doing in the gym. I started to experiment with different approaches to BB, and I still have to try H.I.I.T.-Force Training. I am also starting with kettle bell classes. Started with running 1 to 3 times a week... but nothing regularly. I really have to make a plan and stick to it:)))) I miss yoga classes, but it is too expensive for me now
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