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Everything posted by goob

  1. I don't care so much what is acceptable to other people, it's just not acceptable to me. Todays workout ----- about an hour and 15 minutes 5 minutes warm up on bike then some stretching Squat 2x5 w/ bar 1x5 95 lbs 1x3 125 lbs 3x5 150 lbs I should have just put 155 but I got it into my head somehow that 150 was today so went with it. Felt lightish on my back, but some reps started to go forward a bit. Not sure if I should keep using 5 pound increments or not. Probably maybe will. Bench 8x2 with bar 1x5 75 1x3 95 3x5 110 Still wobbly on bench. Sometimes I hit the right spot and its pretty easy, but mostly not so good. The last set was the easiest though, so not sure what to think about that. Deadlift 1x5 135 1x5 205 Don't know if I should be warming up more than that, probably will do a triple at something in the middle next time. tried doing some dips, but pretty tired by then and wasn't happening so did a couple sets on this "dip machine" thingy at not sure the weight, but 8 reps was tough then did some abs and went home. Overall I'm pretty happy with the session except for the dips, last week I could do 8, 7 then 7 and today just wasn't going anywhere. Deadlift did take a lot out of me though and will definitely feel it tomorrow.
  2. If your training is interfering with school work, then you are too obsessed and probably should take a break for a while. How much were you training anyway? I wouldn't worry about getting fat though. If you need to eat a lot to gain weight now, getting fat will be hard work.
  3. It doesn't have to be difficult to be vegan, but lots of people make it that way for themselves. Many of them don't feel as strongly about veganism as you do and end up giving up forever. You don't need to eat raw foods or mostly raw foods, or even mostly whole foods to be healthier than the average person today. The human body is very adaptable and can thrive on a variety of diets, which is why we can survive in so many different environments. If you are having trouble keeping up with your "healthy" vegan diet, then you are making it too hard on yourself. Everyone needs to remember that veganism is not a diet and it is not about food. It is and has always been about eliminating unnecessary suffering. It just happens to be that the easiest way to stop the most suffering is to eat a purely plant based diet.
  4. I haven't been on this forum for a while, but I'm bored and it seems I'm not going to be approved for the other forum i signed up for a couple months ago, so I might as well post here. I've stopped with the personal trainer a few months ago and started with a 5x5 routine on my own, but shortly gave up on that because it was taking too much time and now am doing 3x5 after warm ups and sometimes doing some heavy singles, doubles or triples afterwards just for fun It's basically the starting strength program with rows instead of power cleans because I can't do them properly at the gym i go to. Numbers are like this now height - 6' 3" (~190 cm) weight - 181 lbs (~82.1 kg) bodyfat - 19.88% (navy method) Squat - 1x 165 lbs (~74.8 kg) with belt Deadlift - 1x 205 lbs (~93 kg) with belt Bench - 1x 130 lbs (~59 kg) Press - 4x 80 lbs (~36.3 kg) Pullups - 3x 3 Not sure if any of those numbers are even ok for someone my size with 5 months training really, but I am sort of embarrassed by them. I know my deadlift is probably a lot higher, because 205 was not that hard and have drastically improved form and gained ~15 pounds since i did that. More in there on the squat too i think, but the rest is all out or close to it. 3 weeks ago I weighed 183 lbs but I'm just sick of eating so weight is down a little. I think I've decided to cut fat some then try to maintain my weight till it isn't so hot, mostly to give myself a break from eating so much, and partly because being fat and weak is just not acceptable to me. If that bodyfat % is close to accurate I'm assuming ~170 lbs is the goal. I am also adding in some cardio a few times a week for 30 - 40 minutes on non lifting days. Will maybe put together some sort of strongman medley type thing in the back yard for one of those days, but not sure yet. If this interferes with strength gains too much I'll scrap the whole plan and just keep forcing myself to eat this summer and do some interval training a few times a week to bring fitness levels up. Also, I did take some pictures in february but they didn't turn out so I deleted them. It kind of sucks, I know I am much bigger than I was in december, but I don't really have anything to compare to really see the difference all this work has made.
  5. I started having problems with very dry skin when I first went vegan and thought it was related. I got all new animal friendly soap at the time, which turned out to be the problem. Lots of the "All Natural" type soaps are pretty harsh. I use Kirks Castile soap and sometimes Skin Trip when it is on sale and usually don't have a problem now. I think the clear "glycerin soap" bars are the worst though. Other than that eating more nuts and seeds has improved my skin overall i think. Or maybe it was something to do with the starting to workout regularly and eat healthier in general. My skin just seems more resilient than it has been in the past.
  6. I have a twitter account specifically so I can get funny things from some comedians I like. Some people are twitter addicts though. Like comedian Norm Macdonald. He's got full blown chirpies. It's some kind of canarial disease. xD Other than that, I'm pretty sure I will never have enough friends to make twitter that useful for me. I can just text people if I want to tell them something without having to talk to them.
  7. This is why I am leaving, so you can't be that far off. When I first found this forum I really liked it. It seemed very friendly and it inspired me to start lifting weights and show everyone around me that vegans can be strong. But, I don't like coming here anymore because it seems most of the active members have been brainwashed by a quack chiropractor that pretends to be a nutritionist. I'm sure there are a lot of people that feel the same as I do about this place. The worst part about it though, is that some people probably come here a few times, get some dangerous advice and become ill, then give up on veganism because it didn't work. Or, even worse, someone could die. I'm going to join veganfitness.net and hopefully I like that place as much as I used to like this forum. who is this? doug graham. If it was only occasional I wouldn't be a problem. But, some of the most active people on this forum are those fruitloops with the 811, b12 is a lie, protein is a myth, the government is trying to poison everyone, only eat fruit and your body will heal itself garbage. Allowing that to go on here only serves to undermine the entire purpose of this forum. Whenever someone tries to push that 811 bullshit online they need to be called out if only to make it clear that it is something all together different than veganism.
  8. I haven't even brushed my hair in 7 or 8 years xD. Also, It's been 10+ years since I had it cut the last time. The most I do is wash it with bar soap then dry it with a towel. My hair is pretty ridiculous though. The whole back part and most of the sides are dreads that go past my belly button and the front part is straight and only ~5 inches past my chin. I look pretty silly mostly xD.
  9. This is why I am leaving, so you can't be that far off. When I first found this forum I really liked it. It seemed very friendly and it inspired me to start lifting weights and show everyone around me that vegans can be strong. But, I don't like coming here anymore because it seems most of the active members have been brainwashed by a quack chiropractor that pretends to be a nutritionist. I'm sure there are a lot of people that feel the same as I do about this place. The worst part about it though, is that some people probably come here a few times, get some dangerous advice and become ill, then give up on veganism because it didn't work. Or, even worse, someone could die. I'm going to join veganfitness.net and hopefully I like that place as much as I used to like this forum.
  10. Thanks, just what I was looking for! .60 cents cheaper, about 20 bucks a month. Woo. The vitamin D in those is animal derived.
  11. You would be eating everything in each section together. I wouldn't try to follow any of those plans exactly though, it would get boring fast if you did. They are more to show how much food you actually need to be eating every day to gain muscle.
  12. How can anyone say Dr Greger is overweight? He isn't fit but he is nowhere near overweight. He is probably right around his "ideal weight" with a body fat percentage of a non-athletic person. He isn't an athlete, he's a doctor, so he should look like a doctor not an athlete.
  13. Thanks for the input. I've decided I'm just going to go all the way down on squats. I've tried less deep and to the floor, but the next day I'm sore in a lot more places when I squat ass to ankles, so it seems more effective to do that. I'm just trying to get strong, not look strong because I have more plates on the bar ---- Eating is going well, lifting is going well also, but updating this log is shit This morning i weighed 167.4 pounds, so still gaining weight pretty quickly. I sort of thought it would be harder to gain weight than it has been. That ~15 pounds in 3 months. I've been meaning to take some pictures but I never got around to that, so my "before" pictures will probably be sometime this week if I get around to taking them.
  14. I'm having a lentil and tofu curry with mushrooms, tomatoes, and kale on brown rice.
  15. doug graham is not a real doctor and nobody should follow any nutritional advice he gives. He is a chiropractor and he doesn't know a damn thing about what people should or shouldn't be eating. Most of what he says is just dangerous and people need to stop promoting that quack.
  16. I've known people that have taken antidepressants when they were really just sad because their girlfriend left them or a family member died and they were like zombies till a few weeks after they stopped taking them. But, I've also known people that were actually depressed and they were definitely in much better shape within a couple weeks of going on antidepressants. Anytime someone takes medication to help with a problem they don't have, weird shit can happen. During the 90's so many people that didn't need them were taking antidepressants and that is where a lot of this garbage about them being bad or unnecessary comes from.
  17. The biggest problem with eating processed food is that it is nutritionally deficient to real whole foods. So, it's fine to have those things just don't make them a cornerstone of your diet. Just watch sodium intake and try to avoid hydrogenated oils.
  18. Workout on friday was complete shit. I started getting sore after my warm-up set on the bench and everything went downhill from there. Either I wasn't fully recovered or these anti-soy people are right and I'm turning into a little girl . I thought I was sort of taking it easy on my arms on wednesday, but apparently not easy enough. On a related note, I started taking bcaa's friday and I really didn't expect them to taste that bad. If they would actually mix with water it wouldn't be a problem, but they don't, so I'm just dumping them in my mouth then drinking enough water to make them go down and thats just nasty. Hopefully they work, because if all this is for nothing I'm going to be pissed . Also, I went to the gym this morning to practice barbell squats. I think I have it down pretty well but I'm not really sure about depth. How far do I really need to go? Lots of people say to go as deep as possible but, I can literally put my ass on the ground with no problem. I think i could actually go an inch or two lower than that if the floor wasn't in the way. Should I bottom out on every rep or stop just before that or no need to even go that far? Thanks for the help.
  19. That's the plan right now This morning when i weighed myself I was right at 164 pounds. That's just under 4 pounds in a week. At this rate I'll be a fat slob just in time for summer Anyway, today I started with barbell squats with my trainer. It was supposed to be more of a "learn to do squats" day than a real workout, but my legs still ended up pretty rubbery at the end. I did better than I expected, so I'm pretty happy about today. I keep telling myself that I should be keeping better track of my workouts and my progress, but I still haven't got around to that. I'm not really so sure how serious I am taking this just yet actually. It's not so bad right now I suppose, while I have someone to push me when I'm in the gym, but I'm going to have to make a better plan before too long.
  20. He isn't any different than the billions of other people killing animals because of the way they taste. They eat animals for the same reason he made them fight each other. It's pleasurable for them and they consider their pleasure to be more important than the life of another sentient being.
  21. Welcome and awesome decision to go vegan. It shouldn't be very difficult to maintain your physique, just make sure to eat enough good food so you don't get too skinny. The book "Becoming Vegan" helped me a lot to work out what I should be eating, so I always recommend it to newly vegan people. It's pretty cheap on amazon and easily worth much more. Good luck and have fun!!!
  22. Thanks for posting here!!!! Eating could be better but training is going well. Last night I got busy and forgot to eat before I went to the gym and could definitely tell the difference. Everything was way more difficult than normal and I was starving by the time I left. I'm not going to let that happen again.
  23. I had problems with tendonitis in my left wrist from working on a production line. It would go away and come back for years after I quit working there and got so bad that I had to give up playing bass for a while. But, I saw this video on youtube and these stretches helped me tremendously. It's been about 2 years since I started doing them and the pain hasn't come back. Just remember to do them ever hour or so during repetitive activities.
  24. Veganism isn't about personal purity. If you are trying your best not to contribute to animal exploitation you are 100% vegan. Most of society follows the belief that animals are property and because of that, we sometimes have to do things we don't agree with in order to get by. It isn't ethical for someone to force themselves to stay sick, it's stupid. Medication is one of the things we sometimes have to make concessions on because right now there isn't another option. When enough people acknowledge that animal testing is not only wrong but ineffective, we will have a better choice. But, till then we have to try our best. If anyone wants to stand firm on their beliefs no matter the consequences, they are free to join the dead natural hygiene and live food people from the 50's, 60's and 70's that refused to take supplements, but I'd prefer that they not be called vegan.
  25. +1 I had the same problem with soy protein before and now I take pea and rice protein without any issues. Also, I found that blending soy with fruit made it easier to digest. Maybe that will help you as well.
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