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Everything posted by jungleinthefrunk

  1. Are you sure you are getting enough carbs and fats as well?
  2. Just take 3 hours on sunday and do everything. Buy like a 100 pack of snack bags...everything goes in them, rice, cous cous, nuts, strawberries, broccoli, all portioned....thats what ive had to do while cutting. when bulking portions werent as important...get a tub of protein just for your car, office, peanut butter, oats for your desk...
  3. like synny said protein shakes are universal in the world of body building, vegan or not. just supplementing.
  4. my sixth meal on a cutting diet is 1.5 tb peanut butter, 2 teaspoons olive oil, and .75 serving pea protein. lost 9lbs so far since jan 1. this is what my trainer told me to do, with carbs higher in the am, fats higher in the pm, only 5 carbs at my last meal. i eat it around 9, bed by 10:30. but it sounds like horse sense is also has good stuff too.
  5. 9kgs is a lot to lose.... maybe try to eat foods more dense in calories. thats really all i can say without you explaining more. unless its a medical issue?
  6. i would venture to guess you arent eating enough, especially if you are a snow boarder! have you lost weight recently? what is your height and weight and what do u eat on a typical day??
  7. I think binging can be a good thing. Granted, i used to take it way too far and was technically obese a few years ago. But now, with body building, my trainer, who is a natural pro, INSISTS that i have a cheat meal once a week, which is basically a binge. according to him it revs up your metabolism and if i was to skip my cheat meal, it would ultimately hurt my results as far as cutting does. it gives you a chance to eat what you want to satisfy yourself mentally as well as physically, to give your body extra of what if might be craving. after my cheat meal this morning i weighed a 1.2 more pounds than i did yesterday but also went to the bathroom three times within an hour after waking up and having coffee, and i had a great workout. so im not concerned about it sticking to me and you shouldnt be either. i had a chipotle burrito, chips and guac, clif builders, and an apple. last week i had a burrito, chips and clif bar and my trainer was liKE "THAT'S ALL YOU HAD"? HE TELLS me about his cheat meals and they are insane. for the superbowl he had corn bread, chili, paninis, antipasta at least...and whenever he tells me about what he has he goes crazy, but his body fat has remained low and hes competing on March 24. dont bee too hard on yourself. and how much damage can a vegan do on a binge? its not like we eat cholesterol or enormous amounts of saturday fat, and we dont hurt any other creatures doing it. by default we are much more health conscious than most other subcultures anyway. i hope this helped. i wonder if anyone will retort and tell me im an idiot...
  8. LOL your videos are so entertaining, but you also make really good points in them. good balance. you have a very engaging personaility. nice work on the 175 lbs squat, and your food porn made me cry. but cheat meal tomorrow
  9. You can also get a blood test...i think its called quanterefon or something?
  10. argh i need to catch up here and watch your videos!! hopefully this weekend!!
  11. OH and I also like fell out of the toe truck last night, was hanging on with my left arm, which is the one that has the bad shoulder, it could have been really bad but some how i didnt get further injured.
  12. Yeah as cheap as possible lol. i did my own research and it looks like im going with a red honda fit, 2012. i feel like the fit is more youthful/sporty than the civic and accord. hyundai accent also in my price range but it's fugly. financing at 1.9% interest and it seems very manageable, at the end of five years ill own the car and will have paid 19.5k. the only thing is there are only four red ones in the state of nj, so i have to go sign the paperwork friday or saturday then the guy will order it for me...will take ten days. my dad wants me to shop around more but i really dont feel like it.... my poor old gal (1998 volvo s90) had a broken engine belt that will cost at least 700 to fix, and shes only worth 1k. may she rest in peace, and may her parts be put to good use.
  13. I would probably watch the superbowl with other vegans eating vegan food. But I think overwhelmingly people eat wings, chili, nachos, pizza...
  14. Haja whoops diet on my mind! Meant died lollll Glad that u boycotted Hope everyone else is enjoying their victory hangover
  15. Yeah i go back and forth about how i feel about my size. in the middle of posing class amongst a bunch of men (im the only woman) my coach was like "lauren, you know youre gonna lose your boobs right?" haha. fine with me. i dont understand bodybuilders who get implants, mostly because i knew a girl who got implants and she wasnt a bb but she said it hurt to lift her arms up, so how are you supposed to keep lifting if all your shit is torn!? thats insane.
  16. how many animals diet in preparation for this "game"?
  17. Do you stop getting your period around contest time Gaia? No fair that u got to run I want to join u
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