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Everything posted by phillipeb

  1. I read this article and thought it was a brilliant idea, much the same as freecycle.org only the idea is more anarchistic as it does not rely on the ability or privlaged use of a computer read on: The Really Really Free Market: Instituting the Gift Economy http://www.crimethinc.com/texts/images/rrfm1.jpg There’ski no such thing as a free lunch under capitalism— For anarchists, there’s no other end Disambiguation: According to the capitalist lexicon, the “Free Marketâ€
  2. Don't forget the chocolate soy milk and baked goods containing chocolate. true i guess i never thought about it since i rarely eat chocolate. Unless i buy chocolate chips for baking which are fair trade. thanks for the info ill be on the look out.
  3. What you're not understanding is this; By me rallying behind these animal welfare reforms, I'm giving approval of the utilization of animals as property or as a commodity -- which is why I'm a vegan in the first place -- they don't belong to us. Aside from that, animal welfare reforms make people feel BETTER about eating meat. I've read article after article about vegetarians who have gone back to eating meat after they've read about how they can now obtain "free range, humanely slaughtered, grass fed" etc. bullshit. Welfare reforms, arguably HAVE increased meat production -- and the numbers don't lie in the US alone at the supply and demand of "happy meat" in the last few years. They've skyrocketed. If I'm trying to convince someone to become a vegan, and at the same time saying that it's okay to kill an animal "THIS WAY", my argument for getting them to go vegan is null and void. This is why I skip the welfare reform praising altogether, and go straight for the "GO VEGAN NOW!" tactic. I'm not compromising my ethics or principles to make slaughterhouses more "humane" and arguably more profitable because of it. I am amazed by your conviction, I am happy that you are there to fight the good fight, even though we go about animal rights differently I can still respect you for your intensity. What i always wondered is if people who do not advocate welfarism for animals but rather a hard line no murder path, do not take modern medicine. It seems to me that the negative treatment of animals is the direct byproduct of the medical industry. I am not drawing conclusions and saying that everyone is the same, but i do wonder who or what percentage of the no kill group abstains from all modern medicine? I am more of a two prong activist, I seek to understand peoples reasons for things and if they are alright with the idea of murder for survival i advocate the need for more humane methods adn alternatives to factory farmed foods, if someone does not know the conditions of their meat i enlighten them and explain my vegan lifestyle. I also abstain from modern medicine, although recently i was really sick due to an infection that i had for two years, and finally agreed to take an antibiotic, the only thing i could do was find a medicine that didn't have dairy sugar gelatin or artificial coloring agents in it and was derived from a plant or none animal source (arythromiacin) and was a generic that was older than 5 years with the hope that they did not need to test on animals based on precedence. Still it was a moral grey area for me since i have not needed medicine for the 5+ years i was vegan. I know this, that medicine is poison because while ultimately i got better the moment i digested the first pill my body reacted as if i was being poisoned. any who just a conjecture, i protest at the private residences of known Utah vivisectors for the experiments they do while at the same time i had to take a medicine recently that may have been tested on animals, and most certainly its parent medicine was. It seems a bit hypocritical so i have abstained as of late from my activism to rethink what i hold to be my fundamental morals.
  4. Does anyone know of any vegan chocolates that support this industry? The only kind i can find that are vegan are usually fair trade organic.
  5. i just saw this on bodyweight culture: http://bodyweightculture.com/forum/vbarticles.php?do=article&articleid=59 I think you need to be a member to see any of the articles but I didnt want to quote without telling where it was from.
  6. So i know this is a heated debate and all but when i saw the article i thought right on. I wanted to make a t-shirt that says "i switch hit for vegans." Cause i think vegans are sexy in general mostly for their strong convictions and moral compass, even though i identify as gay. I also wanted to say that before I am gay I am a man. But this is how i feel and is an opinionated statement. You can choose to be represented by your sexuality and at times i do but i prefer to be thought of as male instead of a sexual designation. It isnt quite the same as the idea of racism because with the idea of racism it is something that the one being discriminated cannot hide, not to say that i hide my sexuality, because i am open and out to everyone i meet. But being open and out does not mean i talk about it incessantly or bring it up at innoportuned times. I find and perhaps i am lucky, that i am treated with respect and open honesty akin to my heterosexual friends. perhaps it is because i do not feel oppressed and i ask to be treated in a positive manner. I know that the cultural stereotype of the homosexual in the 21st century is one of struggling and strife but in the day to day life if you ignore the government equality issues i am treated fairly socially as well as economically. This paragraph was not meant to be directed at anyone in particular but i just recently wrote a personal blog about the nature of my sexuality as seen in the confines of the society we live in and thought i would express my opinion here as a counter idea not argument to the discussion. Now on to female sex workers. It cannot be rebutted that some of the industry is exploitative as all industries can be. Sex trade being more powerful because we are able to superimpose our own desires and hangups on others, because we are similar at least in the sense that we have sexual desires and wants and have a clearly defined idea on where are limits are sexually. I do think it is fairly naive to think that women cannot enjoy the work they do because they are being objectified, isn't the nature of bodybuilding at least for competition in a sense to be objectified? Where is the line drawn as to when it is alright to be view as sexually appealing. When you are in full cut and tan mode with a skimpy bikini? Can it not be reasoned that others like this far more than perhaps we can understand because we cannot relate based on our own issues or sexual politics? It is always a question of levels. That is how i became a vegan because i thought that the only difference between vegetarianism and meat eating was keeping an animal alive inhumanely or killing them inhumanely, i decided on a logistical flow argument to shape my beliefs the same can be said about my idea of feminism and sexual liberation. It is logical to say, that based on the things i previously stated, others may enjoy the exhibitionistic release they find by presenting themselves to others. This of course requires setting aside my own feelings to allow me to empathically understand the desires of others. I think it is quite easy to stand up for alot of different injustices and see others that you think qualifies as the same and speak out against it. We can compare the idea of sexualization towards woman and compare it to the factory farming practices in modern society but we risk loosing sight of the notion of "consent". It is a fine line to walk because if someone is classically conditioned to respond to some outside stimuli producing a desired reaction is there a rational idea of consent still present? Take for instance the comparrison of a lingerie model and an exotic dancer, even though the level of nudity is different are both women being exploited because they are in effect being paid for the effects their bodies produce on a target audience? I am not for or against strip clubs, I am for thinking things through thoroughly from both sides in order to make informed decisions. However, I am for people owning what they do in a healthy manner. If you enjoy nudity, perhaps say you are a nudist, and you present this life without shame, then i respect you because you have asked me to treat you with respect, you have in effect predisposed my opinion based on your own open acceptance of this lifestyle. I really like the arguments against generalization, it is quite obvious from this thread that not all vegans think alike or respond alike so it stems to reason not all exotic dancers will either and that we can only guess at reason.
  7. Ahh sorry dudes didnt see it, didnt think that it would be in the meetups, but makes sense now. lol.
  8. World's First Vegan Strip Club in Portland Portland seems to be a veritable vegan paradise, complete with an all vegan strip mall and now an all vegan strip club. Johnny Diablo, an ethical vegan of 23 years, opened Casa Diablo Gentlemen's Club earlier this month in the site of his now closed pirate themed vegan family restaurant, Pirates Tavern-- a business that, according to The Willamette Weekly, Diablo claims didn't thrive because most vegans live at the poverty level or below. Though Casa Diablo dancers are forbidden to wear animal products, Diablo doesn't boast the establishment's vegan status (except when courting the press). Neither its flier nor its Mexican menu mention the V-word. This time around, Diablo hopes to strike gold with an alluring combo of T&A and a smoke-free environment--things he hopes the moneyed non-vegan masses and privileged vegans with pockets full of dollar bills can enjoy. For juicy gossip and strong opinions about the hypocrisy of this business, check out The PPK and The Portland Mercury. For a fun look inside the place, check out this news clip from Fox's Good Morning Portland where Diablo says, "Vixens, not veal. Sizzle, not steak. We put the meat on the pole, not on the plate." Awesome! Johnny Diablo is officially my favorite dirty old man. http://supervegan.com/blog/images/casadiablo.jpg http://www.supervegan.com/blog/entry.php?id=999 go to the link for a video. This made me ROFL
  9. I can see your point, I think i take for granted the gentle balance the forum maintains. I do appreciate your support though. I dont mind posting the video in a public forum, How else will i get better if i dont put up or shut up. I did however record a few videos over the weekend but i am not satisfied with them, I do a lot of waving but my web cam did not pick up the popping moves well based on how many frames per second. Also it did not capture the full body which i think is imperative in creating the illusion. Ill post the link to my new video once i have it uploaded but its truth be told more of the same.
  10. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2294/2263416494_cdfe4fa8f6.jpg Girl with gun. Thought i would try my hand at an urban violence sketch.
  11. Very cool artwork man. I love the cd work. beautiful.
  12. Dude your huge thanks for sharing the before and after photos it makes me that much more motivated.
  13. Woah i haven't thought about husky size clothing in quite some time. I was a child of the huskie pant. I did get made fun of but being gregarious i made the jokes first protecting myself from others morose wit.
  14. In another post you mentioned using a whole bottle of soy sauce, so i am assuming you like a more robust flavor with a ton of salt. Perhaps use some miso to mix in with your soys auce to get that more robust flavor.
  15. Where or how did you calculate this? With a calculator online? Im on my feet all day at work. Lifting, bending, contorting, etc. Its not very labor intensive, but it requires more exertion than sitting at a desk all day. As far as total calorie consumption i was shooting for around 2500 - 3000. Im not completely sure thats correct though. It was called a BMR calculator. I actually found another one on www.nutritiondata.com that recommended a higher calorie per day increase to gain mass. the one i origonally used can be found here: http://www.hussmanfitness.org/bmrcalc.htm Again im a newbie as well so i just was throwing in friendly conjecture
  16. Just as a side note i did my bmr today and it recommended that i increase my calories by 1000 to gain muscle effectively. That being said im more tall and with more weight that the OP. Basically it said based on my stats that i needed 1928-2118 calories a day to maintain weight. then it said i should get 2360-3080 a day to effectively gain mass, so perhaps 3000 calories might be too much for him. I don't know much about bulking as im new to weight lifting but i always thought calories consumed has to be measured against intensity of exercise as well. Eating a shit load of calories might mean nothing if the work out is not intensive enough.
  17. thank you Troy for the defense but everyone is more than welcome to express opinion. The video was not the best video and my skills for all the practice are not master moves. These are truths, but not the nature of truth i was expecting by posting something. I enjoy dancing and i enjoy expressing that to others, how they will take it is up to them. That being said i would delight in a chance to learn from your moves C.O it is only by observation are we free to understand and gain new skills or new perspectives on old skills. peace out.
  18. Here is another good source for learning how to dance: http://www.westcoastpoppin.com/popping-videos.php?catid=1 These are various popping locking and boogaloo techniques including waves glides and tutting. Im unsure if you have to become a member or not but should be fun.
  19. Picture of the day: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2146/2251243094_5d535ced9a.jpg
  20. VeganEssentials, you have wonderful taste in music. Im in an indirock mood lately metric the strokes the hives yeah yeah yeahs bloc party dj yas (electro dj) im listening to alot of old sublime lately as well, perhaps i need a mental vacation from work.
  21. Id love to meet you troy you are very inspirational on all levels. Your like the older buffer not quite Mexican brother who can dance i never had but wish i did. Ill try my best to post a video but now i am suddenly shy. Ill do my best which is all anyone can do. peace out homie. Also id love to see a video of you popping and waving. I do both but i guess i have that signature liquid pop style.
  22. Do you dance as well? I am always looking for people to motivate me because i become lazy and will repeat alot of the same move because i am more of a technical dancer than an emotive one.
  23. I would love a link to the gay super hero page. Wow. I draw alot of super heros, call it a draw back from my first job as a teen at a comic book shop. I miss however my more fine art explorations. Thanks again for the heads up on the gay super hero art page.
  24. Robert, As a suggestion, If you have other things that you want to give away that don't quite fit into the charity pile check out this cool website freecycle.org I use it all the time. The premise is that people don't want things to go to the landfill so they offer or ask for certain items, it has to be free no money or goods are exchanged but i think its a brilliant communistic idea. I have received computer speakers a bookshelf, and have given away a knock off foreman grill and a cellphone. Good luck man.
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