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Everything posted by phillipeb

  1. Its funny because it seems as though bodybuilding competition is one step removed from gay pride, only because of the great bodies adn sparkly thongs. lol. http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c210/VeganBodybuilder/Bodybuilding%20Photos/Emerald4.jpg his body is of a really good composition.
  2. "See my vest, see my vest, made of real gorilla chest. See my loafers, former gophers (it was that or skin the chauffeur)..." - C. Montgomery Burns
  3. I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with study abroad or living abroad in regards to transporting pets with you. I would only sign up for the study abroad program if it was alright to bring my pets.
  4. We are having our animal rights conferance the same day as the earth day jam which is usually very cool so i will see whats up this weekend. I totally got dressed at 8am in my finest and headed down to where the animal rights conferance was suppose to be but turns out i was a week early. Doh!
  5. In both english and spanish. here is the creaters flicker site so you can get a feel for what it suppose to look like. There is a link on all photos to the recipies in english: http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganwarrior/sets/72057594049734628/
  6. As an update i weight 168lbs currently I am pretty sure at least one lb is fat but thats good since a month ago i weight 161lbs. I will be reintroducing cardio at the end of month two so that the result of three months will be more noticeable. Then i think i may hit the weights.
  7. hey L&G, Thanks for the encouraging words. I recieved your email and started to reply to it only it became busy at work, needless to say i completely forgot about the email. lol. Ill respond tomorrow at work to it. The vacation was in northern california. My sister was released from prison after being there for two years so I thought i would come down and see her to help her re-acclimate to life outside the confines of a jail cell. I had a blast though. I was suprisingly active. I jumped on trampolines played 4 swuare for hours at a time went on a bike ride. As far as the training is going its weird but the less i work out the better i feel my gains are. I worked out only twice this week and today i still feel that right after work flex you get, where im more tight and prone to feel my muscles as i move. I think im going to pair it down to 3 times a week and take the weekends of perhaps ill do some rock climbing or biking then. I quite doing any form of cardio as i have had to work during my lunch to make up for the vacation time. I have an hour so its a perfect time to take a nice brisk walk. I started volunteering for the rock climbing wall one hour a week in exchange for a free membership. It includes weights pilates yoga and cardio equipment. I am uncertain though how rock climbing should be taken in the confines of a work out plan should it count as one of the days i work out per week or just one of those icing of the exercise cake? Thanks for all the advice l&g i wish that more people from the board lived here so i had a knowledgeable workout partner, there is only so much you can glean from books.
  8. sorry guys i didnt see the previous post about the shop. You have awesome biceps though so no worries.
  9. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y267/Marcina_leigh/march014-1.jpg this one is definetly photo shopped.
  10. lol nice. the dude being lifted seems to be in more pain than the dude doing the lifting.
  11. I missed a week somewhere. Anywho I think this is week 4. I only worked out once this week and plan on doing so today as well. I was working out every other day but i think I feel stronger at only three times a week. I have started increasing my reps to 3x7 next week will be 3x10 or so. I gained about 4 lbs from beer on my vacation, unless it was muscle which would be cool but i doubt it.
  12. Also we have quite the text message army going, so no big deal in the aspect of not allowing personal info online.
  13. this one made me smile: http://www.ecogeek.org/images/stories/baglessshopping.jpg http://www.ecogeek.org/content/view/936/
  14. http://www.latexmaskcentral.com/images/hartwellpics/cousin_it01thumb.jpg
  15. i was going to do this as well but then i realized wow overall i have a ton of pictures from me with either buzzed short mohawked' or emo'ed. nothing truly interesting. Great post though i love seeing change in people.
  16. I think that the best way currently for you to help spread the message is to volunteer for an established activist group. That way you can network and see the scene. After you do that it will be easier to assess where those groups are perhaps lacking in accordance to your goals, at that point you can start something that would fill in the gap and also will know the right people to go about contacting to help you. Good luck man.
  17. Spine, No harm no foul, I assumed that there was a miscommunication which is why i broke down why i said the comment. I thought it was common knowledge that I was gay. I can see where you may have taken what i had said the wrong way.
  18. With all due respect, Phillipe, I've seen the photo of you dancing at a rave, and I think big muscles are the least of your worries. But really, this worry of yours was silly and unfair no matter how you looked at it. Spine, You are making an assumption that i felt this way during my time as an overweight adult. The issue came about when i became slim and it was a result that happened indirectly because of my being overweight. When i was overweight i was anonymously present and this desire or comfortability with that place in society caused me for a time to not want to gain muscle for that and a few other reasons.
  19. One word: Zubaz Holy god, why would someone do this to themselves: http://www.kukoda.com/wp-content/zubaz2.jpg
  20. I had the initial mindset to be ashamed of muscle. When i saw muscle forming it would make me maudlin. I felt this way for a few reasons, mainly because i had never had any musculature before, and also because muscles to me stimulated sexuality in others. If i had muscles then i would be deemed noticeable to the men folk in a sexual manner, this freaked me out so i avoided working out for this reason mostly. I liked being anonymous. Now it is about me, Its about reclaiming the idea that my body is part of me and not something that works against me
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