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Everything posted by Couture547

  1. He looks tiny in that video and says that he's only been raw for 3 years, in those pics the muscle he has was probably built on his old diet and now he looks like he's lost some muscle.
  2. Not good when this guys one of the leading bb's for raw food. If i remember correctly he only weighs like 145 pounds. I have a friend who's clean and as been his whole life at 49 is 225 with probably like 10 percent body fat.
  3. yep 100 percent fresh raw produce is the only way to truely eat raw foods. All the raw food bars and powders are a much of crap from more experiance. The raw guru's have done a great job of scaring people into beliving that raw produce is not enough and you need all these powders which do absolutely nothing. Gabriel Cousens to me look very bad and worse than that he talks like he's drunk and to me and a couple of other people i've shown his video's to just doesn't look healthy at all. Tim Van Orden on the other hand i like. He looks good, he's a stud athlete and a good speaker.
  4. There's nothing negitive about it it's just something i've noticed along with a friend of mine who's also a raw foodist. I was just wondering why this could be becasue everyone knows that raw foods are the best foods that you can eat. I'm not going to point out what people look bad except the guru's who are pubic people.
  5. Yep it's true there are some people that look great that are raw foodist, but it makes me wonder would they look great if they were sad eaters. I see people daily that are beatiful fit people that are sad eaters, but just have great genes. I'd bet that 60 percent of looking good and performing great is genetic and the other 40 is diet, life style and exercise. The best fighter on the planet( Fedor) has a horriable diet worse than alot of sad diet yet he's a freakishly strong, great cardio and more
  6. Is it just me or do most (not all) raw foodist look like shit? it makes me wonder why that's the case because in theory it's the best diet there is and should make you look better. My theory is that it's becasue the people that tend to gravitate toward raw food are people that either feel really bad or looked really bad. Most people that feel great and look great feel no reason to change. my self i got into raw food becasue i've felt really bad. Most the people i know would never change there diet's becasue they feel great by default. Even most the so called guru's look like absolute crap and more than likely don't perform very well. Some people like Dr Graham look very bad, but at least i've heard he's a great athlete for his age.
  7. i'm trying the 80/10/10 diet and the only thing that's frustrating is the price. If your getting 3,500 calories that would be at least 2 grand a month in food something 99 percent of people can't aford. at best i can aford 2,000 which is not as much as i'd like being 6 foot 175 and looking to get much bigger and stronger
  8. I've heard from a couple different sources that once you soak a seed the fat goes down and protein and carbs go up a little. I'm not talking about eatting a sprount i'm just talk about a soaked seed or nut. Any one know any thing about this?
  9. me personally i don't get fat eatting alot of fats. I get fat eatting cooked carbs. A year ago i was 155 with about 4 percent body fat just completely shredded and wasn't really tring to at all. All i was doing was eatting all raw and exercising alot. i was getting about 4,000 calories a day at the time.. Then i got lazy and went off the raw food diet and i shot up to 225 within 6 months eatting around the same amount of calories of crap foods. I don't know what the deal is but my metabalism is so fast when i eating raw, but when i'm eating cooked food it's slower than anyones. Even recently i was around 165 and was eatting around 5,000 calories a day and not exericing at all and didn't gain a pound of fat.
  10. That's pretty decent numbers. That's a little better than my bench and about the same for dead lift. What's your height and weight
  11. yeah that's what i figured. Hopefully you can just soak it and it's good to go
  12. Can it be eatting raw? IS the stuff that's into health foods stores bulk bins raw?
  13. Yeah it was easy because you was still eating cooked foods! F1 So what are your stats? You look pretty soild and really good for a guy eatting only fruit. How's your strength now compaired to when you eat cooked foods? not just body weight strength becasue that is helped any time you lose weight. How do you feel now and before?
  14. I've been eatting 100 percent raw for the last 7 months and mostly for the last 18 months, but i havn't really gotten the results i'm looking for. I'd Imagine that's becasue at least 50 percent of my calories were coming from fats, so that's how i learned about Dr. graham. Usally i look at the person trying to sell a program to see if there getting the type of results that i'd like to get. IT's not about him not really having much muscle it's just over all he looks around his age and he's been eatting this way for 25 plus years.
  15. So you get less than a 1000 calories a day? Do you belive there's such differenece between cooked and raw muscle from your experiance. I'm kinda relucdant to follow a program of a guy that looks like that. I mean he look decent, but not good by any means.
  16. I was thinking about trying his diet plan and see how that works, but the problem i have is the cost of fruit is crazy. For me to get about 2000 calories form fruit i'd be spending 20 a day just on fruit alone and then add in the greens and i'd be close to 30 a day.
  17. What's your guys opinion on this guy?
  18. When i eat hummus i eat over a pound of it and a pound of flax crackers in one meal. I have a crazy appitite, but i say away from it becasue the amount of fat and the price
  19. There's something I don't understand about the amino scores for eggs on NutritionData.com... First: I always knew that most of the proteins in egg were in the white, but it was an incomplete protein, while the yolk represent less than 1/6 of the proteins in the egg but it completes the amino acids of the white. Also: Egg white : 145 Yolk: 146 Whole: 136 How the hell could it be possible that the whole egg has inferior amino acids score than white or yolk separatly, if yolk is 146 and white is 145? If we can know the amino acids score for hemp and quinoa, perhaps pumpkin seeds is gonna lose it's first place. But it's weird, I thought peanuts, chlorella, spirulina, and even rice, had all the essential amino acids. Egg whites are a complete protein, most people consider it the perfect protein. I'm pretty sure the yoke was like 132 and the white was 146 and balanced out to like 136
  20. 136 profile is amazing. The only thing higher that i know of is egg white which is like 146, but that's something you have to cook and you damage alot of the amino acids. Does anyone know what the score is on hemp seeds?
  21. becasue it's one of the highest sources of Zinc
  22. Yeah that's what i was thinking. If that's the case with all of them then that's absolute crap. If i knew someone that lived up there i'd have them ship them to me.
  23. Is it Illeagal to have these shipped from Canada to the US?
  24. If you eat all raw food then you definitely need to supplement....You cannot get b12 from raw food. Regular vegans have an easier time of it because we drink fortified soy milk, eat cereal, and bread and other processed foods. yep
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