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Everything posted by Couture547

  1. Personally i don't belive in Boxed, canned, jarred foods. But to answer your question if you eat a wide variety of whole grains, seeds, fruits, veggies, beans, Peas, lentials you end up around 15-20 percent protein depending on the amount of each food type your eatting. 4K=200 grams of protein, you can do the math on what the protein amounts are on other calories amounts. Getting all your protein from kidney beans would be about as smart as getting all protein from isolated protein powders DON'T WORRY THE LIGHT WILL NEVER COME ON. That one needs more then 200 grams of protein? Then eat more food. Telling people new to veganism that you have to supplement 1/3 of the macro nutrients(fat, protein, carbs) is like trying to sell a car to someone without a engine. A vegan diet can be compete and good for everyone without supplements just like a Omni diet can be, it's a matter of eatting the right foods and the right amounts. Before someone says B12 i'd like to point out that the majority of people with a B12 def are omni people, so it's probably best for everyone to supplement with that.
  2. You are the one making extreme claims against the facts. The burden of proof is yours. I have better things to do this evening then spending my time looking up citations for well known facts on the web so you can ignore them. Well known facts? maybe well known myths. The whole you must combine beans and rice to make a complete protein is one of the biggest myths against veganism. Both are complete proteins and when you combine both of them you have a better more balanced protein then just about any single animal source. Show one example on Nutrition data to support your statements
  3. Personally i don't belive in Boxed, canned, jarred foods. But to answer your question if you eat a wide variety of whole grains, seeds, fruits, veggies, beans, Peas, lentials you end up around 15-20 percent protein depending on the amount of each food type your eatting. 4K=200 grams of protein, you can do the math on what the protein amounts are on other calories amounts. Getting all your protein from kidney beans would be about as smart as getting all protein from isolated protein powders
  4. Why would you sit down and eat 4 can's of beans in one meal? I know guys that sit down and eat all chicken breast and brown rice and have massive gas. If your prepairing Beans, peas, lential right and have good digestion you'll not have gas IF YOU THINK ABOUT IT REAL HARD A LIGHT MIGHT COME ON. No body needs 100 grams of protein per meal. Even acording to alot of Omni bbers the most the body can use is about 40 at any given time. Again why would you sit down and eat 4 cans of beans? Sounds pretty boring to me
  5. Why would you sit down and eat 4 can's of beans in one meal? I know guys that sit down and eat all chicken breast and brown rice and have massive gas. If your prepairing Beans, peas, lential right and have good digestion you'll not have gas
  6. And that correct amont is what fact? No one knows the exact amino needed it's a guess. Your needs are different then mine and my needs are different then the next person. That's why we're individual. Combining Pea, bean, Rice will give you a more balanced protein then any single animal product could ever do. Not to mention has fiber and many other nutrients something animal products have little of
  7. Do a little research on the GMO companies. If your a vegan it probably means you care about animals. The companies making the GMO foods are making Bovine Growth hormone that are being injected into the animals, not to mention the nasty lab test they do on animals. Does this sound like someone you feel comfortable getting your food from? There a Wolfe in Sheeps clothing. Them among other GM companies are some of the most immoral companies seen. Once you don't have control over the food you eat you have absolutely no control over your health. Funny how there connected to the drug and insurance companies The 1940s saw Monsanto become a leading manufacturer of plastics, including polystyrene, and synthetic fibers. Since then, it has remained one of the top 10 US chemical companies. Other major products have included the herbicides 2,4,5-T, DDT, and Agent Orange used primarily during the Vietnam War as a deforestation agent (and later proven to be highly carcinogenic to any who come into contact with the solution), aspartame (NutraSweet), bovine somatotropin (bovine growth hormone (BST), and PCBs[3]. Also in this decade, Monsanto operated the Dayton Project, and later Mound Laboratory in Miamisburg, Ohio, for the Manhattan Project, the development of the first nuclear weapons and, after 1947, the Atomic Energy Commission. Monsanto began manufacturing DDT in 1944, along with some 15 other companies.[4] The use of DDT in the U.S. was banned by Congress in 1972 1954, Monsanto partnered with German chemical giant Bayer to form Mobay and market polyurethanes in the US. In the 1960s and 1970s, Monsanto became the leading producer of Agent Orange for US Military operations in Vietnam
  8. I haven't seen any that only have a trace amount. Only when a trace amount of food is eaten. ALL beans, peas and lentials, veggies, nuts, seeds have great amino acid profiles. Every protein source like every food has it's high points and low points. There's no single protein source that has every amino acids at equal levels. Kinda like some foods are higher in Vit A and the next food is Higher in Zinc, therefore no matter what the diet a variety is of the upmost importance. For Example in the BBing world the Egg is considered the perfect protein, Yet it's very low in Tryptophan, and pretty low in Methionine. Doesn't mean the food sucks, just means there's no such thing as a single perfect food. Variety!
  9. Not sure What Rocket engines have to do with it, but if you think that benfits far out way the risks you havn't done much research on the subject. The companies that are doing the GMO's are the same companies that invented pesticides, Herbicides along with the biological and Chemical weapons that are used to devestate inocent people in war. Agent Orange, ring a bell?
  10. No, none of that is true. I know I will not convince you, but if there are any new vegans reading this thread please research vegan nutrition for yourself. You can start with these well credentialed sources: http://veganbodybuilding.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=13710 Show me One whole food that is missing one of the essential 8-10 amino acids. http://www.nutritiondata.com/facts/legumes-and-legume-products/4354/2 Proff that your wrong on this
  11. Not $30 a pound, just $18. http://www.naturadestore.com/ProductDetail.asp?idproduct=81&idCategory= I used to use it. It is pea protein fortified with vegan-centric vitamins and made into a complete protein with some other non-soy powders. Pea's are a complete protein on there own. There's not one whole food at least that i've seen that isn't. The amino acid profile of split pea's riviles many animal products
  12. GMOs are certainly real food. They contain nutrients and will easily sustain you. I've never seen a study showing that GMOs are or are not particularly dangerous to humans. The risks are unknown, and could simply be imaginary. However, your second point is what worries me. Patented commodities is frightening. A synthetic multi has alot of things that can sustain us. The SAD diet can sustain us for 70 plus years, doesn't mean it's ideal. Food is the way food is for a reason, Science can look at many things in food, but there's a ton of stuf undiscovered. You start changing a Pineapple so it can grow in Alaska you have a mutant food. Even if studies come out showing the food perfectly fine to eat, guess who funds these studies
  13. The science won't be conclusive until after are life times, so it's best not to take the risk. Real Whole foods have been around forever and these GMO version for less then 50 years, so i'll take my chances with the orignial food
  14. 3X deads are very doable. not sure if there are any people on here doing that, but there might
  15. You don't know what you're talking about. The Gracies hand picked weak opponents they knew Royce would beat so they could market their product. Art Jimmerson was not the best boxer at that time. The top boxers at the time were making millions and millions boxing why would they come and Risk getting beat for what 50 grand. Other arts they weren't much money to be made. If you know any thing about grappling you know at the top level of grappling BJJ wins more then any other art. Modern day MMA they have it figured out what works and what doesn't. Before MMA people thought there were people fighting like in the movies, and 90 year old masters that could beat a man with one finger. Anyone can fight in MMA and the money is good but still only limited styles are being used effectivly becasue most styles arn't effective
  16. First of all a GMO is not a real food any longer. GMO food is still relatively new, so the long term health effects are not known and will not be know for a long time. I can go on and on why GMO's are bad, but one of the things that bugs me the most about them is the fact that you can patent the seed something you can't do with a natural seed and before you know it the powers to be own all food. Even food you grow at your house. I can't think of anything worse then that for health and for are freedoms
  17. Never mentioned raw food once in this thread or the other thread until you warned the TS that i was a raw foodist. Like i said before i'm not even a raw foodist anymore becasue of financial reasons and never have talked bad about cooked foods. What i do think is bad is telling people that are new to veganism that you need to supplement one of the 3 macro nutrients to gain strength and size. Would one have to do that on a Omni diet? No. Or vegans that live on processed junk foods/ gmo's. There's a reason that vegans get a bad rap from omni people. They say on average there sickly looking, small, weak. While i don't blame veganism on that, but any time someone is on a "rare" diet they blame the type of diet not the diet it's self. Whole unprocessed foods are key on any diet and the further one gets away from that the worse the diet is. Isolated protein is never going to be as good as the source of the food in it's natural form. doesn't matter if it's Whey, Hemp, Soy, Pea, rice or whatever. Food is the way it is for a reason and it's not wise to change that. Whole wheat has nutritional benefits, White flower is crap. It cracks me up when i see people buy something like Pea protein powder for 30 a pound when you can go buy the real compete food for $1 a pound
  18. Another thing i'd like to add is that this is common on here or life in general to bash people that are doing some thing different. Meat eaters bash veganism like crazy and then vegans bash people doing some thing different even though it's still vegan. I saw it with Blackman. While i disagree with most of what he says he got bashed on here like crazy many of which was personal. Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. If your not looking to get bashed don't bash in the first place. There's a difference between debating nutrition becasue there's a million different nutritional opinons out there and taking it to a personal level.
  19. This is in almost all cases here at this forum a gross over exageration, and simplification, of what adding some extra vegetable protein to one diet really is. I'm not going to mention names but i see it alot on here and on the profile page. Soap box? By not wanting to eat GMO foods? No couture547... By "SOAPBOX", he means that you seem to go on and on and on AND ON on every thread putting down those of us who choose to consume Vegan protein powders as people who eat "just like an omni" (that is what you said)..... and that you are better than everyone because you only consume whole, non-processed foods and don't focus on your protein consumption. And like he said, you're gross exaggerations that claim anyone who follows a higher protein MODERATE carb diet (something that works for many people, although you don't seem to be interested in what works... only in repeating your same 10 - 20% creed over and over again to the point of naseau) is untrue. Again, you are not interested in facts. You are not interested in the many examples that I've given you of people who are getting results by supplementing with some additional Vegan protein powders. I've given you lots and lots of real-life examples of people who were only able to acheive their desired results when they supplemented... but you don't want to here any real life examples... you just want to keep repeating yourself ON YOUR SOAPBOX... that we're all "Atkins following protein worshippers" simply because we've gotten results on a little bit of a different ratio that you seem to spout off as a holy creed. And please knock it off about the GMO thing... there are MANY non-GMO vegetable proteins out there to choose from, so please.... enough already. Post something positive for a change. You're negativity is really starting to wear on me... but maybe that's the point for you? To go on and on for pages and pages only to get the last word and therefore feel some sort of victory??? cough, SOAPBOX I never knocked anyone until people knocked me and even then only to the people that did it to me. When someone basically says take what he says with a gain of salt becasue he was eatting a raw food diet then that's very rude and disrespctful. As if being on a raw food diet is like being some junky. The bottom line with people that go on a raw food diet weather raw is good or bad is the fact that there trying to better themselves no matter what it takes. Not looking for some magic pill, but willing to do whatever it takes.
  20. That's the tickett right there. full squats with 100 pounds is better then 200 pound quarter squats
  21. This is in almost all cases here at this forum a gross over exageration, and simplification, of what adding some extra vegetable protein to one diet really is. I'm not going to mention names but i see it alot on here and on the profile page. Soap box? By not wanting to eat GMO foods?
  22. I was thinking the same thing. I'll never be able to Full (deep) Squat close to 600lbs. The only guys doing 3X on full squat are like olimpic lifters that compete in weight classes and are have freak show p4p strength. I don't think even many pro powerlifts/ Strong men are doing that without squat suite/ lifting belt/ knee wraps. The majority of people don't do full squats becasue It's a wake up call on how strong you really are. 3 months ago i though my legs where all strong becasue i was doing 365 10X, but i was only going down 3/4 the way and wearing a belt which makes a which difference.
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