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Everything posted by Couture547

  1. She would never be able to come close to placing in an NPC figure show at 50 grams of protein. She could get skinny... but never be competitive. Being "healthy" and placing in a show are two entirely different things. That's 50 grams if she was only eatting 2k A day which wouldn't be a good idea if your looking to bulk. I doubt any girl needs over 100 grams of protein ever unless there depleaded in carbs and have to use protein and fats as fuel. Look at that Avi Lehyani guy he's twice the size of those girls and gets around 20 percent protein. It's impossible to get more then 25 percent protein on a healthy diet. you'd have to supplement with a bunch of processed powders to get above that or animal products. IF your eatting a variety of whole foods and getting enough calories whatever that is for the person it's impossible to not get enough protein
  2. A diet only needs 10-20 percent protein to be a healthy body building diet. IF you got 2K calories a day and 20 percent protein your looking at 50 grams of protein. Of course if your looking to bulk you might want to up to a higher calorie amount. I personally think a diet of over 25 percent protein is way overbord and the only way one is doing that is eatting lean animal products or processed protein powders. Lentials for exampe are about 27 percent protein, Quinoa 15, even brown rice is 8 percent. If your getting enough calories and eatting whole foods your getting enough protein no doubt about it.
  3. I think machines are fine as a supplement to a overall program, but i think that as the core of your program heavy compound lifts are best. Machines gide you through a range of motion and also don't work any of the stablier muscles that are so important in every day activities and athletic stuff. I work out alone most of the time and never had a issue lifting free weights. Bench is the only thing where there could be a issue, but with that usally benches will have lower clips so if you can barely get it off your chest you can still rackett. Every other lift you can go to falure. You can just use dumbell bench and go to falure.
  4. What are some of your free weight lifts? Like Bench, Military, Squat, Deadlift.
  5. Dude different animals have different digestive systems. What works for one animal doesn't work for all of them. The same arugument that one can make against raw food is the similar that meat eaters make against veganism. A Vegan can say i haven't seen a strong raw foodist just like many meat eaters claim that most vegans are small weak guys which they are. Most meat eaters are either small and weak or fat and weak just like many vegans. The difference is raw vegans rarely have excess fat, so if there not muscular there going to be very small. Just becasue humans can chew up cooked food and then get rid of it doesn't mean it's the best thing to do. I think the bottom line is that humans don't know what we should eat, or there wouldn't be a million different diets or opinions, so it's best to see what works personally. I think most here would agree if you cook a food it has less then what it had before. For every one nutrient that is more aviliable there's 100's of ones that were made less avilable.
  6. I really think the tickett with raw food is first and foremost don't listen to the scam artist trying to get people to live off of superfood powders and all this other crap. There's no magical foods out there, all fruits and veggies are good in different ways. Fresh foods will allways be better then some so called super food that was dehydrated in Wolfe's super basement and soild for 1K. that's why you are getting good results(real foods) are all your fruits fresh? no dried fruits?
  7. No it isn't. Humans don't have the same digestive systems as animals, so comparing their strength to ours is like comparing apples to oranges. True. They are also good at selling things and preaching. I was eating between 3500 and 4000 calories on a raw diet and hitting it hard in the gym with heavy weights. This was when I lost strength and muscle mass. Perhaps raw just doesn't work for me. I was eating a wide variety of foods in order to meet my nutritional requirements. I didn't work for me physically and it didn't work for me financially, it costs a lot to eat raw if you eat a lot like me. I'm yet to see a Raw Vegan who has significant muscle mass or strength. Maybe I'll be proven wrong. 13" arms, don't count as significant muscle mass I'm looking forward to seeing pics from the Raw Olympics Strength events that are coming up in Hawaii. Yep i see where your coming from and it is true there's not one raw vegan at least that i know of that's a stud. There's a couple guys like Blackman who have decent strength, but he's all ways back and fourth. One min he's all frutiran next he says that's bad for strength then he's on to breathiansim. The Issue i have with raw food propaganda is the fact that if in fact it is best why are there no guys breaking world records? Then the weak small guys claim that humans are suppsoed to be 120 pounds. basically any thing there guru is they claim that's the way humans are supposed to be That said i did raw foods for 2 years and got the worst strength gains of my life, but i was infulenced by all the scam artist out there and was living on so called super food powders and all that crap . recently i've gone to a whole food real food raw diet and seeing soild improvments
  8. To say that no one can get strong on raw foods is wrong. Every animal ever has eattin raw foods and many are stronger then humans could ever imagine being. So raw foods arn't the issue. I belive it's the fact that most raw foodist arn't into muscle building in the first place, most are endurance type guys. Allso many raw foodist don't even train hard for strength which we all know is vitial for getting strong no matter what your diet is, they'd rather sit under a tree and meditate. Last but not least guys that train hard and still can't get stronger or are losing strength on raw foods is the fact that there not eatting enough carb based foods(fruits/ veg) and overall calories. This would happen on a cooked diet if you were eating 1K a day of food, or even 2 K and getting allmost all the calories from Fats and Proteins. You'd get smaller and weak on that kinda program long term. On any diet cooked or raw you must get enough calories to gain strength and size no question about it. How many guys are busting there ass strength training and eatting over 3K calories (low fat) and still not gettting stronger?
  9. Yep that's the key. From my experiance Low fat raw is the only way to go and also fresh foods no so called super foods and all that over priced non sense. 174 is pretty good for not eatting a ton like you say. How many calories would you guess you get on average? How are some of your other exerices? I do agree that when your eatting raw food you need less over all calories becasue your getting efficent fuel, but not to the extent as alot of raw guru's say. A big mistake i made along with alot of people getting into raw foods was not enough fresh fruits/carbs. Then my size and strength just dispeared even though i was getting a ton of calories but mainly Protein/fats
  10. From my experiance with raw food i can allmost guaranty the people that are getting weaker or not getting stronger on raw food is becasue they are not getting enough calories. Alot of raw fooders that get enough calories are getting the bulk of there calories from nuts and seeds which average 75 percent calories from fat. Don't listen to the raw food propaganda that say's as long as it's raw you can eat it in any amounts. A diet of 50 percent fat is not a healthy diet raw or not. It takes time to build up the stomach compasity to eat enough calories on raw foods becasue fresh fruits and veggies are alot less calorie dense then cooked foods or high fat raw foods. Also don't listen to the hippy spirutal raw food guru's that tell you you don't need many calories. There's a reason will guy's like Wolfe are weak guys. you might need less then a sad person, but you still need to eat a surplus of calories.
  11. That's weird i'd think you'd have a bench over 400. I put up 275 6 times on bench last time i did it and maxed 315 pretty easily couple weeks back. Pretty sure i can do 335. My over head lifts have allways been way behind my bench, so now i'm paying a much higher attention to overhead work and overall shoulder work. In grappling and combat sports in general benching doesn't help much where shoulder/ tri cept strength is very important. I personally like seated shoulder press much more becasue i feel i get a much better work out that way. I can lift way more standing though. I can probably do 225 standing maybe a little more and like 185 seated
  12. Then you were probably benching over 405 right? There's not many people doing that kinda weight
  13. Then you were probably benching over 405 right? There's not many people doing that kinda weight
  14. I used to do them standing, but i didn't get as good of shoulder work out. I do alot of incline bench so i want some thing that straight up not like half military half incline. That's bad ass your getting up that kind of weight though.
  15. What works best for me personally and what i like best becasue it's simple and effective is a 3 day split. I like to do heavy compund lifts that get alot done and hit the whole muscle and other similar muscles as well. I stay away from machines allmost competely except to supplement at the end of a certain muscle droup Push: Bench Incline Bench Seated military Skull crushers Narrow bench I allways add in other stuff to supplement Pull: Dead Lift Pull Ups dumbell row bar bell curl ez bar curl reverse curl Legs: Squat front squat Lunge I don't follow like a set day schedual for my routine. I just listen to my body. I allso do abs each day i feel like it
  16. How much can you guys do for 10 reps? At the end of my chest work out i did Shoulders and did 135 10 times. Once i can do 225 for 10 i'll be pretty happy with that.
  17. That's better than having it go to your belly or some other places i guess
  18. That girl in that pic is probably around 30 percent bf so that's a good start. Different people store there bf in differnet places. Now days it's kinda in for a a girl to have a fat ass and a flat stomach , which for some girls it's just not going to happen that way.
  19. Keep in mind that the USDA recommendation are built around sad paramators, so who knows how much Zinc someone actually needs. I'm be willing to bet that while on 811 the zinc in fruits and veggies is enough consdiering your not getting all the food and substances that would zap the zinc levels in your body.
  20. Right now i'm 22 and started lifting at 15. i was allmost as strong at 17 as i am now. could do like 290 at 17, but then took along time off with just a little lifting here and there. at the begining of this year i was very weak. Hadn't really lifting in at least a year. my max in Feb was only like 215. but luckly there's some thing called muscle memory sp o got back up to where i was and now i'm stronger than ever 8 months later.
  21. Thanks guys.. this was huge for me. now i have to get my other lifts up to where they should be. with a 315 pound bench i think a decent dead lift would be over 500 but i can only do high 3's. I'm new to training really hard on deadlifts. I'm kinda built to bench and that's the lift that seems to process the fastest for me.
  22. That was a goal of mine for as long as i could remember and got that up pretty easy today. tried 335 and got pretty close with that
  23. You look good! If you just keep that quality and ad like 20 pounds of muscle or more you'll look great
  24. That's a crazy amount of weight. Is that without wraps or any thing? I got up 315 8 times today with out aid. I bet i could get up 405 now. My squat is ahead of my dead lift for the lack of training i've been doing. I did 315 2X full squat . My legs improve faster than another else so i'll be up to 405 in no time. I could easily do 405 now with the way most people squat, but i would rather go lighter and do full squats.
  25. I guess that's 18 Kilometers per hour which is 11.18 miles per hours. Still impressive
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