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Everything posted by Couture547

  1. I've been Vegan off and on for the last 2 years or so and 100 percent for the last 8 months. I eat all raw unprocessed foods, so for the last 8 months i've gotten close to 0 B12. I had my B12 tested and i was very low a year ago, so now it's probably scary low.
  2. Yeah i've been meaning to supplement B12 for a while, but i was looking for something that was a good soild whole food sourced supplement
  3. I'd imagine i'm extremely deficent in B12, so i started taking a whole food mult that has 3,333 percent. So asumming i'm really low in it how long will it take to get my levels to a normal range and notice a difference in how i feel?
  4. I eat probably around 5000 calories a day on most days and if i had the funds i'd eat alot more. I have a crazy appitite, so it's very important i eat a raw food diet or i'd get really fat.
  5. yep probably true. That's why i'm trying to move away from all packaged foods that claim to be raw and do only fresh produce.
  6. Is there such thing as raw salad dressing? I know people can make it themselves, but i'm talking about stuff you can buy in a jar?
  7. I could put a 1000 different sites that say the exact same thing, but that would be a waste of time. These sites have no reason to lie; it's not like these are raw food/ Vegan propaganda sites.
  8. Great site!! On the orders that are 50+ pounds can you mix and match or do you have to do 50 pounds of just 1 powder?
  9. There are a ton of sites that say this http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/creatine_101.htm http://www.hugorivera.net/articledetail33/Creatine_Monohydrate_Basics__How_to_Use_Creatine.html http://www.lose-fat-tips.com/musclebuildingsupplement.html
  10. I was talking about the creatine on the liver. There's allso many other studies and web sites that say it's competely distroyed when cooked. I know from person experience that eatting as much meat as it would take to get 5 grams of creatine and not noticing any effects at all and supplementing with 5 grams made a huge difference while i was taking it.
  11. Meat has a little bit of creatine in the raw from, but once you cook meat it has no creatine left. It's one of those thing that get completely lost when cooked like enzymes. I think creatine is not the best idea becasue it's rough on the liver and i know that from personally use
  12. I agree. THere's alot of crap that happens at the top of this country and many other's, but i try not to think about it. At the same time i like to learn as much as possible to avoid some of the common problems people run into becasue of stuff that's going on.
  13. There's a difference between being negitive and telling the truth. While most theories are made up a good big might be true. Those of us that are living in the US should know not to just trust the government and to think for your self
  14. Everyone has there own definition, but in my opinion it has to be 100 percent of the time. It would be like a person calling themselves a vegan becasue they eat 75 percent plant based foods.
  15. One of the best books even though it's not 100 percent raw is Brendan Brazier's book "The Thrive Diet" . The focus of the book is about good raw foods and how it's effects your health and athletic proformance. Even if your not a athlete this is a great book.
  16. I've heard it's really good, but no way is it worth the price for me. I don't buy vitamineral green becasue of the price and it's half the price of pure synergy. If you have a ton of money i bet it would be a great addition.
  17. Just becasue humans have been cooking for a long time doesn't mean it's the thing to do. Alot of people come from very harsh climates so eatting raw foods isn't realistic, but now days if your living in a country like the US you have access to every thing.
  18. Raw foods are much more natural becasue there in the natural un processed state. Cooked foods offer no benifits over raw foods at all. I don't get why people even ask the question becasue even if you don't want to go 100 percent raw the more raw foods the better.
  19. Tim's a very cool guy, I've exchanged a couple emails and have been inspired by his writings and videos. He seems to be getting great results and amazing for a guy that's 41 and was inactive for close to 20 years. As far as protein goes the most important thing is how the protein is broken down to amino acids. Alot protein sources like meat and soy have a ton of protein, but it's difficult for the body to use it.
  20. It's mainly the amount of fiber that's in the veggies that's causing it. I had the same problem when i first started eatting raw, but now i can digest a ton of fiber. Juicing is the best way to get every thing from the vegg besides the fiber.
  21. There's no reason to eat cooked foods, but as long as your eatting a deal deal of raw foods and the rest is organic you'll be more than fine
  22. LOL that's the type of crap they'll come up with. I personally can't stand doctors and don't get why more people arn't feed up with the whole system
  23. That's a good problem to have. And yeah the Food prices suck. I spend about 200 a week on fruits and veggies
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