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Everything posted by Couture547

  1. I agree and most people would agree that they don't look good. to each his own
  2. I've heard about the power of sprouts for a long time and how it's very cheap and effective way of getting a lot of great green foods. I don't see how it's that cheap since most seeds are close to 3 a pound. I have a couple questions. First off, how do you grow them? Can you just soak the seeds and then put them out and let them grow or do you have to put them in dirt and other stuff? Do they have to been grown in sun light to get chlorophyll? any tips?
  3. You can find raw cocoa and powder. Dr. Sheridan who was a big advicate for carob nows finds that it's toxic in the raw form.
  4. There's no need to eat all Alkaline foods, It's just important to have a good balance. Like instead of having a raw diet of 90 percent fruit and 10 percent of other stuff try 50 percent greens and 50 percent fruit, nuts, seeds. If your eatting a all raw diet you can probably get away with eatting a little less than 50 percent greens becasue the other foods arn't to acidic unlike the SAD. Fruit on average are just slightly acidic nothing like Meat, processed foods, drinking, solf drinks and all drugs. I'd say as long as your getting a minimum of 25 percent greens and eatting a all raw diet you'll be more than fine becasue the average person in america and other countries eats less than 1 percent greens and the rest of there diet is extremely acidic(hinse why there's so much disease and other problems) Gorillias eat around i think 80 percent green veggies and chimps which are 99.7 percent similar to us get around 40 percent greens, and there quality of fruit is better than you can get as a local super market. As for Cow's milk and humans milk both are alkaline in the raw un cooked un processed form. The problem is most people can't digest cow's milk very well so then it's becomes alot more of a problem than it's good for. Goats milk is closer to Human milk, but still not ideal. All pasterised milk is extremely acidic and candida forming form it's mucus quality.
  5. I can always rely on Potter for a helping reply. I go to a public high school, so I can't really bring up religion because most people don't even know half of what their religion is (I know a bunch of Catholics that claim they aren't Christians; I know, retarded). In fact, I can't really bring up anything besides health because kids seem to be so oblivious to everything around them that I can't even mention something and expect another kid to know about it or understand it. And you also mentioned becoming vegan for reasons other than health. That's actually another slap in the face to me around here. I know a few vegetarians and even one vegan, but none of them do it for health. They either do it because they're Hindu or because they don't want to kill animals. Besides that, they eat the same garbage that meat-eaters eat, just minus the meat! (Although I used to be the same, so I can't complain TOO much about them). Even they think I'm crazy! That's the reason I love these forums so much. Everyone's into health. Yeah, I actually forgot to mention all of my concerns about that kind of stuff (processed foods, sodium, etc.). It was a long post anyway, so I guess it's alright. But yes, people are truly ignorant about health. I talk about the saturated fats in meat, how animal protein leaches calcium from human bones, how milk is the cause of so many different cancers, The China Study, cholesterol and how we don't need any extra (plus the kind in meat is the kind we want very low), sodium and high blood pressure, etc. The reply I get ranges from "Whatever" to "I don't believe that's true." The thing that angers me the most is that when people disagree with my beliefs, they have NO research or education under their belts to back up what they believe. They just don't like hearing what I believe, so they deny the truth of it. You are extremely well imformed for your age. I didn't start learning about proper diet until i was like 19. I used to get very frustrated having arugements with people. I used to try and get my parents to eat better, but until they want to it's not going to happen. My brother even knows alot about healty eatting and stuff yet he eats compete crap and says as long as he's happy now.
  6. Animal foods are the least of the problems in this country as far as diet goes. There's no reason to eat it and i love animals, so that's why i don't eat it. The biggest problem is all the processed foods. So eatting a orgainic diet with no processed foods is much healtier than a vegan junk food diet. People are pretty clueless when it comes to diet and health. I remember i'd have argumets with people that said junk food doesn't have any thing to do with why diseases are so common. People think eatting healthy is just for losing weight and stuff like diet coke and fat free foods are healthy. It also drives me crazy when people exerice alot and say they do it to be healthy mean while there drinking and eatting crap food At the end of the day your not going to change someones mind, so you just kinda have to lead by example and hopefully people will come to you for advice
  7. You guys should check out the book PH Miricle. The guy is a expert on curing all kinds of diseases using a mostly raw mostly alkaline diet. He talks about how sugar effects the PH and many other things
  8. And as far as acid being pulled for your bones and teeth. This doesn't happen if you have a reseave of Alkaline minerals in the body which most people don't have unless they are really young or have been eatting good for a long time. When a acid inters the body it has to be nuturalised and the body will do any thing it can do, so if the researve is low it gets the minerals from bones and teeth. This is why as people get older they're bones get very fragile. Also the reason Meth addicts lose there teeth.
  9. Thanks for the response, Couture. Yes, I do exercise a lot (running, and weight training). I also snowboard (although the season just ended), train for competitive Muay Thai kickboxing, and boxing. It's pretty safe to say that my activity level is very high, and you are correct in stating that this activity level will cause acidity within my system. What's strange is that we're having such polar opposite reactions to the fruit based diet. You seem to have fallen apart on it, whereas I'm thriving (no pun intended) on it. Maybe it comes down to different body types? More likely, I believe that we must have gone about our fruit based diets differently. How long were you on the diet before you started to experience these symptoms? I've been doing this for almost 6 months, so I'd almost expect to be seeing at least ONE negative symptom by now if there were going to be any. I don't believe you're right about not being able to maintain an alkaline ph with a high activity level, while consuming a fruit-based raw vegan diet. Most fruits have an alkalizing effect on the body, and the greens I get in my daily massive salad even more so. I highly doubt that there's any sustainable diet out there that would have a much more alkalizing effect on the body. Alkaline minerals don't get pulled out of your teeth by sugars and acids (as far as I know), they get pulled out of all of your bones and teeth by your body's internal systems when alkaline minerals are in short supply elsewhere in the body. Simple carbohydrates (the most healthful of which I believe is sugar obtained from eating whole, fresh, organic fruit) are the primary source of fuel for your body (and mind). While I agree with you that limiting the intake of other sugars is necessary, limiting yourself of your body's primary fuel source does not seem like a smart, or healthy, idea. That's cool you do Muay Thai. I train in Muay Thai, boxing, BJJ. Everyone is a bit different in what they need. I know what has worked for me and my friend and also i have a similar view on healing as the Hopocrties institute in West palm beach. They have been around for like 40 years and have cured thousands and thousands of people. You might be Thriving now, but who knows maybe it will catch up with you later or it could be that it's so much better than your pervious diet. Wether the mostly fruit diet is the best for you or not, at least your a step up from most people.
  10. Only if their mothers never taught them how to brush properly after every meal. And as well if they couldn't afford to go to the dentist twice a year. A good percentage of having good teeth is what you eat. Teeth are just like bones in that acids and sugars pull alkaline minerals out of them. ALot of people brush perfect and go to the dentist and still have to get alot of work done and have problems like cavities.
  11. Another thing you most factor in when coming up with a diet is your activity level. I'll assume since your on this forum that you train for some thing or at least exercise alot. Every activity you do from weight lifting to running brings stress and acidity to the body. The harder you train the more stress(acid) you bring into your system. So you must overcompensate with even more highly alkaline foods. There is no fruit that is highly alkaline. Some might be slightly alklaine to very acidic. Sugar is another stressor to the body. Goji Juice for example has a ph of around 3 which is another the same as a average beer. Not sure how much higher the actual berry is, but still way to low. The most Alkaline Fruits are the fruits with the lowest sugar content/ highest alkaline mineral content. Fruits now days have 50 times more sugar and much lower mineral content than they did along time ago, so even if humans were first supposed to consume alot of fruit like some raw foodist claim things have changed in the quality of the food, so you must take than into account. One of the biggest things i've noticed athleticly to limiting sugar and raising alkaline greens is that my Cardio is much better and my muscles recover way faster. Even after a extremely hard workout that would've taken 4 days to recover from i'm good to go after a day or two.
  12. Believe me, I'm listening. My method of getting information out of people is a little strange, as I usually prefer to debate one side of an issue to get them to stand up and teach me about their side. That's just how I learn. One could still call sugar that was extracted from fruit 'natural sugar' though, and consuming it would have an entirely different effect than consuming the whole fruit itself. You're right; if someone's already gone through this I should listen to what they've experienced... so Couture: how long were you on a fruit based diet? what other foods did that diet consist of? did you eat all of your fruits whole (the edible portion, at least)? what was your diet like before switching to a fruit based one? Also, there are many different methods to test the body's alkalinity, which will all provide different numbers. Do you know which method of alkalinity test you had done? This is frustrating, I typed a really long response but it didn't work. So a quick summary of what i wrote. Before i learned about health 3 years ago i was a SAD eatter Then leaned about PH and eat mostly green Veggies with lean meats becasue at the time i thought Protein had to come from animals Then i started to read about the raw food diet and was all about eatting fruit. Goji berries were a big part of my diet becasue i found out they were a compete protein so i eat a ton of those to make sure i got a enough protein. Which was a horriable idea becasue they have 14 grams of sugar for 4 grams of protein Around this time i was feeling very bad and bought into the whole it must be detox theory becasue that's the average reponse to every thing form the average raw foodist. If your teeth are falling out and you have horriable energy it must be Detox LOL So i looked for a raw food person that could help me becasue i was convinced it was the right thing to do. I found a lady that has been eatting all raw for 10+ years and has working with alot of raw foodist and Non raw foodist to get healthy. She used about 5 or so different lab tests and some thing called live blood analisis. My blood was absolutely horriable for my age(20 at the time) She said they she's seen worse, but not people that didn't have a serious illness. I had very little Oxygen in the Blood(Low Ph) Horriable Candida, and a host of over probelms. Also i forget what the lap test it was, but it showed i was about to become a diabetic and my PH was 6.2-6.4 somewere in that range. Long story shorter i changed my raw food diet to mainly greens, more protein form low sugar sources and very little fruit and now i feel 10 times better. I do grappling and boxing and my Cardio is 10 times better and my weight is at a much healtier level. I'm 170 now and was around 145 when eatting mainly fruits which is was way under weight for someone that's 6 foot tall.
  13. A PHD in "some health field" can mean he is very well versed in hospital management or health policy without knowing anything about medical science. You may be right, but a lot of people aren't going to believe you until you can state what kind of doctors doing what kind of reasearch to how many people and until you can point to citations. I'm not sure what he is, but he and other working there are considered doctors, but that's not really what i care about it's about results. THere where thousands and thousands of people that went there along with the other Anne Wigmore institutions that were told they had very limited time to live and competely healed themselves of every thing they had
  14. btw your more than likely going to run into some major problems down the road eatting 564 grams of sugar every day. I used to be of the similar mindset that since i was a raw foodist and the sugar was raw natural sugar that it was fine to eat as much sugar as i wanted. I was getting less than that, but still alot and i got to a pre diabetic state and if i would've have continued i would have had it full blown. Not to mention the Candida problems i developed eatting so much sugar. This is exactly why so many raw foodist develope major problems like serious dental problems.
  15. Actually I think you're getting confused by the fact that fruit in it's undigested, out of the body state may be acidic. The minerals present in (most) fruits are mainly alkaline, and the digestion of the vast majority of fruit is actually a process that results in an alkaline state inside the body. Here's one list of alkalizing/acidic foods: http://www.thewolfeclinic.com/acidalkfoods.html and another site explaining things a little more: http://www.chimachine4u.com/AA.html Those are just the first two results I get from google when searching 'fruit alkaline body'... they weren't selected in any sort of a personally biased manner. In conclusion: you're very misinformed. I used to follow lists by different people and every list is different then i found out the truth and the truth is the only Alkaline foods are green leafy veggies and grasses and algae's. I was on a all raw food diet for about 3 months straight and at the time i eat mostly fruit that was considered alkaline. I had my PH professionally tested and it came back as 6.2 which is terriable since you need to be around 7.4. Since then i've been eatting all raw, but mostly greens and watching my sugar intake and my PH is around 7.0. For a good healthy body you need to limit sugar intake and have alot of greens in the diet.
  16. Brian Clement the head of the hiprocrotese Institute(spelling) is a PHD in some health feild and has medical doctors and doctors test that prove thousands among thousands healing themselves of just about every disease with a raw food diet
  17. So, one man saying protein is counter-productive is enough in your eyes? What about all the real solid scientific evidence that shows the opposite of what graham says? Oh, and did you ever notice that graham is SKINNY? I totally hear where you're coming from, and it's important to note that I originally had the same thoughts on protein as you -- that it's important to make sure I get as much as my body needs. It's also important to note that I wouldn't be here posting my diet plan just because 'one man' is saying that excessive amounts of protein were counterproductive. If I wasn't getting great results (I just want to share what works for me!) I'd be Dr. Graham's biggest skeptic. Currently, with the above posted diet or something similar I take in 60-75g of raw protein per day... almost all of it coming from the fruit! It's a fact (in my experience, at least) that if you're only eating enough calories to healthily sustain yourself, and you're eating almost entirely fruit, you WILL be skinny. What do we do when we want to gain weight on any nutrition plan, though? We eat more. Eating more, however, can put extra stress on your body... (particularly if this extra food is high protein or fat!) so when eating more with the goal being to gain muscle, it's ideal that this extra food you're eating is easily digestible, and highly nutritious (read: fruit). All things considered, taking in 60-75g of high quality protein a day while keeping my system clean and alkaline, I don't find it surprising at all that I'm experiencing faster, easier gains (now that I've increased my caloric intake to allow for weight gain) than I previously had thought would be possible for me. If my own body is responding in such an obviously positive way, that's all the scientific evidence I need (not that I haven't also thoroughly researched the subject before venturing down this path). I'm not here to try to convince people, though! I just felt driven to express how beneficial I've found a fruit-based diet to be. Oh, and Dr. Graham isn't a bodybuilder -- he likes being skinny People that go to a raw food diet have teeth problems? My dentist won't stop badgering me about how well taken-care of my teeth are for someone who refuses to floss. And what kind of good foods are you talking about? The best food for human consumption really IS fruit, and it's protein content is usually less than 10%, so I'm not sure why you'd question if 80/10/10 is possible. It's impossible to have a good internal PH eatting a mostly fruit diet. All fruit is slighy acidic to pretty heavy acidic even though some so called experts say other wise
  18. BTW did you guys know that Ormus is a compete protein and can transmutate water into any nutriant you need. There for contary to what you've all been taught food is not needed when ormus made. Ormus= good stuff LOL
  19. Thank you for being reasonable. Good post. I also agree that there is a healthy balance, lots of people are excessive about it. I personally get more protein that i probably need, but i feel like it's better to have too much than to little. I'm not a very big guy and not very strong and i get around 150 grams a day. I get turned off as much as the next guy when a so called Raw guru that looks like shit is saying you need 20 grams of protein and you don't need weights, but just sitting out in the woods doing gentle yoga. Just like any type of diet to get stronger you must break down your muscles with physical exercise and build them up with amino acids
  20. I don't see why people keep mentioning the enzyme theory. The facts are there are enzymes in Raw food and none in Cooked foods. Science can't explain very much, or else people wouldn't be dieing left and right from diseases. Alot of what raw food offers is different for everyone and It doesn't take a lab test to tell me if i'm feeling better or not. If you eat raw or cooked foods doesn't really matter to me, but personally for me cooked foods offer no benifits. The extent of how much better raw foods will be for me will take along time to figure out, but i know where 21 years of eatting cooked foods have gotten me and most people on the planet and i'm not impressed.
  21. There's two sides of the coin that are absolutely insane. You have the typical body builders that give nutrition advice and they recommend upwards of 2 grams of protein per pound body weight. So for the average sized person that's 340 grams a day. and if your a big guy like Ronnie Coleman he's getting like close to 500 grams. Then you have the 120 pound weekling that says you only need 20 grams a day mean while he looks like he was in a consintration champ. If your getting enough calores and eatting a good overall raw food diet it's about impossible to be low on protein. That said if your eatting all fruit your more than likely going to run into some probelms down the road
  22. Which is why I have to fly to Arizona to meet with him - he's one-of-a-kind in his field. He practiced traditional ophthalmologic treatments and surgeries for 20 years, but realized that he was only treating the symptoms and not the root cause, so he became a naturopath and combines what he learned from traditional medicine along with natural treatments. I don't know if it will work, but at this point I know that traditional medicine won't "save" me from the disease (though, stem cell therapy has a lot of promise for me in around 10 years), and for now, it's my only other shot. I'm sure that people here will be pleased to know that the doc I'm going to see also advocates a diet that's 75% or more raw foods . That's great! Good luck with that. I need to find someone like that for me. Not for eyes, but just overal health
  23. So, one man saying protein is counter-productive is enough in your eyes? What about all the real solid scientific evidence that shows the opposite of what graham says? Oh, and did you ever notice that graham is SKINNY? That's becasue he eats mostly fruits. I don't get why someone would do that. That's one of the main reason people that go to a raw food diet have teeth problems. I don't see how it's even possible to have a 80/10/10 diet becasue most good foods have more than 10 percent protein.
  24. I wish i knew of a good naturopath in my region because i've looked into alot of different alternative types and havn't been impressed. Seems as though if you want good health you kinda have to figure it out by your self becasue doctors and tradition medicine isn't going to do it and alot of the alternative people are scam artists.
  25. Luckly for me i live in a good place for it becasue i live far away form cities and it's not very cold here. I live 1 hour east of Sacramento and 1 hour west of Tahoe. The the main thing i'm worried about is eatting something that is poisionist. Wild plants are so potent that even eatting some thing that is good for you in too high of a amount can lead to problems. I'd like to find someone in my area that knows alot about wild foods.
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