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Everything posted by beforewisdom

  1. You've been through some extreme bodily changes, from one end to another. Remember each place you have been, you will be ahead of everyone else for the lessons learned. What everyone else wrote. Just keep telling yourself you did it once, so you know you can do it again.
  2. Blondes *do* have more fun. You are just jealous.
  3. And a guy if you are the same "veganmomma" who posts on veganfitness.net
  4. When I was lifting heavy in college, my previously boyish face took on a more rugged, square, and muscular work. I didn't do any special exercises. The people who I have known whose faces stay perennially young looking have done all of these things: 1. Ate a lot of vegetables 2. Avoided sun tanning 3. Avoided tabacoo smoking and other drug use 4. Drank a lot of water 5. Got regular rest
  5. Robert runs this forum like he is a host at a party. He views how the conversations develop as being his responsibility and he makes an effort to steer the conversations to an enjoyable end for everyone. Robert cares what the tone is like and he practices what he preaches. I've lurked on 2-3 vegan forums where the moderators and even the owners of the site act more immature and act more hostile than the worst of the posters.
  6. People binge because they are not getting enough calories ( or nutrients ) You don't want to reduce your calorie intake anymore than enough to lose 1 pound a week, maximum. This will minimize muscle loss, minimize loose skin and help prevent you from looking like a raisin when you arrive at your goal weight. Doing this will also prevent you from feeling motivated to binge. Get yourself a good vegan nutrition guide ( http://www.veganoutreach.org/starterpack/ ), make sure you are getting enough of everything, and cut back on your calories at a moderate rate.
  7. I think all of this stuff about soy having a feminizing effect on men is BS. I've been eating a lot of soy for over a year. As you can see from my before and after photos it hasn't had any bad effects on me: 1 year before my new workout regime and high soy diet: http://www.swarthmore.edu/NatSci/math_stat/guy.jpg 1 year later: http://www.search-female-physique.com/4images/data/media/75/friend_monica.jpg
  8. I lost 48 pounds over the course of last year. I had similar experiences with old clothing in back of my closet. That is one of the best feelings ever. It should have its own name, something "farfigfitting" or something
  9. Nice pictures. It is good to hear that TK is still around. I went to her biofuel talk a few Summerfests ago and I have seen a few of her performances there. A pretty cool person.
  10. I liked Tigger. Very friendly welcoming gesture.
  11. The article said that Captain Watson was wearing a kevlar vest, that is why the Japanese Coast Guard is not answering for murder.
  12. There is a small 'veganic" movement that uses only plant based organic fertilizers. I would google on that term, find some farmers, and ask them for advice on what to use.
  13. I never see a need for sweeteners unless I occasionally bake. What do all of you use sweeteners for?
  14. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof and you haven't presented any citations for your opinion. No offense.
  15. Watch his documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" you can rent it from just about anywhere. The documentary is well researched and ALREADY answers many of the criticisms most people have heard Gore responds to the critics of the reality of man made global climate change http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=9072307 How To Talk To A Global Climate Change Skeptic http://gristmill.grist.org/skeptics Consensus http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Library/GlobalWarmingUpdate/ Climate Change: A Guide For The Perplexed http://environment.newscientist.com/channel/earth/dn11462 Scientific Opinion On Global Climate Change http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_opinion_on_climate_change
  16. Hello from VivaVegie Society, sponsoring organization of THE FIRST VEGGIE PRIDE PARADE IN AMERICA http://www.veggieprideparade.org/ May 18, 2008 Greenwich Village, NYC Rally: Washington Sq. Park What's that? Read our press release: * http://www.veggieprideparade.org/dept/pr.htm Here's how you can play a part: March in the parade: * http://www.veggieprideparade.org/dept/contests.htm * http://www.veggieprideparade.org/dept/veggies/ Volunteer: * http://www.veggieprideparade.org/dept/volunteers.htm Buy a space for your name or company name in our program guide (sure to be a collector's item some day): * http://www.veggieprideparade.org/dept/program.htm Donate: * http://www.veggieprideparade.org/dept/donations.htm Post a poster in your neighborhood: * http://www.veggieprideparade.org/dept/pr.htm Be a sponsor: * http://www.veggieprideparade.org/dept/sponsors.htm FAQs: * http://www.veggieprideparade.org/dept/faqs.htm Stay in touch: Our blog: * http://www.vivavegie.org/prideblog/index.html RSS feed for our blog: * http://www.vivavegie.org/prideblog/atom.xml Bulletin board to post a comment or a question (8 forums): * http://www.veggieprideparade.org/dept/bulletin.htm * http://www.vivavegie.org/prideblog/index.html (click for blog about bulletin board) Google calendar, committee events prior to parade date: * http://tinyurl.com/2f72xl Veggie Pride Parade office: One Union Sq. W., #512 New York, NY 10003 212-242-0011 Mailing address: VivaVegie Society P.O. Box 294 Prince St. Sta. New York, NY 10012
  17. I don't know what it is about wheat gluten, but it is one of those foods I can't eat enough of until I get an unpleasantly full feeling.
  18. True, but I have trouble swallowing ( pun intended ) that I might want to watch the number of apples I eat. The last person who went around cautioning people on fresh fruit was Atkins I do want to hear your opinion of the book when you are done. Is that your half of a head in your avatar?
  19. Global warming is an inconvenient lie pimped by scoundrels like Al Gore and other failed politicians/business people who have discovered a way to fool people and create new careers for themselves. Every scientist I have talked has minor problems with what Gore had to say in his documentary, but they agree with him adding that there is no doubt among the majority of scientists ( world wide ) who study the issue. How do you know what you know? Are you a scientist? Did you read your opinion from an article by a scientist? What do other scientists think of his/her opinion? I haven't read up on this in a while, but something like over 95% of climate scientists take global climate change as a fact. Unless those articles youread are by unrecognized EInsteins I would take their opinions with a grain of salt. The way I see it there are 3 motives for lying about global climate change that we should all be aware of: 1. Money - accepting global climate change means that a lot of people will have to spend money they do not want to spend. 2. Fear - it is overwhelming to to accept and deal with global climate change. It is a relief to be "reassured" that it is all a bunch of BS. Seriously, I would love it if someone could argue me into believing it is not true. I would feel less stressed. 3. Career advancement and attention Being one of the many, the majority of scientists who believe that global climate change is a fact doesn't do anything for your career. Disputing what is accepted as obvious in scientific circles makes you an iconoclast. Your name stands out. People pay attention to you. They court you with money and opportunities. Whenever someone tells me that man made, global climate change is a myth I look to see if one of these 3 motivations is behind their opinion.
  20. The criteria to look at in deciding whether to pay off a debt or make an investment is the interest rate. The interest rate on an investment is income. The interest rate on a debt is an expense. In the end it is about how much you can keep. In other words, it is more important to avoid spending $5 than earning $3. Paying off a debt with 4% interest is like "earning a return" on a 4% investment as that money isn't leaving you. So if you have a choice between an investment with a return of 3% or paying off a debt of 4% you will get more money by paying off the debt first since the interest rate is higher. All of this presupposes that you have taken the first step in any personal finance program, which is to establish an emergency fund that can cover your living expenses for at least 3 months. Once you have that ( preferably in a money market account ) then you next step is to pay off your debts, then to max out your retirement savings, then investing in mutual funds and lastly playing with higher risk investments if you are so inclined.
  21. LOL! I love this forum. It is the only place where you will see an attractive woman in both the "before" and "after" photos. Marcina, you photos should have been labeled as "good" and "even better"
  22. Even if you are eating whole grain pasta you probably are not getting enough protein if pasta is your primary source. Mix some legumes or soy foods in.
  23. Frito corn chips. Very salty corn chips in the shape of curled strips sold in the US
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